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  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

Accepting Christ?


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My journey through Christianity has delivered me to the acceptance of Christ.
If one was to begin a new life as a Christian, how would the acceptance of Christ be performed?
Ditto!! It's exciting, refreshing, and encouraging to read and witness your posts MSchultz because it is very clear that you are right now in this point of your life being molded and shaped into a new person in Christ by the Master Potter, that is, God Almighty himself! :sohappy:pray

For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:8 NKJV

Keep on knockin'!
Thank you for your reply WIP.
The journey I am on is exciting to say the least.
I am exploring avenues I never thought I would; experiencing a new outlook on the purpose and meaning of life.
There might have been a clear statement of obtaining Salvation, if there was, please excuse my old mind. Here is one of my favorites and quite simple, like me....
Romans 10:9 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Someone mentioned the Gospel of John. That's where I recommend new believers start. I hope the various posts have not confused you MSchultz. As WIP said, "Keep on knocking".
Hello Chopper. I have started reading the Gospel of John; it's remarkably similar to Genesis in some respect, however I assume it is John's account on creation, however that's another thread entirely.
Hello Chopper. I have started reading the Gospel of John; it's remarkably similar to Genesis in some respect, however I assume it is John's account on creation, however that's another thread entirely.

John is the Gospel that aims most directly at establishing the divinity of Jesus, right from the start.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
I hesitate to throw too much at you since you're studying John. Romans is two books after John. It is stunningly powerful in how salvation comes, so much so that Romans 1:17 was pivotal in awakening Martin Luther to the realization that how salvation comes that the Church had taught until then was flawed. This ultimately led to the reformation of the Church.

Meh... I'm getting too deep. When the time feel right, read Romans 1-4 and read it slowly.
I hesitate to throw too much at you since you're studying John. Romans is two books after John. It is stunningly powerful in how salvation comes, so much so that Romans 1:17 was pivotal in awakening Martin Luther to the realization that how salvation comes that the Church had taught until then was flawed. This ultimately led to the reformation of the Church.

Meh... I'm getting too deep. When the time feel right, read Romans 1-4 and read it slowly.
Thank you Mike; I am slowly absorbing the Word attempting to grasp some understanding.
Hi MSschultz. Congratulations on your new faith. Starting with Luke 14 could be pretty helpful. Jesus said a lot of challenging things, especially regarding greed, fear, pride etc which can be pretty difficult. In that chapter he tells a story about a person who started something but then wasn't able to finish. I'm familiar with it as the "counting the cost" parable.

You should probably familiarize yourself with what Jesus expects of his followers. I recommend you read through the 4 gospels and make a list of every expectation Jesus gave in order to be his disciple. When you've finished, read through the list and ask yourself if you're prepared to practice those various principles and behaviors.
The "process of your acceptance of Jesus" to first Trust him to be your savior, (Faith is Trust) and then to learn to lean on Him as your Lord and provider all your life.
As time passes and you do this, you grow in Grace & spiritual understanding and experience the Joy of the Lord.
The New Testament is your Light and your spiritual food....... Fill yourself up with it all the time.
Being "saved", is to understand that you belong to God now, BECAUSE The Blood of Christ purchased you and forgave you.

Here are some lyrics that you might think about....and meditate on..


I'm learning to lean, learning to lean,
Learning to lean on Jesus.
Finding more power than I'd ever dreamed,
I'm learning to lean on Jesus.

The joy I can't explain fills my heart,
Since the day I made Jesus my King;
His blessed Holy Spirit is leading my way,
He's teaching and I'm learning to lean.

There's glorious victory each day now for me,
Since I found His peace so serene;
He helps me with each task, if only I'll ask;
Every day now I'm learning to lean.

I'm learning to lean, learning to lean,
Learning to lean on Jesus.
Finding more power than I'd ever dreamed,
I'm learning to lean on Jesus.
Hello Chopper. I have started reading the Gospel of John; it's remarkably similar to Genesis in some respect, however I assume it is John's account on creation, however that's another thread entirely.
Just for thought, I don't see John's gospel as his account of creation but rather his expression of who Christ is. As I read through the gospel of John I am given a deep look into the character of Jesus.
learn to lean on Him as your Lord and provider all your life.
Though it is only through Jesus, I have found that there is not exactly one unique way to do that. I like the idea of leaning on him and, in varies ways, this is a common thread to your success. For me, it was when I told God that I had everything in life....beautiful / loving Christian Wife, two beautiful handsome sons, big house on the river, three cars and two boats but, I look up at him and said I was on empty, that I couldn't do it all and I must be missing something and that something had to be his son. I was leaning on him to do what I was not capable of doing and, I asked him to bring Jesus into my life.... I never have looked back or questioned my salvation. I see so many people use the phrase " Jesus said the truth would set you free" in various ways to push a point but, for me, I was set free, the day I first believed!
Thank you Mike; I am slowly absorbing the Word attempting to grasp some understanding.
You said that you were reading John...and you are correct that it seems bit like Genesis.

