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Bible Study Adam and Eve – Causing God to Sin Against Himself!


Adam and Eve – Causing God to Sin Against Himself!

There is a longstanding question as to why Satan tempted Eve first, but not Adam? There is a simple reason as to why Satan tempted Eve and not Adam. When God created Adam he first created Adam's flesh. Then God 'breathed the breath of life' into Adam. So Adam now had a part of God in him, GOD'S own breath of life. But when Eve was created God took Adam's rib and made a 'copy', therefore Eve had only Adam's 'breath of life' since there is no mention of Eve ever receiving God's breath of life directly.

Now if Satan were to tempt Adam he would actually be tempting God himself, since Adam had God's original breath of life. But by Satan tempting Eve Satan avoided tempting God himself ( Satan eventually did tempt God when he tempted Jesus Christ in the desert).

So when Satan tempted Eve, thereby causing Eve to succumb to Satan's lie and eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, Satan wasn't tempting God directly because Eve didn't have God's breath of life in her.

If Satan had tempted Adam Satan would have been tempting God since Adam had God's breath of life in him.

Since Adam had God's breath of life in him, and when Eve then tempted Adam, she was also tempting God himself, which is a sin. As for Adam, since he had God's breath of life, Adam used God's own breath of life to be disobedient and eat the forbidden fruit. In effect Adam was forcing God to sin against himself, which is a sin. Both Adam and Eve now sinned against God by making God disobedient against himself. Eve, by tempting Adam, represented God tempting himself for Eve had God's image, and Adam represented God acting on that temptation for Adam had both the image of God and God's breath of life.

It is only when both Adam and Eve sinned against God, thereby forcing God to sin against himself, did they begin to see their own nakedness and hide. They both became sinful at that moment.

Again, Eve sinned against God by tempting Adam who had God's own breath of life (additionally Adam had God's image), therefore Eve was temping God himself. And Adam sinned against God by using God's own breath of life to force God to sin against himself by eating the forbidden fruit. Adam was, in effect, a proxy for God in the Garden of Eden.

Satan ultimately sinned against God in the Garden of Eden as well because God gave the breath of life to all the animals. So when Satan possessed the serpent he was also taking possession of God's breath of life and then using it to tempt Eve. Therefore Satan also forced God to sin against himself when he used the serpent to tempt Eve.

Adam and Eve both had God's image and Adam had God's breath of life. Therefore they represented a sinless God in the Garden of Eden. After their sin they both were thrown out of the Garden of Eden for God cannot be represented as a sinful person. Jesus Christ would arrive later and take up the duty of representing a sinless God here on earth like Adam once did in the Garden of Eden.

Jesus Christ was God's own son, God become man, who lived on this earth to bring honor back to the Godhead. Jesus Christ brought honor back to God by never forcing God to sin against himself. When Jesus Christ took upon himself human flesh, with both God's image and God's breath of life, Jesus Christ became what Adam was in the Garden of Eden, a sinless man representing a sinless God.

Jesus Christ never sinned while on this earth thereby he never forced God to disobey his own commandments by giving in to any temptations (like Adam and Eve did). But Jesus Christ did ultimately die on the cross to pay the penalty for all of our disobedience (eating the forbidden fruit) in the Garden of Eden.

The essential question concerning Jesus Christ is.....will God judge himself for the sins committed by those who represented him, namely Adam and Eve and all of their descendants. God answered that question when he sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross.

For those who believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ you will be given eternal life with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit in heaven. Otherwise you will have to endure the penalty of Adam and Eve's sin which is eternal life separate from God in hell.

Everyone who now believes in Jesus Christ will be given a new resurrected body in heaven and a new name so that we'll never be tempted ever again to force God to sin against himself. It'll be the ultimate witness protection program!!!!!!!

Only Jesus Christ can now be trusted in heaven to never force God to sin against himself ever again.

Please choose an eternal life in heaven by believing in Jesus Christ!

God Bless
God is not capable of doing anything that is against His nature, which includes sinning against Himself.

To suggest that by Satan tempting Adam to sin is the same as tempting God to sin is a very dangerous doctrine to suggest.
There is a disconnect between God and Adam. The fact that God allowed Adam to have a will free from God's mastery, Adam was made separate from God. Had God made Adam equal with Himself, making him God along side of Him, like an addition to the Trinity, making them four, then I would agree with you, but God did not make Adam equal with Himself therefore Adam is separate from God in his actions.

