OK, Felix, this is not the easiest of topics, but I'll give it my best shot:
When you analyze Scripture and most importantly the Book of Revelation, you will see a clear theme there of an apostate Church that prosecuted Christ's Saints through the dark ages for 1260 years. Looking further, you will see that exactly that apostate Church is the key component of Mystery Babylon.
The most important identifying mark is that it changed God's law in favor of pagan traditions. (If you want, look up my view on the Sabbath / Sunday issue in other posts). As for the reasoning that "Sabbath" in the fourth Commandment points to specific ceremonial Sabbaths, there's some scriptures further on which make that point invalid.
The ultimate climax seen is God taking justice on this Apostate Church and those that supported her, for her crimes and fornication just before the second coming of Christ, which is also part of what is known as the Battle of Armageddon. Just before this happens the issue of 666 and the Mark of the Beast will be enforced and all will have the choice to bow down to the image made to this Apostate Church or to Worship God only and keep His Commandments. Those who willingly disobey God in favour of bowing down to the commandments of this Church and mystery Babylon, the mother of Harlots, will ultimately receive her Mark and “
shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God.â€
In Revelation, the Apostle John tells the tale of TWO WOMEN. One is dressed in pure white, revealing the purity of true faith and doctrine. This pure woman of Revelation 12 is committed to Christ. She’s absolutely loyal to Him and her heart burns with a love for Jesus. Nothing can break her loyalty to the One she loves so much. This woman represents all the faithful believers who have loved Jesus Christ, kept His commandments and been obedient to Him down through the ages. Revelation 17 pictures another woman. Now we have the opposite picture.
Who is this woman in scarlet riding on a Beast?
Mystery Babylon is a CHURCH: In the Bible a WOMAN symbolizes a CHURCH. This is an extremely important point that must absolutely not be overlooked as it proves beyond all shadow of a doubt that this “WOMAN†with mystery Babylon written upon Her head and riding a Beast (Kingdom) has to be a “Church.†Below are several scriptures that prove this is undeniable fact. The only question that then remains is which Church? Note that an unfaithful Church commits spiritual adultery.
God also refers to Israel as a “Woman†(HER) as it represents the Old Testament Church that brought forth the Man child (Jesus Christ) in Revelation 12. Do not miss this really important point which is that God called Israel a “Harlot†and a “Whore†when she worshipped other gods and committed spiritual adultery. Which Church deleted the Commandment on idolatry and worshipped the SUN and has many pagan traditions?
Which Church changed the Sabbath to SUNday in favour of SUN worship? Which Church has the statue of St Peter in St Peters Cathedral which was originally the statue of the pagan god Jupiter? This statue has had its foot kissed away and replaced several times because of the multitude that have bowed down to this statue and kissed its foot. This is unmistakable idolatry and especially when this was originally a pagan god.
In the following verse you will note that God calls the fourth Commandment “MY†Sabbath.
Exodus 31:13 “
Speak you also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily MY Sabbaths you shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that you may know that I am the LORD that does sanctify you.â€
Now note the following verse refers to the ceremonial sabbaths and the various feasts days and new moons which were associated with a temporary law that was for Israel only. It is called the Book of the law, Mosaic Law and the ordinances. The term Ceremonial law is also used. Speaking of Israel, note that God calls them HER Sabbaths and HER feast days etc. Israel is all through the Old Testament referred to as a “Woman†(HER) and when she worshipped other gods was called a “Harlot.â€
Hosea 2:11 “
I will also cause all HER mirth to cease, HER feast days, HER new moons, and HER sabbaths, and all HER solemn feasts.
- Mystery Babylon is a CORRUPT Church: Just as a pure woman represents a pure Church, a corrupt woman represents a corrupt Church. The woman in white is Christ’s bride, the true Church. Revelation 17:1, 15-16 and 19:2 call this second woman a “WHORE†or “HARLOTâ€, a fallen Church teaching false doctrines.
- Mystery Babylon is a RICH Church: This symbolic wicked woman, this corrupt Church is a rich one with gorgeous display. Revelation 17:4 says she’s “decked with GOLD and PRECIOUS STONES and PEARLS, having a GOLDEN cup in her hand.†Which Church would you say is the richest in the world? (Before you answer, keep in mind, that as we speak, all kinds of ecumenical alliances are formed between the Roman Catholic Church and various Protestant Churches. This would have been unheard of just 20- or 30 years ago...)
- Mystery Babylon is a Church built on SEVEN HILLS or MOUNTAINS: This identification given in Revelation 17:9, is impressive and clear, for ROME is proverbial as “the city built on seven hills.†Webster’s large unabridged dictionary says this under the entry “seven-hilledâ€: “as, the SEVEN-HILLED CITY, that is, ROME, Italy.†Furthermore, Revelation 17:18 tells John, “The woman whom you saw is that GREAT CITY which reigns over the kings of the earth.†John wrote this using the present tense for the word “reigns†and he knew as well as anyone else that “that great city†was ROME.
- Mystery Babylon is a LARGE, WORLDWIDE Church: She sits on “many WATERS,†explained as being many “peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.†Revelation 17:1 and 15. The very word catholic means “universal,†and the Papal Church has the largest, most widespread membership in Christendom.
I can go on for a good while, as there are so many biblical references to
who exactly are the 1st and 2nd beast of Revelation 13, as to what exactly is the Mark of the Beast and who is Mystery, Babylon the Great. In my analysis, I stick to what Scripture says. I'm a great fan of Luther and his "Solo Scriptura"
Don't get me wrong;
in no way I am attacking any specific person. I do not have anything against my Catholic brothers and sisters. I believe that there are an enormous amount of good and faithful people in the Roman Catholic Church. This is about Church Leadership, about the organization behind the Church, which is deceptive. Any organization or individual who claims to have the power to forgive sins is - as far as I'm concerned - blasphemous... As GOD is the only one with that power.
Please feel free to differ, but don't throw stones. Debate on Biblical grounds. I realize my conviction may not be the most popular one, but it is still my conviction and I believe in all honesty that it is Scriptural truth.