As noted earlier - Ardipithecus ramidus is a dead-end ape species that shared a common designer with humans.
This is why I asked for what evidence you would accept. If you are going to just hand wave everything away and state "common designer" when I produce any evidence, then this conversation will never get anywhere. Mainly because there is no common designer theory. If you want to believe a common designer did it, that's fine. There is no field of study to back you. If you can present a peer reviewed study that shows how to determine a common designer, then I'm all for it. Other wise you have to demonstrate there was a designer to begin with.
You have provided no evidence on this thread to prove otherwise.
Quite the contrary. I provided links to articles that source the very papers on this subject. I provided the name of the specimen. I explained why its considered to be our ancestor. I have done more then show evidence. You don't have to accept it, but to say I haven't provided any is a lie. End of story.
Do you have *real science* to present or only your assumptions based on 'majority science'
Yes, unless you don't consider phylo genetics to be real science. If that's the case, I would love to see what you consider real science.
that is based on naturalistic metaphysics? You do understand the differences between science and metaphysics
I think I should be asking you that question. Mainly because "Naturalistic Mataphysics" can not exist. Mainly because they are 2 contradictory classifications. Naturalism being the study of the physical world, and metaphysics being the study of the supernatural and the concept of self. Nothing of what I have said is anything close to metephysics. Gnomes and Homologous structures are naturalistic, not metaphysical.
Questions: do you think 99% of Darwinian scientists are atheists/agnostics?
No, I'm also not trying to convince you of atheism or agnosticism. You stated there was no common ancestor, so I showed you what we have discovered and showed you why its considered an ancestor. To state I haven't done this is a lie.
Do you think atheists consider a common designer as a possible explanation for life on this planet or are they forced to accept naturalistic explanations only, i,e, naturalism?
No, there is no working theory or field of study to show a common designer. Unless you can demonstrate a common dessigner, then its useless as a scientific explanation.
This is irrelevant to what we are talking about, and nothing but a diversion. I'm agnostic atheist. Any questions about that will only be answered in PM. Iim interested in staying on topic. If you no longer wish to talk about Ardi, then this conversation is over. Unless you want to talk about this through private message.
I would prefer to see you present both and please present your evidence on this thread - I don't debate websites.
I posted a link because I didn't want to fill up this entire thread with a wall of text. If you are hand waving my provided evidence because you have to click a link. Then I don't think I'm going to waste my time, going to that very link, just so I can paste the very papers that back up my position, But I see no point if you are just going to hand wave it away with "common designer", a non existent theory that is nothing but an unbacked claim.
And if you could please refrain from presenting only assumptions and hand-waving as noted in your prior posts it would be helpful. Just science works fine for me.
I have, you waved it away with your non scientific common designer claim. Either back your claim up, or admit stalemate.
That’s a fallacious statement my friend. It is only one explanation.
No, it is verifiable testing and observation that is exactly how ERVs work. Unless you have a paper that states otherwise, you do not have a leg to stand on. Claiming I'm wrong, but not providing any substantial evidence or president dose not work.
A common designer could have repeatedly used existing species in situ as the blueprint for constructing more advanced species or if ERV sequences have a function (and it appears they do) a common designer could have inserted the same ERV sequences at the same locus in separate species for reasons that are beyond current scientific discovery.
Where is your evidence that any of that happened. This is nothing but a claim used to wave away the current explanation of ERVs. This also shows what an ERV even is. An ERV is a Endogenous Retrovirus. Here is the wikipedia page for it. If you taken the time even google ERVs, you see how your last statement makes no sense. What is the highest level of biology you have taken sir?
Your Darwinian dogmatism is showing.
Actually that statement alone you are not aware that most of Darwin's position on the theory of evolution has been tossed out. Mainly with the discovery of genetics. If can't be dogmatic of a position, if I already disagree with Darwinian Theory. This is why I asked you what level of biology you have studied, because if you had anything hire then a high-school level freshmen biology class, you would have seen that most of Darwinian theory is wrong and that Mendel is a bigger influence, and even that is barely saying anything because even Mendel was wrong and has been corrected. I think its been established that I should be asking you what you know.
You need to actually provide the scientific evidence on this thread that proves ERV sequences found at the same locus could only be the result of common ancestry as you insist.
Just did. I already have a feeling you are going to refuse that as well.
your assertions and presumptions prove absolutely nothing. Give us some real science...if you can.
I have, you haven't. Its your turn to provide evidence for your claim. I provided links to papers and articles. You haven't. You have made the assertion of a common designer, but no evidence for it. Your turn.
Again, homologous structures/genetic similarities work as well for common design and they do for common ancestry. You have provided nothing that proves they can only apply to common ancestry. You will have to do better if you are to convince anyone that your Darwinian dogma is the correct dogma.
Rinse repeat. This is a broken record at this point. Provide your evidence of a contrary or admit stalemate.
You’re up. Looking forward to seeing your real scientific evidence that proves you metaphysical dogma correct.
Nope, I played a full inning. Its your turn to provide counter evidence. If you can't. Admit stale mate.