Knotical said that God is not capable of doing anything against His nature, that is right. God does not give anyone the power to cause Him to sin. Only God is in control of His nature, no one else. You mentioned Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, Satan was trying to get Jesus to make a decision separate from the Godhead which in turn would have Jesus sinning against the rest of the Godhead. Since Jesus did not fall for Satan's deception, Satan lost. By the way, If what you say is true concerning God sinning against Himself, Satan would not have tried to deceive Jesus in the wilderness.
Your profile is, for the most part, no help when one wants to understand you but here goes. Others have already began to explain why what you're teaching here is incorrect so I'm going to try a small amount of counseling. God's Word, the Holy Word is known as and oft refereed to and the Living Word of God. It is known as such because it is self defined and self interpreted when the meaning is needed.

I know, not, how far you are in your walk with God but Brother, the Holy Spirit did not give this message to you, that I and the other believers here can know that much because God never disagrees with Himself and as you clearly see, you have struck a chord of discord with this lesson. What is apparent is that you either have not come to grips with allowing God to lead or, may God forbid, you're not sold out to Him yet.

With the knowledge that the Word defines and explains itself the rules of Hermeneutics are essential to learn because they will demonstrate to any man that there is no understanding the Word of God without the knowledge and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Now the Holy Spirit is, for the greater portion, a mystery, even to the Church today resulting in a sin we are cautioned against in the New Testament, the sin of quenching the Spirit.
(1 Thessalonians 5:19-22) I believe, from my and my friends Salvation Experience that every saved man or woman is indwelt with the Spirit the moment they are saved. But that Thessalonians command is seldom adhered to resulting is folks inside the Church arriving at different, man made, ideas of what scripture says about this or about that.

The danger arrives when folks like Jim Jones or the Waco Wacko do what you have done here, taking a verse from it's context and just as you have done here, they build a new, man made, theological point from it in spite of the truth that it does not stand the test of the light of all other scripture and for this to be, God would have had to lie... we all know better than that.

Praying you study with the Holy Spirit leading you.
"""" Now if Satan were to tempt Adam he would actually be tempting God himself """"

Adam was not a god. Adam was a created being.

I believe that Satan knew that if he could get Eve to fall for his deception, then Adam would be next. So in a sense Satan was tempting Adam. Adam, though he was the first created human, and had the breath of God to animate him and give him life, that in no way made him equal with God. He was a creation of the highest form. Any of God's creations are servants. To tempt any of God's creations is in no way tempting God Himself. God is not stupid! His nature is holy! There is nothing within the nature of God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit that sin could appeal to.
I believe that Satan knew that if he could get Eve to fall for his deception, then Adam would be next. So in a sense Satan was tempting Adam. Adam, though he was the first created human, and had the breath of God to animate him and give him life, that in no way made him equal with God. He was a creation of the highest form. Any of God's creations are servants. To tempt any of God's creations is in no way tempting God Himself. God is not stupid! His nature is holy! There is nothing within the nature of God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit that sin could appeal to.
I agree, Chopper. And with the much disputed though taught in scripture truth of Predestination and the biblical understanding of it, Ugmug's scenario falls apart on every point brought up here including the truth on Predestination. A little understanding is needed.

God knew who to write the names of in the Book of life before He created the World because of God's omnipresence, a rarely considered attribute of the Father. Omnipresence, a.k.a. unlimited presence, unlike the created humans, God is not only everywhere but also everywhere and at every time. God never has to look forward nor to look back because God, the Spirit Being, is there, right now.

Every point of this idea is groundless in light of this but for it to be true God, our Father, could not have the trait of Omnipresence. Because God is Holy, in this case, perfect, He cannot sin in any form and if He knew such an event might have occurred He would never allow it to bear fruit. another point, if God had ever sinned He would have need or a lie to cover the event up, sinning perpetually. This is all without proper study and prayerful forethought and we, just, can't ever allow ourselves to be found there.

