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again and again i hear this

Are we willing to behave more Christlike

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Dont need to

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • sure if the other guy does

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lord forgive me my lack of love.

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters


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The problem seems to be when one person wants to prove their theological position right and all others wrong; it leaves no room for critical listening and even acknowledging that another's POV has value and merit. God does not speak to all of us with the same voice......

This is an extremely good point, Brother.

We are all the children of God, and we are also, all at different points in our walk with Him. As we can see from scripture (after His resurrection, showing Himself to different people...) that no one gets all the answers. They had to all come together, and compare notes to get the full story.

I think that sometimes, when some are having a theological discussion (and disagreeing), that (sometimes) perchance, that they're both right, but can't see that (being in different places in their walk) so they both feel (know) that they're right, but can't see how it fits together. Of course some times one is wrong too, lol.

The point is, that...the Kingdom of God seems to be ran...compartmentalized so to speak. People find it hard to see this at times, so think if I'm right, you must be wrong. We must have unity, and unity is possible with disagreement, but it takes more humility than it does pride to do so. It's what we should all strive for.
Here is the way I see it. If it was "easy" to love each other and be "nice" then we wouldn't be told to strive and seek it.

It takes effort on our part to do these things. Some are more naturally inclined to be sympathetic, some are naturally inclined to be critical.

It takes effort to put aside "our" feelings and desires. That is nothing more than doing what Christ did, but if we are not aware that our flesh is opposed to it then we think we're doing the right thing when in fact we are only following ourselves.

Part of the Gospel is the fact that we have been set free from being a slave to the flesh. That's good news. We can make a choice to love each other, but if we don't make that choice we won't. Before we came into Gods family we didn't have the choice, now we do.
Believing Christ is truth. I cannot ask Christ for forgiveness more than once, thats putting Christ to shame and putting him back on the cross, and believing that he failed the first time and having a lack of faith.
putting Christ to shame and putting him back on the cross, This Scripture reference comes from (Hebrews 6:6). The book of Hebrews is just that, written to Jewish or Hebrew Christians. They were still sacrificing animals on the alter for their sins (Heb. 7:11-28). They did not think Christ sacrifice was enough. Study Hebrews! The whole Book is about that Christ is a better priesthood than the Old animal Sacrifices. (Heb. 9:11-15)
Often old habits hang on and show up when ya lest expect them or want them to..

Not seeing it as counter productive to 'practice ' being nice,, instilling being nice ' in our ssleves until it is our 'nature' to be so... Maybe our first smile is forced that is not so bad when the goal to transform our outsides to match what we want/need on the inside to be more Christ like .. He is our example .. According to Scripture He could get angry, He wept, He hurt...
Bingo, you are on the narrow path. But "Christianity" doesn't want to hear it, can't handle it. "Christianity" is about "correct doctrine," My Bible Verses vs. Your Bible Verses, sacred and secular judgment of every form and at every turn. "Christianity" is a hollow fraud, nothing but a microcosm of the world at large. Your final sentences could be rephrased as: "Christianity" is Man ruling over Man. All it does is bring judgment. "Christians" are so invested in "Christianity" that the narrow path is invisible to them. They are invested in "Christianity" in the same way they are invested in their careers, their finances, and every other aspect of worldly ego-fulfillment. "Christianity" is as "of the world" as Microsoft or McDonald's, and non-Christians can see and smell this sad reality. "Christianity" is an industry, a political agenda, pretty much anything you want to call it except "a narrow path to God."

"Christians" think they can become more Christ-like merely by doing things such as putting on a mask of niceness, referring to fellow "Christians" they actually despise as "brother" and non-"Christians" they actually despise as "friend," without ever coming to grips with the inner venom that continually seeps through the cracks in the mask. That's the misguided premise of this thread, that becoming more Christ-like is a matter of wearing the proper mask, being "nicer." The mask always crumbles in less time than it took to put it on, as it crumbles on every thread on these forums and always will. This one didn't last 28 posts until the OP was "sorry to hear your line of thinking." But, you see, a Happy Face emoji made everything OK, Brother Dan, my good friend. :)

hello Runner, dirtfarmer here

What you have described as "Christians" is the Greek word hupokrites, one who puts on a mask, an actor in Greek plays. It is not what we do, but who lives in and through us, Jesus Christ. Jesus told the Pharisees "you search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have life" John 5:39. It is the scripture that testify of Jesus, in whom is our life. It is not a life of "do's and do not's", but a life that is yielded to Christ as our life.

