- Jun 5, 2003
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- #81
The only surprise is you appear to be trying to float the notion that Darwin was a Christian
In The Voyage of the Beagle he mentions how his orthodoxy as an Anglican was cause for amusement among the officers of the ship. Based on his writings, he was a theist until late in life when he said he was leaning toward agnosticism. But he was a Christian when he wrote The Origin of Species.
And many evolutionists, including those who most affected the modern theory, such as Theo Dobzhansky, Thomas Hunt Morgan, and others, were Christians.
The truth remains – the vast majority of evolutionary scientists today are atheists and many (Dawkins, et al) have an agenda to destroy the faith of Jesus Christ.
Dawkins and who else? Notice that evolutionists like Francis Collins, (evangelical) Kenneth Miller,(Roman Catholic) and many others are confirmed Christians.
What is the differenbce between your version of evolutionism and the evolutionism preached by Richard Dawkins?
I've read one book by Dawkins, and it was technical. So I'm not very familiar with his religious views of evolution. I don't buy into the hyperselectionism sometimes found in the "selfish gene" thinking, but that isn't really of consequence to the issue of God.
Bottom line, evolution is completely compatible with God's creation. How could it be otherwise? You might as well declare gravity at odds with creation.