Here is my post again. Do you have anything in RESPONSE to what I said in this post or not ?
radorth said:
Veritas is correct, and all we have to do get more faith is admit ours is small.
Please. Veritas, nor you, are the authority on faith here.
This almost no Christian will do because of fear, of one kind or another.
Is this the game you must try to play to try to force someone to admit something that isnt true ?
Sorry to ruin your day but I have no fear in the matter and I know I have faith.
Im afraid you folks are going to have to learn to live with the FACT that many of us DO have faith that some seemingly cannot fathom.
Jesus' ministry was how long ?
About 3 years.
That means that His disciples were VERY young believers even at His death.
Many of US have been believers for decades. MUCH longer than when Jesus chastised His disciples for not having faith. LONG enough to have actually gotten faith that they did not have AT THAT TIME when Jesus said what He did.
I have found that a lot of blustering about what the scripture says and an inability to respect another's experience, usually indicates a weak faith where there has been no real interaction with God.
Absolute nonsense.
Again, is this the game you have to play here ?
YOU dont have the faith that we are talking about so you have to find some way to attack the faith of those who DO to try to get them to agree with you ?
Isnt going to happen, poster.
Ive had things happen and seen things in my life and I KNOW He exists. And I KNOW that my life was forfeit and my existence is in Him alone now. He has given me no choice but to have 100% faith in Him.
To one who has actually been to the third heaven, most preaching and doctrinal debates sound like a bunch of religious noise from people who have no real faith at all.
This sounds like someone who has no faith at all trying to convince himself that no one else does either ;)
I find more faith in people who have grown humbler and more apt to change their minds and admit their weaknesses as they grow in grace. (Is anybody here ready to boast like Paul of their weaknesses?)
MY weakness has nothing to do with my faith in God. I have plenty of my own weaknesses. And I have them while having 100% faith in God.
Those with great faith may have few friends and few people who agree with them. That is because the Reformation is still going on, and few Christians want to admit they haven't got it yet.Those with real faith don't repeat doctrines they heard "somewhere" over and over because the doctrine lines up with their experience. They don't need to prove to everybody they have it all figured out now. They are always hungry for more of the "living water" Jesus was talking about. (Jn 7:37 as I recall) If you don't have that, or haven't experienced it, you simply have beliefs. You don't really believe, because as Jesus said, if you did, "out of his inner most being will flow rivers of living water."
And maybe, poster, the REASON we share our faith is so that the READERS can KNOW that they CAN HAVE this kind of faith.
YOU see it as something negative, but people like my wife who are still young in Christ and have not yet come to that kind of faith...those who are genuinely SEARCHING for that faith, unlike some here who are simply trying to dismiss it...those such as my wife are blessed by seeing older brothers and sisters in Christ who are unwavering...who KNOW that God exists and trust Him without question.
Our faith is only actually a threat to those who dont have it yet and dont seem to want to admit it.
If you have not truly experienced that, you are a believer in name only I'm afraid, and it is just best to humble oneself and admit it, so it can flow.
And some who dont have that kind of faith want everyone to admit that they dont have it either so they can feel better about themselves.
Isnt going to happen.
I KNOW where I am at in my walk. I DONT doubt Gods existence and I DONT doubt that He is very active in my life and I trust Him implicitly. He has left me with no choice in the matter.
Does that bother you ?
All a few of you are doing is ENCOURAGING others to stop looking for that kind of faith. You seemingly are settled in your 99%, and so apparently want everyone else to just settle for 99% as well.
For you READERS, you CAN have more than what some here apparently what you to settle for.
Dont let anyone coerce you into accepting anything else..