2 Corinthians 3: 5, " Not that we are sufficient of our selves to think any thing of ourselves;" when we live by do's and don't's, is that not trying to be sufficient of ourselve? The latter phrase of that verse states; " but our sufficiency is of God." Is this a life of do's and do not's. Only God can look into our hearts and know the reason for our life. Is it by our power that we do and do not, or is it because of the life that Christ lives in and through us that we abstain from those questionable acts?

Even as believers trusting in Christ, we are from time to time overtaking in and by a fault. Does this mean that we are "hupokrites" putting on a mask and being something that we are not, not living by faith? It is when we practice, continue to, habitually live in sin and say that we are believers that we become "play actors" put on the mask.

Scripture states that it is not by power nor by might, but by the Spirit that Christ lives through us.
One thing I might add. When we are talking with each other in a way that the others can't hear voice inflection and see facial expression, we sometimes have a tendency to 'see' those in our heads, in our own way.

A must, I think, is to always view them as non confrontational. It may be that they are trying to be obtuse toward you. The key is to not automatically think they are though.

There are ways to help you not come across that way, but sometimes it's neglected. You can be very dogmatic about something and still show compassion to others. I think a lot of things can be overcome just by trying to see another's post in a good way rather than bad.
Often old habits hang on and show up when ya lest expect them or want them to..

Not seeing it as counter productive to 'practice ' being nice,, instilling being nice ' in our ssleves until it is our 'nature' to be so... Maybe our first smile is forced that is not so bad when the goal to transform our outsides to match what we want/need on the inside to be more Christ like .. He is our example .. According to Scripture He could get angry, He wept, He hurt...

hello reba, dirtfarmer here

I believe that the, "transformation",nature that you speak of is on the inside and transforms the outside from the inside. The law was a trial of the outside changing the inside, and it didn't accomplish that. God gave the law to show man his righteousness requires, that man was not capable of keeping the law and therefore in need of one that could accomplish the law, a savior.
Well well. Come to Massachusetts and live with my Wife and I and we will show you real Christianity. Apparently, you haven't been around the real article. I dare you to come and stay as long as it takes to change your mind.
Bingo, you are on the narrow path. But "Christianity" doesn't want to hear it, can't handle it. "Christianity" is about "correct doctrine," My Bible Verses vs. Your Bible Verses, sacred and secular judgment of every form and at every turn. "Christianity" is a hollow fraud, nothing but a microcosm of the world at large. Your final sentences could be rephrased as: "Christianity" is Man ruling over Man. All it does is bring judgment. "Christians" are so invested in "Christianity" that the narrow path is invisible to them. They are invested in "Christianity" in the same way they are invested in their careers, their finances, and every other aspect of worldly ego-fulfillment. "Christianity" is as "of the world" as Microsoft or McDonald's, and non-Christians can see and smell this sad reality. "Christianity" is an industry, a political agenda, pretty much anything you want to call it except "a narrow path to God."

"Christians" think they can become more Christ-like merely by doing things such as putting on a mask of niceness, referring to fellow "Christians" they actually despise as "brother" and non-"Christians" they actually despise as "friend," without ever coming to grips with the inner venom that continually seeps through the cracks in the mask. That's the misguided premise of this thread, that becoming more Christ-like is a matter of wearing the proper mask, being "nicer." The mask always crumbles in less time than it took to put it on, as it crumbles on every thread on these forums and always will. This one didn't last 28 posts until the OP was "sorry to hear your line of thinking." But, you see, a Happy Face emoji made everything OK, Brother Dan, my good friend. :)
Just a question: Are you the artist wielding that extra wide paint brush or are you also on that canvas you label ' "Christianity" '?
Often old habits hang on and show up when ya lest expect them or want them to..

