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America will burn!

I am surrounded by friends/colleagues who are haters of America and many of them are Christians.

Personally, I do not think America will burn but more importantly, there will be many innocent Americans burn in hell if we lose the vision to pray for those souls.
sheesh, i dont hate countries as their are nationalities in them that need jesus, but i do hate the evil goverments that have evil men that do that evil., ie the ussr and peoples republic of china, cuba et all.
We have seen the enemy and it is US.

In fact over 60% of the national debt is owned by US citizens, and the Social Security administration.

"Other countries" hold 37% of of it - of which:

China accounts for 7.5% of it, and Japan comes in with another 6.4% (About the same mount as the U. S. Military retirement fund at 6%)

So this is nothing but More fanciful finance info.
Re: We have seen the enemy and it is US.

In fact over 60% of the national debt is owned by US citizens, and the Social Security administration.

"Other countries" hold 37% of of it - of which:

China accounts for 7.5% of it, and Japan comes in with another 6.4% (About the same mount as the U. S. Military retirement fund at 6%)

So this is nothing but More fanciful finance info.

True, this is why many are afraid of more internal problems (more like a police state), before problems with any other countries. Even the mentioned prophecy (by Dumitru Duduman) says the same.

Just the interest on that 37% of debt amounts to approx. 200 billion dollars every year, which US needs to pay to other countries. This means, 7% is paid just as interest (not the principle) on debt. US currently has a budget deficit of approx 1.1 trillion (or unfunded commitments) in budget fy 2012 compared to it's revenue approx 2.6 trillion and spending 3.7 trillion dollars. This means 30c of every dollar spent by US govt every year needs to be financed by someone.

Just to balance it's current budget, US needs to cut half it's military, medi* and social security expenses.

US could improve but it's a painful process of heavy taxation, removal of benefits and stopping all unnecessary military campaigns (which is really feasible) but is US willing to take that path?
yeah right, ever heard of international pressure? we get pressure to act by the un

fact: we didnt want to enter into the korean pennisulla but we got pressured into that war by the united nations. if what you say is true and i well like the idea. withdrawal from the un and nato.

that also means no more alliance with your country as well.(militarily).
yeah right, ever heard of international pressure? we get pressure to act by the un

fact: we didnt want to enter into the korean pennisulla but we got pressured into that war by the united nations. if what you say is true and i well like the idea. withdrawal from the un and nato.

I don't think there is any pressure for US from UN. UN is actually a puppet in the hands of US.

UN itself declared, according to UN Charter, the US war on Iraq is illegal in 2003. US invaded on it's own with 148,000 troops (with it's allies 265,000 troops) and had a causality of 7200 civilians + 30000 troops in Iraq. Isn't it the UN responsibility to stop a nation on invading other sovereign nation? Yet, the US war on Iraq was based on lies and deception.

This same US didn't bother about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan which began on the same year and killed 300000 civilians (3 million displaced), where the UN just sent 9000 troops.

that also means no more alliance with your country as well.(militarily).

New Zealand was bold enough to ban nuclear vessels from US docking in it's port, which lead US to even suspend ANZUS treaty obligations. Personally, US betrayed NZ. It's a shame Australia isn't bold enough like NZ.
I don't think there is any pressure for US from UN. UN is actually a puppet in the hands of US.

UN itself declared, according to UN Charter, the US war on Iraq is illegal in 2003. US invaded on it's own with 148,000 troops (with it's allies 265,000 troops) and had a causality of 7200 civilians + 30000 troops in Iraq. Isn't it the UN responsibility to stop a nation on invading other sovereign nation? Yet, the US war on Iraq was based on lies and deception.

This same US didn't bother about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan which began on the same year and killed 300000 civilians (3 million displaced), where the UN just sent 9000 troops.

New Zealand was bold enough to ban nuclear vessels from US docking in it's port, which lead US to even suspend ANZUS treaty obligations. Personally, US betrayed NZ. It's a shame Australia isn't bold enough like NZ.

oh please that's right the same un coucil that netayahu had to remind them why they were founded.

to stop genocides!!., and the kiwis were with in afghanistan in 2004, so that must have happened after i was there. yes my country does some rotten things but. if we dont at time render aid to those countries( as pretty only our country can do it go ask china)

some of those countries have asked us to help them.if nz had a drug war and was overtaken by drug lords and your country is felling that in that some cartels sell drugs to your citizens and kill them, then if the govt of nz asked for help your country would send them.

my friend the un isnt so friendly to us. trust me it aint. you forget that we have to bail them out numerously.

we dont get oil from lybia as they have only 3% of the oil, wouldnt iran or say saudi or egypt be a more lucrative target? yes they would we get more from them.