Ug, you've gotten everyone to thinking but where are you?
Who could ever tempt God that God would fall to temptation. What could God gain that He does not already own. One walks a dangerous line with God when they try to teach from theory alone for theory is not the word of God, but speculation of a carnal mind and we know the carnal mind in enmity against Gods Spirit, Romans 8:7.
he has a history of that.
Perhaps then, he is unaware that communicating with other people, seeking to follow God, is the people equivalent of iron sharpening Iron. It can also be that he dislikes close exchange, making him an Introvert. He does seem not to understand scripture very well, so he is, possibly, still a babe in Christ and being a shy introvert is just casting his lure to see what he catches... not realizing that close Verbal Intercourse is so much more rewarding in so many ways.

We can pray for God to work on him though.
Perhaps then, he is unaware that communicating with other people, seeking to follow God, is the people equivalent of iron sharpening Iron. It can also be that he dislikes close exchange, making him an Introvert. He does seem not to understand scripture very well, so he is, possibly, still a babe in Christ and being a shy introvert is just casting his lure to see what he catches... not realizing that close Verbal Intercourse is so much more rewarding in so many ways.

We can pray for God to work on him though.
or a troll.
or a troll.
True but as a Christian I try to be nice on the first pass. I do not always succeed but then as an NCO, whose first job in combat is to keep his men alive to go home to their mamas and their Butter Bars alive, at least long enough to make 1st Luey, I did not always succeed there either.
True but as a Christian I try to be nice on the first pass. I do not always succeed but then as an NCO, whose first job in combat is to keep his men alive to go home to their mamas and their Butter Bars alive, at least long enough to make 1st Luey, I did not always succeed there either.
I have been here long enough to remember when ugmug first posted. he seldom does respond.
I think you all are on the right track here with your responses. God did not sin, against Himself or anyone else, period.

However, I do find his first point made to be interesting and will ponder it a little. There may be something there, but it would probably, obviously, be unrelated to his main premise and the topic. I speak here about...God breathed the breath of life into Adam, but not into Eve. I never really thought about that before. It seems to make sense, but of what significance I can not say for it too fresh in my mind.

One could surmise that babies breathe in the breath of life with their first breath, but this wasn't how Eve was born. She was essentially created, but in a different fashion than was Adam. It stands to reason that Eve did not come into being as a Eve is a special sort herself as compared to Adam or the rest of humankind. Make sense?

But to what significance, if any?

Interesting thought though.
I think you all are on the right track here with your responses. God did not sin, against Himself or anyone else, period.

However, I do find his first point made to be interesting and will ponder it a little. There may be something there, but it would probably, obviously, be unrelated to his main premise and the topic. I speak here about...God breathed the breath of life into Adam, but not into Eve. I never really thought about that before. It seems to make sense, but of what significance I can not say for it too fresh in my mind.

One could surmise that babies breathe in the breath of life with their first breath, but this wasn't how Eve was born. She was essentially created, but in a different fashion than was Adam. It stands to reason that Eve did not come into being as a Eve is a special sort herself as compared to Adam or the rest of humankind. Make sense?

But to what significance, if any?

Interesting thought though.
Of a great deal of more significance is the truth that God gave the command to Adam, not Eve and thus it is not nor has it ever even been possible that Eve sinned against God in this situation. Adam had the responsibility of conveying, correctly, the command to eve. But on that same line of thought is an even more important point; Adam, presumably, stood and thus stood there while Eve was tempted and never protected her from the lying serpent. Everywhere I have ever gone there is some tendency to blame Eve for this sin but it, just, ain't so, pardner!
That's very interesting guys, perhaps the next time I see a thread for ug I'll delete it.

At the very least he should be required to provide a link to the site he's using. We don't know where any of his stuff is coming from.
Of a great deal of more significance is the truth that God gave the command to Adam, not Eve and thus it is not nor has it ever even been possible that Eve sinned against God in this situation. Adam had the responsibility of conveying, correctly, the command to eve. But on that same line of thought is an even more important point; Adam, presumably, stood and thus stood there while Eve was tempted and never protected her from the lying serpent. Everywhere I have ever gone there is some tendency to blame Eve for this sin but it, just, ain't so, pardner!

I agree with you brother. The man is the spiritual leader and there's no reason for us to think that it was different with Adam & Eve. On the flip side of this is a plus though, that the Wife can be sanctified through her spiritual leader husband. That's right, isn't it? I'm pretty sure it is.