Not seeing it as counter productive to 'practice ' being nice,, instilling being nice ' in our ssleves until it is our 'nature' to be so... Maybe our first smile is forced that is not so bad when the goal to transform our outsides to match what we want/need on the inside to be more Christ like .. He is our example .. According to Scripture He could get angry, He wept, He hurt...
I like being rude,mean and ugly.I enjoy making jaci
Bingo, you are on the narrow path. But "Christianity" doesn't want to hear it, can't handle it. "Christianity" is about "correct doctrine," My Bible Verses vs. Your Bible Verses, sacred and secular judgment of every form and at every turn. "Christianity" is a hollow fraud, nothing but a microcosm of the world at large. Your final sentences could be rephrased as: "Christianity" is Man ruling over Man. All it does is bring judgment. "Christians" are so invested in "Christianity" that the narrow path is invisible to them. They are invested in "Christianity" in the same way they are invested in their careers, their finances, and every other aspect of worldly ego-fulfillment. "Christianity" is as "of the world" as Microsoft or McDonald's, and non-Christians can see and smell this sad reality. "Christianity" is an industry, a political agenda, pretty much anything you want to call it except "a narrow path to God."

"Christians" think they can become more Christ-like merely by doing things such as putting on a mask of niceness, referring to fellow "Christians" they actually despise as "brother" and non-"Christians" they actually despise as "friend," without ever coming to grips with the inner venom that continually seeps through the cracks in the mask. That's the misguided premise of this thread, that becoming more Christ-like is a matter of wearing the proper mask, being "nicer." The mask always crumbles in less time than it took to put it on, as it crumbles on every thread on these forums and always will. This one didn't last 28 posts until the OP was "sorry to hear your line of thinking." But, you see, a Happy Face emoji made everything OK, Brother Dan, my good friend. :)
I've shelved some spiritual ambitions I have had and which I had been seeking God's confirmation about for many years. And the reason I shelved them is because what you say here is TRUE.

I was just thinking about this yesterday:

" shall it be at the end of the age. 41“The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, 42and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43“Then THE RIGHTEOUS WILL SHINE FORTH AS THE SUN in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear." (Matthew 13:40-43 NASB capitals in original, bold mine)

The church is polluted with what I call the 'church of the world'. And this is not special to this time (though it's certainly worse now). The kingdom of God has always had to deal with the false, to the point that even the true people of God get sucked into that corruption, particularly the less mature--less mature because of the suppression of the truth. I've thought through all the reasons why 'church' doesn't work in this age and I've come to the conclusion it's just going to be that way and God knows it and there's nothing you can do about it, except wait patiently for the day when all this corruption gets burned away (see above).

But anyway, I find that I get very, very discouraged when I come up against those people (saved and unsaved) constantly resisting the truth and tearing you apart to resist it. So the message has sunk in for me...God's plan for the church doesn't really exist in this life and never will. And so my decision, having discerned the truth finally, is to abandon certain goals and dreams I had.

What is fact in this kingdom of God on earth is God's true people are scattered here and there in the midst of this corrupt, man made, polluted version of the kingdom and can never come together to form the true church some of us long for so much. It's just not going to happen. Division is built into the whole scheme and God knows it. And who can resist God? When the kingdom of Israel got split it was God's doing and there was NOTHING any man was going to do to repair it. It was God's plan, and was all along.

So what do we do? Live a quiet life pursuing your own personal growth and maturity in Christ and bid the world and it's 'church' good bye and good riddance. God's things always end up in the minority. Stay in the minority and wait for the cleansing fire that's coming.
Mark 16
15 And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be condemned.
I've shelved some spiritual ambitions I have had and which I had been seeking God's confirmation about for many years. And the reason I shelved them is because what you say here is TRUE.

I was just thinking about this yesterday:

" shall it be at the end of the age. 41“The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, 42and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43“Then THE RIGHTEOUS WILL SHINE FORTH AS THE SUN in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear." (Matthew 13:40-43 NASB capitals in original, bold mine)

The church is polluted with what I call the 'church of the world'. And this is not special to this time (though it's certainly worse now). The kingdom of God has always had to deal with the false, to the point that even the true people of God get sucked into that corruption, particularly the less mature--less mature because of the suppression of the truth. I've thought through all the reasons why 'church' doesn't work in this age and I've come to the conclusion it's just going to be that way and God knows it and there's nothing you can do about it, except wait patiently for the day when all this corruption gets burned away (see above).

But anyway, I find that I get very, very discouraged when I come up against those people (saved and unsaved) constantly resisting the truth and tearing you apart to resist it. So the message has sunk in for me...God's plan for the church doesn't really exist in this life and never will. And so my decision, having discerned the truth finally, is to abandon certain goals and dreams I had.