Mr Annan said the security council had warned Iraq in resolution 1441 there would be "consequences" if it did not comply with its demands. But he said it should have been up to the council to determine what those consequences were.

from this page Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan | World news | The Guardian

kofi anan, i seem to recall a corruption link tween him and sadaam

indeed, from the washington post

Senior U.N. officials said they hope that Volcker's fourth and most complete report will bring an end to a painful 18-month probe of the $64 billion program, which investigators concluded was so poorly managed that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein raked in $1.7 billion in kickbacks from participating companies and $11 billion in oil-smuggling profits. Among the most volatile allegations probed by Volcker were suspicions that Kofi Annan had steered lucrative Iraqi oil contracts to a Swiss company, Cotecna, that had put his son on its payroll.
Oil-for-Food Panel Rebukes Annan, Cites Corruption

yes he himself wasnt directly involved but really the un has some shady deals on that and we didnt benefit from the article it was swiss and egypt.hmm

that was before the invasion.

so kindly ask your country and those less agressive nations to render assistance to haiti and somalia and those starving in africa. yes i wish we went into darfur and neither do i like the fact that we trade with china.
and the consequences of would be? lets ask isreal what happens when the pa violates those sanctions..

oh yeah nothing. so we know what did happen. who pray tell would be delivering those consequences as the u.n has no army? the united states of america.. we enforced the no fly zone, and when asked to leave the nation saudi arabia we did just that.
The U.N. is nothing but a bunch of Marxist bureaucrats that do nothing but find ways to redistribute wealth from the G8 - especially America - and send it to 3rd world Marxist dictatorships in the guise of "feeding" the poor and hungry of those nations.

Guess who pockets all the money the U.N. sends to these underdeveloped, impoverished nations: the same thugs who created the conditions in which their people live in the first place!

The U.N. is a front organization for political corruption on a global scale, and the sooner we get out of it, the better for the U.S.!
The U.N. is nothing but a bunch of Marxist bureaucrats that do nothing but find ways to redistribute wealth from the G8 - especially America - and send it to 3rd world Marxist dictatorships in the guise of "feeding" the poor and hungry of those nations.

Guess who pockets all the money the U.N. sends to these underdeveloped, impoverished nations: the same thugs who created the conditions in which their people live in the first place!

The U.N. is a front organization for political corruption on a global scale, and the sooner we get out of it, the better for the U.S.!

We're not going to get out of it,the one world government is next(first beast)
Are you saying that the U.N. does and says just what the U.S. tells it to?

No. UN does not question (or) pass a resolution against US to stop such an illegal invasion that is against UN charter.

kofi anan, i seem to recall a corruption link tween him and sadaam

It could be true, but that does not justify the war on Iraq.

we dont get oil from lybia as they have only 3% of the oil, wouldnt iran or say saudi or egypt be a more lucrative target? yes they would we get more from them.

Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'? - YouTube
felix, take note that i have seen higher level intel that ties men in afghanistan to obl. and its easy to get false info or be mistaken.

we know the hussein had the wmd's. we gave that to him when he was our ally(note: in the middle east the fact that no country is a saint and that the time russia/iran were a real threat to our interests in that region)

now then since your country is still not really independent and part of the brittish commonwealth. the brits made iraq the mess it is, and afghanistans. its funny we clean up what they did and get hated for that. iraq was never a country in the first place. the kurds had their land, the sunnis theres and the shiittes theres.

churchhill messed that up while in his boxers in a hotel as he just penciled in the land and named it iraq.

its believed that we went in on bad intel, and while i dont agree with the premise to invade, hardly was it for oil. a less stable country to our south would be a much easier target and at that time we got most of our oil from there.

mexico! and canada were at one time our largest suppliers. the eu gets oil not the U.S. from lybia! we are part of nato and again pressured into that.
The following is a satirical poem:

I believe in Reptiles. I believe 9/11 was an inside job. I believe that Alex Jones tells me everything I need to know.

Loose Change & Zeitgeist are legitimate documentaries. Free Masons & Illuminati, back of the Dollar bill is all the proof I need.

Because I believe.
In secret societies.
Why can't you see they work behind the scenes?
Secret societies

What about the Twin Towers?
What about Building 7, how did that fall down?
No way it was two jet planes, fire can't melt steel anyway.

What about the Pentagon?
How come there's no film or pictures?
You know it had to be a bomb, no way the plane hit the ground first.

Don't you know it was a false flag?
So we can steal oil from the Middle East. War for oil explains everything. Except of course for Flight 93.

But I still believe.
In secret societies.
The Bilderburgs run everything.
The U.N. & M-I-C

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- New International Version unless noted otherwise
:eeeekkk its revalant as this site minimes woo posts. sorry the bible doesnt say how exactly the end comes. why do some people preach the nwo as biblical fact.

what i cant get is that the same persons condemn the illumati and masonry and yet many of the founding fathers were masons. its from the masons we got the idea of freedom of religion(no state religion).

i guess we should have a christian only state? where on demonation is in control again?

washington d.c is nothing but a masonic temple of sorts.
The following is a satirical poem:...

Mods,I apologize if this doesn't belong here or if it violates the TOS. Please move/remove post if necessary.
- New International Version unless noted otherwise
I have no problems with it as long as it's not used to propagate such beliefs in this forum or on this site. :yes This site has developed an increased distaste for such theories and as Christians, we should not be fueling the fires of any alleged conspiracy.

The Bible says so. :thumbsup