It is unScriptural to say that God is the one hindering the majority of our healings today, because we don't see Him hindering the majority of healings in Scripture. Virtually everyone who wanted healing received it throughout the New Testament, and God never said that healing will "die out" or that He will deny our healing for any reason. This means that whatever is blocking our healing, it's on our side
Jesus had a ministry of evangelism, healing, and casting out demons before He went to the cross, and He turned this ministry over to the Church in what we call "the Great Commission." Therefore, none of these things ever "died out"
Jesus never commissioned anyone to "pray" for the sick (e.g. "Father, please heal that person in Jesus' Name"), but instead He commissioned us to heal the sick. There's a big difference! We're not praying for healing the way they did in the New Testament, and that's a big reason why we're not seeing the results that they saw
God is not going to do something to heal us, because He has already done what needs to be done. Jesus paid for our healing in the Atonement.
This physical reality is temporary, and the spiritual reality is eternal. The spiritual reality is the true reality.
Our born-again spirit is a citizen of heaven, and in the spiritual reality we have already been raised up with Christ and seated with Him in the heavenly realms.
Our spirit is in Christ and with Christ at all times, as part of His body.
Most Christians are mentally and emotionally tuned into this physical world and never tune into the spiritual reality, so they never experience much of the supernatural here on earth.
If we can allow the spiritual reality to flow through our spirit into the physical world like streams of living water, then we are more likely to see miracles and healings and so on.
Jesus had a ministry of evangelism, healing, and casting out demons before He went to the cross, and He turned this ministry over to the Church in what we call "the Great Commission." Therefore, none of these things ever "died out"
Jesus never commissioned anyone to "pray" for the sick (e.g. "Father, please heal that person in Jesus' Name"), but instead He commissioned us to heal the sick. There's a big difference! We're not praying for healing the way they did in the New Testament, and that's a big reason why we're not seeing the results that they saw
God is not going to do something to heal us, because He has already done what needs to be done. Jesus paid for our healing in the Atonement.
This physical reality is temporary, and the spiritual reality is eternal. The spiritual reality is the true reality.
Our born-again spirit is a citizen of heaven, and in the spiritual reality we have already been raised up with Christ and seated with Him in the heavenly realms.
Our spirit is in Christ and with Christ at all times, as part of His body.
Most Christians are mentally and emotionally tuned into this physical world and never tune into the spiritual reality, so they never experience much of the supernatural here on earth.
If we can allow the spiritual reality to flow through our spirit into the physical world like streams of living water, then we are more likely to see miracles and healings and so on.