Advice on cheating husband HELP!


Nov 17, 2024
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After 4 years of courtship and almost 10 years of marriage and 2 children, I found out that my husband cheated with a 19 year old collage student, first flirting through chat and later meeting up in car and hotels for sex for 4 years. I cracked his cellphone password and found deleted videos of them having sex.

He said they met not regularly but he can't count how often they did it. The girl first thought he was single because there was no evidence on Facebook that he was married. When she found out he that he is married she got angry but both continued.

When I confronted him, he asked for forgiveness and was immediately willing to cancel the relationship and deleted all her information. He agreed to my conditions to block several people on Facebook and he took time for me in my grieving moments. He also is willing to invest in our relationship. BUT he won't give information about the girl, I wanted to read their conversation but he deleted it all, he didn't even give me her name.

I wanted to know the reason why he cheated. I know that I was very busy in homeschooling, ministry and my studies. But he assured me that it was all his fault. He also distanced himself from God and the church. Actually I sensed that there is something but I was afraid what to find, because he changed his password.

He said he cheated just for the sex, but I was able to contact the girl and she was really in love with him. So I wonder if he also develped feelings, but he won't tell me about what happened in detail, because he said he wanito protect me, so that I not always think about it over and over again.

I decided to forgive and stay with him. But I am sooo afraid that it might happen again or he is lying again, because I can't really see that he is suffering from what he did and he is not making moves towards God. But is password is known to me amd also to his Facebook.

Any advice? No one else knows in our family or church or friends... it's like I have no one else to talk with. Thank you!
I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't know what advice to give you, partly because I don't know the laws and customs of your country. I would seek out the help of a professional counselor (preferrably a Christian who does not know your family) to give you advice on your options and strategies going forward.
When trust is broken in a marriage it is hard to get that trust back, as well I know, but, you can get it back if there is total honesty coming from him. It's not so much the fact you need to know everything, but to put that in the past and start a new beginning with your husband. Dwelling will only keep the bad in your mind and eat away at you as Satan will fill your mind with negativity, but if you two can build upon total trust seeking Godly counsel from someone who does not know the both of you this could also bring your husband back to the Lord and be that Godly husband he needs to be for you and for your family. Pray and seek the Holy Spirit's guidance and I will keep the both of you in my prayers. :pray
You've made the right decision to have forgiven him. If you hadn't, think rationally about the alternative, simulate a scenario of divorce where your property is divided, you probably won't be able to homeschool anymore, neither have time for ministry and studies because you will have to work for a living, and your two kids will grow up without a father, how stressful and devastating it would be. Jesus said fornication is the only ground for divorce, but if he's truly repentant as you've described, he's not too far gone, your marriage is worth saving.

You also should confront that homewrecker like Alfredo's father confronted Violetta in La Traviata, tell her to terminate this affair, stay away from your family and go find a man of her own age. Whatever love she has for your husband, it's unrequited, she'd better write him a dear john letter to put an end to it before it hurts her and your own family too deep beyond the point of recovery.
I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't know what advice to give you, partly because I don't know the laws and customs of your country. I would seek out the help of a professional counselor (preferrably a Christian who does not know your family) to give you advice on your options and strategies going forward.
Thank you, I was also thinking about an professional counselor because sometimes I am emotionally not stable and from one minute to another I am crying and can't focus in taking care of the kids. But I watched a Dr. on yout*be about this topic and it already helped me a lot. I am a lot better now.
When trust is broken in a marriage it is hard to get that trust back, as well I know, but, you can get it back if there is total honesty coming from him. It's not so much the fact you need to know everything, but to put that in the past and start a new beginning with your husband. Dwelling will only keep the bad in your mind and eat away at you as Satan will fill your mind with negativity, but if you two can build upon total trust seeking Godly counsel from someone who does not know the both of you this could also bring your husband back to the Lord and be that Godly husband he needs to be for you and for your family. Pray and seek the Holy Spirit's guidance and I will keep the both of you in my prayers. :pray
Thank you for your advice. The last weeks he opened up and told me a lot. But sometimes I still doubt if everything he says is true. He is not willing to see a counselor. There are day when I think thats fine...but then again days when I feel I explode and need to talk to someone else than my husband. Thanks for your prayers, I feel today much better than before ?
Im sorry to hear about your situation. The pain your in. Matthew chapter 5. Jesus stated the only acceptable reason for divorce is sexual immortality, which is interpreted as adultery. Its possible for forgiveness or reconciliation. Divorce is last resort. My honest advice. Its serious question of trust. Will it happen again. Greek word that Jesus uses is unchasty, fornication is porneia. Counseling is option. Reconciliation is option. If the damage can be repaired ?? . Pray to Jesus for guidance and wisdom. My heart goes out to you. Take care.