If the NT does not authorize it by direct command, approved example or necessary inference its safe not to use it. Jesus' plea and prayer for oneness (as well the apostles) is not an unimportant matter.
Webb, I have no idea how you worship, so this isn't directed to you, personally...I'm just going to point out that to follow what you are saying then when the Church worships, there can be no:
church building
musical instruments
furniture of any kind, except a table
hymn books
paper of any kind
As far as I know, the only things directly commanded, shown for example or necessarily inferred as to the worship of the early church is:
They met in personal homes, synagogues or by rivers.
There was a table.
There was a scroll of Scriptures to be read from.
They prayed.
They took communion.
They sang songs, hymns, spiritual songs (but no mention of instruments.)
They took a collection for the poor.
That's it.
No, the call to unity isn't unimportant. This why, in addition to unity, there is also a call to giving freedom within the church body for things that are not essential to our faith. As a matter of fact, one can say that an insistence that things must be only as it was 2000 years ago can be just as dividing as an insistence that one must "move with the times" and open a coffee shop rather than have a church.
Even the Scriptures themselves give us a clue that the idea that worship can only be as it was 2000 years ago might not be correct. For instance, the fact that it was our Lord's habit, as well as the habit of the apostles to go to the synagogues for worship...
...there is no mention of a synagogue in the Old Testament. There was the temple, yes, and the tabernacle. But no synagogues. Somehow, between the Old Testament and the New, the practice of God's people meeting in synagogues for worship came into being. And, clearly it wasn't unholy, or Jesus would never have stepped into one, nor would the apostles have done so.
I just believe that it is an area in which we should allow for freedom in. Myself, the idea that a piano, guitar, or organ is somehow "sinful" flies in the face of God's Word...but, I'm not going to insist that Jeff and his family need to worship with instruments. I also find the contemporary idea of a "coffee house" format, as opposed to a worship service to be both worldly and distasteful, but I know that there are many sincere Christians that find true worship in that format. Who am I to judge them? And, who is anyone to judge me or the way my church worships, as our worship is very close to what we know about how worship was conducted in the synagogues...the worship Christ and the apostles joined in?
Our call to unity is best summed up in Ephesians 4:1-6:
Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.
Part of this call to unity is "showing tolerance for one another in love" and "being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." If we determine that others worship in Spirit of our Lord and Savior is somehow "not safe" or "scary" and insist (which Webb doesn't seem to be doing...this is just a discussion) that only that which people did 2000 years ago is acceptable, or insist (as I have personally seen happen) that the "old people" better get with the new program or they can just leave...then we violate this portion of Scripture.