What Genesis shows is that God knows everything.... even that mankind would fall from grace. But that God has always designed man to have fellowship with Him inside of the Holy of Holies.
(The pure place in the Temple)
And that before God did anything He created a plan for the Salvation of Man in the form of Jesus...who is the Light God created on the first day. Who actually is God himself.

IOW God wants to have fellowship with you on a personal level. He doesn't need you but He desires to have you.

I'm currently forgetting your location at the moment if it is Europe or ....

Either way.... continue on.
Hello Chopper. I have started reading the Gospel of John; it's remarkably similar to Genesis in some respect, however I assume it is John's account on creation, however that's another thread entirely.

Good going my new friend. Keep feeding on the Word of God, it's alive and will accomplish God's will in your life if you believe it and do what the Word says.

I spent 2 1/2 years near Heidelberg. I was an Army specialist during the Berlin Crises. We kept Russia from taking over Germany in the early 60s. You can Google "Berlin Crises or Berlin Conflict and get some information on what I was doing there.

Any way, I'm here to serve and help you with most anything. Being newly Born Again is an exciting time for you. Probably lots of questions. If you have anything private that you'd like some counsel on, please start a "conversation" and I'll try and help.
Praying for you and your walk with Christ. As really when you accept Him as Savior and Lord. You are forever changed. And continues to grow with prayer and Bible study.
For MSchultz: Your Bible is your GPS for life! Please consider these 2 scriptures:
John 16:13, "when He, the Spirit of Truth has come He will guide you into all TRUTH"
Psalm 119:18 "Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Your law"
The Holy Spirit wants you to get hold of the truth, only He can reveal the truth, and only the truth has the power to eliminate the deception that the enemy uses to confuse and cloud our minds. So PRAY the Words you read, make them personal! Understanding will come as you read and ask Him to lead you to the truth. You're looking for God's truth, not man's opinion, or mere religious words.
Finally, I Timothy 2:4 (God) "Who wills that all men be saved, AND come to the knowledge of the TRUTH."
You have now been saved. From this point on, you are now embarking on a journey, day by day coming more and more into God's revealed Truth about Who He is, and who you are now that you have taken the first step with Him.
Welcome to the journey of a lifetime with God your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and God the Holy Spirit!
Good morning fellow seeker of truth. You have made a wonderful declaration! To accept Jesus as your lord is the best decision you could have ever made, yet this is just the beginning. Lets examine our lord's example thoroughly. Only then will you understand what you must do, for simply declaring is not enough. One can declare to be a surgeon, yet without intense study, practice, tested among those who know, the declaration is just that: simply words.
The gospel accounts don't elaborate much on Jesus' early life prior to his baptism but enough IS written for us to discern what type of child, and young adult he was. At the age of 12, Jesus was in the synagogue in Jerusalem asking questions and the priest were astounded at his depth and knowledge Luke 2:46, 47. What do we learn? Before Jesus was baptized he was eagerly learning the word of God. In Luke 2:52 we learn that Jesus continued to live in a way that was pleasing to God as he progressed in wisdom. Therefore, Jesus continued to study his father's word and living with regard to godly principles. All of this occurred prior to Jesus becoming baptized. Then Jesus was baptized and received God's holy spirit Luke 3:21,22. So lets briefly recap what occurred:
1. Jesus learned about his heavenly father by being taught by Joseph and Mary as well as studying God's Word diligently.
2. He lived in a way pleasing to God for all to see.
3. He questioned and taught those who claimed to know God's word and those who did not.
4. He was baptized and received Holy spirit.
5. He then resisted the devil and went on preaching and teaching about the kingdom of God. All the while continuing to live in a way pleasing to his Father. Luke 4:1-14, Luke 8:1.
so as you can see, public declaration is just the beginning. Once you accept Jesus as your lord and Christ, you are declaring him to be your master. You are declaring yourself to be his slave. If he is your master and you are his slave, then you must do the things he commands you to do. Matt 28:19-20. You must do the things your master did. You must live in a way that pleases God. You must be baptized as a symbol of that dedication. You must teach people of God's Kingdom. Only then will you be a slave of Jesus Christ. Only then will Jesus truly be your master.
Beloved, do not fear, for the day your heart resolved to follow Jesus was the very day God, Jesus, and all the angels rejoiced. Luke 15:10 as well as millions of humans with kindred spirit and worship in truth.
Enjoy your day. Paradise awaits!

My journey through Christianity has delivered me to the acceptance of Christ.
If one was to begin a new life as a Christian, how would the acceptance of Christ be performed?


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