Yeshua said it simple and powerfully, "be miserable and mourn and weep...."
to whom ? 'you poor' ? no. to the rich.
yes, 'spiritual rich'(in themselves) as well as physical rich.....
remember, the true believers- faithful to Yeshua, if they are rich, weep fervently and deeply because of sin, just like poor believers faithful to Yeshua. but they weep with a sorrow that leads to repentance.
A taste of heaven....
Would Jesus do these:
Would Jesus own manshions, private jets, etc?
This bring me back to my intent: is luxury and wealth really that bad or bad?
What is heaven like? A place of poverty? NO! It is a place of joy. Everything is perfect and complete. So why cant we have a feel or taste of heaven (no matter how incomparable eartly wealth is...) right from earth.
a taste of heaven?? >> the kingdom is not meat and drink(or things moth and rust and thieves can take) but Righteousness(today), Peace(today), and Joy(today), and eternal life to boot(forever!).
Jesus wouldn't own those. Yes , luxury and wealth really is that bad, and worse. Those who desire the things of the world are not a friend of Yhwh, remember ? "he who hates his life will gain it" and so on.... much much more if you can bear it - read it in the Gospels and the rest of the N.T.
How many times did Yeshua emphasize that to be His disciple, you had to give up ice cream on weekends ? (i.e. what did Yeshua say to give up?)
Don't let man dissuade you nor distract you from what Yeshua says.
wonderfully , seek the true taste of heaven >> what Yeshua says >> Righteousness, Peace and Joy; now, today, Yhwh's Gift; (with conditions found in Scripture)