Why on earth would a pension plan administrator need to know that?
Yes, that's true. Then the market came back. The market has always gone up in a roller coaster fashion. That's just the way it is.
We at least get services in return for out taxes, such a military protection from foreign despots. Bankers offer nothing useful in return for inflation. Also, income taxes take maybe 20% of a pension annually, leaving 80% for the retiree to spend. Bank inflation takes more each year, so that after 20 or 30 years of retirement the pension only buys half of what it did at the start. This is horrifying bank oppression of their elders.
In the case of a 401k, taxes take nothing for 40 years, then 20% of what a retiree withdraws. Bankers confiscate half of the 401k before a retiree gets to spend one penny, while it is still in the 401k. Then bankers take more each year so that the 401k loses 50% of its value over the course of a retirement, for a grand total of 75% of the 401k's original purchasing power compared to when it was first saved during the worker's first year of working.