John.10:17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay
down my life, that I might take it again.
10:18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of
myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to
take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
that I might take it again
I will raise it up
raise what?
His body and His life.
Sure sounds like
resurrection to me.
have power to take it again
If you can show me that Jesus did not
say this then you may have a case. Otherwise he did indeed say it. And confirmed
that He could because He has the power to do so.
“I have
power to take [my life] againâ€
Most trinitarian translations translate John 10:17-18 as
“I lay down my life, that I may take it again .... I have power to lay it down, and I have
power to
take it again; this charge I have received from my Father.†-
That Jesus had the “
power to
take his life again†might seem to be implying that he would actually resurrect himself.
However, we should be aware that, although this translation is understandably the most popular one for
trinitarians, it is not the only interpretation. In fact, it is not even the most likely, and, in light of many other scriptures, it is certainly not the most appropriate.
Even some trinitarian Bibles translate
lambano in John 10:17, 18 as “
receive†instead of “take†(as in the
RSV above) and
exousia as “
right†or “
authority†instead of “power†as in the
RSV above:
“I have the right to lay it down, and I have the
right [exousia] to
receive [lambano] it back again; this charge I have received from my Father.†-
New English Bible (
NEB) .
Such a rendering, of course, is in line with the Father
alone actually raising up the dead Jesus as so many scriptures plainly state.
The very trinitarian
New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible tells us that
exousia can mean several different things including “
right,†and “power.†It further shows us that the equally trinitarian
New American Standard Bible (
NASB) translates
exousia as “authority†65 times, as “right†11 times, and as “power†11 times.
As the trinitarian
New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology tells us, Jesus
“has the
exousia to give his life and to take it again (Jn 10:18) .... Those who receive him and believe in his name are
given exousia to become children of God (Jn 1:12).†- p. 610, Vol. 2, 1986.
John 1:12 is translated, “are given the
right [exousia] or authority to become children of God†in the following trinitarian Bibles:
NASB, ASV, NIV, NKJV, MKJV, LITV, AT, GNB, TEV, CEV, NEB, REB, CBW, BBE, LB, GodsWord, Holman NT, ISV NT, and the translations by trinitarians Young, Moffatt, Rotherham, and William Barclay.
lambano most frequently means “
receive.†The trinitarian
New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible tells us that
lambano can mean several different things including “
receive,†“accept,†and “take.†It further shows us that the equally trinitarian
New American Standard Bible (
NASB) translates
lambano as “
receive†132 times and all others (including 109 “takeâ€s) only 122 times. Even when translated as “take†in the
NASB (and other translations)
lambano can often still be in the sense of
receiving something that has been offered to those who are worthy - see Rev. 5:9; 10:8, 9; 22:17.
As the trinitarian
New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology tells us,
lambano means to
receive (in the more passive sense): e.g. a bite, money, alms. It is important with theological objects: eternal
life (Mk.10:30)â€. And, “
lambano is theologically significant in its meaning of
receive. It corresponds with God’s
giving (
didomai): God gives - man
receives. (i) Jesus himself LIVES by RECEIVING: he has received his commission, the Spirit, power (Jn 10:18; Acts 2:33; Rev. 2:28 [2:27 in most Bibles]). He is the gift of God and
lives by receiving.†- p. 748, vol . 3, 1986.
Any cut-and-paste material is from my own original files. These files which I have originated have also been posted at numerous places on-line at various times over the past 15 years.