What is fact in this kingdom of God on earth is God's true people are scattered here and there in the midst of this corrupt, man made, polluted version of the kingdom and can never come together to form the true church some of us long for so much. It's just not going to happen. Division is built into the whole scheme and God knows it. And who can resist God? When the kingdom of Israel got split it was God's doing and there was NOTHING any man was going to do to repair it. It was God's plan, and was all along.

So what do we do? Live a quiet life pursuing your own personal growth and maturity in Christ and bid the world and it's 'church' good bye and good riddance. God's things always end up in the minority. Stay in the minority and wait for the cleansing fire that's coming.
I think Gods plan for the church does exist in this world. It's just different than what we have come to know as church.

Church is simply those called out. Not a gathering, not a building, not a organization. The believers role is to spread the Gospel and make disciples. That is the only plan of God for the church.

What happened is the enemy came in and added stuff to it. Being humans we fell right in line with it. I think that through the ages God has 'called out' His people from this though. His sheep hear His voice. So yes, there are gonna be hypocrites and false teachers and false believers. We should not focus so much on the whole as we should the individual.

Christ focused on individuals. We should too.
Mark 16
15 And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be condemned.
But forget about bringing them together in peace in a church.
Won't happen in this lifetime. That church does not exist and never will. The closest you'll get to it is a group of perhaps 6 to 15 people in an extra-curricular midweek meeting.
The people of God will remain as individuals dispersed among the nations until the renewal of all things.
The unity we have is the one Spirit that's in all of us. That's all.

I think Gods plan for the church does exist in this world. It's just different than what we have come to know as church.

Church is simply those called out. Not a gathering, not a building, not a organization. The believers role is to spread the Gospel and make disciples. That is the only plan of God for the church.

What happened is the enemy came in and added stuff to it. Being humans we fell right in line with it. I think that through the ages God has 'called out' His people from this though. His sheep hear His voice. So yes, there are gonna be hypocrites and false teachers and false believers. We should not focus so much on the whole as we should the individual.

Christ focused on individuals. We should too.
That's exactly what I'm saying.
It's apparent to me that not many are going to see the truth of this.
You can never unify the Church's experience with God because it's different at any one time for all of us.

There are times when I'm at work, alone, or at home reading my Bible, and I'm meditating on God's goodness and beauty and grace and I go to high and wonderful places in spiritual worship. Then, of course, I want everyone to have this experience. But the hard truth is, the experience is unique to me alone and is relative to where I'm at with God.

You share when and where you can, but ultimately, only a few seeds will find fertile ground and spring to life in someone else, and so you must move along and rely on finding your comfort and peace in what God is doing in you and you alone at this moment. History, and the Bible record, shows us that those who stick their necks out to share the goodness and truth of God are literally putting their lives in jeopardy, and certainly their emotional and mental well being.

You're going to invite a beating sooner rather than later for sharing what God shares with you in the privacy of your own time with him. I think that's why it's important to thoroughly understand what Paul is saying in Romans 12:1-8 NASB. You better understand your place very, very well in regard to your faith, and your God given gifts, to reach out to others with the things of God. Because you're gonna take a beating for it. Trying to unify the church is a joke. God knows it and he's not trying to do that. Not beyond 6-15 people or so for an hour a week or so, anyway.

I know this sounds pessimistic, but it's really not. God's plan is so much better. It just doesn't jibe well with what we humans think is successful.
But forget about bringing them together in peace in a church.
Won't happen in this lifetime. That church does not exist and never will. The closest you'll get to it is a group of perhaps 6 to 15 people in an extra-curricular midweek meeting.
The people of God will remain as individuals dispersed among the nations until the renewal of all things.
The unity we have is the one Spirit that's in all of us. That's all.
That is a very pessimistic outlook.....with God all things are possible, are they not?
Rev 7
9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and tribes, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God who sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

11 And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four living creatures, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshiped God,

12 Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever. Amen.
And where did they come from?......
13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, Who are these who are arrayed in white robes? and from where did they come?

14 And I said unto him, Sir, you know. And he said to me, These are they who came out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
They did not acquuire a sacrificial belief in God through simple happenchance; someone had to teach them.
The believers role is to spread the Gospel and make disciples.
I think I know the believer's role more than I ever have.
His/her role is to relish God in individual prayer, worship, and study, get filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit then stroll into your living room or your workplace full of the fruit and glow of the Holy Spirit, and, if the opportunity arises to share a few words with those who recognize, but may not understand what's going on in you.


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