I knew someone would misunderstand this, lol. I didn't say doctrine doesn't matter to God.
Correct doctrine never saved a single soul, and never will. But this is what so many people think 'believing' means; that you are saved because you believe correct things about the facts of the faith, or worship correctly, or belong to a denomination that believes correctly, etc. Trust in Christ's blood is what saves. Faith that turns you into one who loves like God loves, forgiving others and having mercy and compassion for them, thus fulfilling the law. Possessing correct doctrines does not fulfill the requirements of the law of Moses and show one to belong to God through faith in Christ.
Is that post per/thread subject, or your way of going against your own post??
2 Cor. 4:2
Read the Re: Abandon Ship! Question again, perhaps something completely different is meant?? Such as 'cutting up' the person of the post?? Whatever. Matt. 10:25
Abandon Ship!
Acts 27:43-44 But the centurion... commanded that those who could swim should jump overboard first and get to land, and the rest, some on boards and some on parts of the ship.
When should you leave your church? Your Bible college? Your denomination? Any Christian ministry?
The accusation about rats deserting a sinking ship is not found in the Scriptures, but shouldn't you be loyal to a failing ministry? Or should you blame everything on the leader and go elsewhere? Is it your fault? Should you be a church-hopper? For the sake of your children, should you go to the best church possible, even if that means leaving your own church?
The centurion made the right decision. Can you?