While it IS difficult to offer DIRECT Biblical PROOF concerning MUSIC itself, I would be 'hard pressed' to offer Biblical support on ANY view concerning MANY subjects. Drugs, abortion, sex acts between consenting, married adults, etc,,,,,, the list is long and varied.
But there MUST be 'answers' to even those questions that are NOT SPECIFICALLY addressed in The Word. Often times the answers are revealed THROUGH The Word but NOT actually in 'the words contained therein'. It is the Spirit that offers guidance and the words contained within the Bible itself are BUT foolishness to this world.
We KNOW that 'spiritual adutery' was introduced to, and perpetrated by, the Hebrews/Jews OVER and OVER again. The EXACT nature of their rituals were NOT offered in detail in most instances but we KNOW that the idolotry existed for we have the words of the prophets stating as much. Now, HOW do you reacon this idolotry was INTRODUCED to God's people? What was IT that enticed them into 'spiritual adultery'? Ever THOUGHT about it?
Now, Paul DID offer that there were those in churches to which he wrote letters to that were performing ritual that was pertaining to SELF edification rather than edification of EACH OTHER. We also KNOW that ANYTHING that promotes that which is NOT HOLY was warned against. To simply accept into the fold THOSE that are NOT devoted to God through His Son is to 'take pleasure' in that which they DO. How MUCH of this do you 'think' must 'take place' before the WHOLE loaf is LEAVENED?
We were told that we are to 'wipe our feet' from the dust of the homes of those that have been offered testimony and are UNABLE to 'see'. We are told to rebuke our brothers and sisters for unholy acts.
Now, concerning music. If the music promotes unholy behavior it obviously CAN'T be USED in edification of Christ's Church. I don't think that anyone would disagree that music dealing with drug abuse, illicit sexuality, stealing, killing, etc...........IS 'unholy music'. Now, IF one is able to come to an understanding such as this concening music, WHERE is the dividing line? EXACTLY where and when does music 'fall short' of actually HONORING God?
We have been warned that Satan is the MASTER of subtlety. That his lies are so close to the TRUTH that he is able to subvert even those that ARE Holy. That God will be forced to 'cut the days short' so that EVEN THE VERY ELECT are not led astray.
Now WHO among us is ABLE to clearly SEE all of his SUBTLETY? Who among us is ABLE to discern for themselves HOW they can live OUTSIDE of the framework that has been offered WITHOUT falling prey to the beast looking to devour?
Music, is it JUST a 'form of entertainment' that has NO bearing on the Spirit? Or are you ABLE to recognize it's impact ON the spirit of men? Righteous, unrighteous, how do we discern the differnce IF the master of subtlety is ABLE to mimic that which IS from above?
Is it simply a matter of 'using His name'? Does THAT mean that it IS Holy? For Peter Gabriel makes Biblical reference in his music as do MOST in the music industry. And IF there is no DANGER inherent in music, why is it that SO much of it deals with issues of religion or spirituality?
And what EXACTLY IS the effect that it is able to elicite in those that 'partake' in it's RITUAL?
Our testimony is refered to symbolically as 'planting seeds'. WHO can SAY that the music that we listen to is NOT PLANTING SEEDS. And the question is NOT; IS IT, but what FORM of seeds are being sown?
These are questions that "I" do not consider to be of little or NO consequence. We can clearly SEE how the 'churches' have degenerated in their pagentry and membership. What ARE the contributing factors to such a 'lack of Spirit' that we can PLAINLY observe in todays society? How IS IT that 'sexuality', 'the family', 'basic morals', 'anger', 'hate', etc............have BECOME so prevalent in our soceity EVEN in the 'religious community'? What are the COMMON factors that have influenced the degeneration of The Spirit of those that WERE 'once concerned with that which IS Holy'?
I believe that MUSIC is a MAJOR contributing 'factor'. That MANY would 'disagree' is without question. But so too would they disagree in a discussion concerning the OVERWHELMING influence of demons in todays society. For FEW that LIKE something are WILLING to 'give it up' for ANY reason, much LESS for the simply fact that it may or may NOT be Holy.
The 'artist' is often CAUGHT between two world IN THEIR ART. Especially ONCE they come to a conclusion concerning it's BASIS. And even the artists works themselves OFTEN reflect the inner conflict of the religious nature of the art itself.
So too is this most easily recognized in music ONCE one is able to come to an understanding of it. We struggle daily with principalities and powers that are NOT 'physical'. And this battle is being fought right before our very eyes. The biggest problem is that it takes eyes OPEN Spiritually to discern those things that ARE Spiritual. But so long as we LONG for and pine over that which is PHYSICAL, it makes it ALMOST impossible to discern that which IS Spiritual.
We have been warned of the danger of 'itching ears'. That the 'flesh' desires that which IS carnal. Yet we are to 'put away the OLD MAN' and become NEW. This is NOT simply symbolic. So HOW are we to 'put away' that which is 'carnal' WITHOUT 'sacrifice of the OLD MAN'? A 'dying TO flesh' to be 'reborn in Spirit'. How is this to BE accomplished if we simply SAY that we 'believe' WITHOUT a 'putting away' of the 'things of THIS WORLD'?
Would PAUL have exposed himself to that which is ABLE to subvert EVEN THOUGH he stated that ALL THINGS were LEGAL for HIM? A question that MANY would stand to benefit from the understanding of the ANSWER.