One day, my husband and I were flying a kite in the backyard. which is quite close to a park, I was holding it, but suddenly something jerk the kite off of me(I felt something) and the kite fly away. Well, I went home, but my husband said he wanted to look for it, because he liked the kite. ( my husband is an athesist). After a while, he came home, very excited, he said he met two Chinese girls who were holding our kite, one is older, the other one is a child, I was exciting too(I am a Chinese and my husband is an American), because where we live rarely have other Chinese people, we met and we become friends, then, a couple month later, my girlfriend asked me about Jesus, she had never interested about Jesus when she was in China, she heard about it but never pay attention. Now, I am passing the gospel to her, brought her a Chinese Bible, introduced her to listen Charles Stanley and she likes it, she feels peace, hope one day she will baptize.
I think it is God's doing on how we met, God want to save her, if the kite didn't jerk away from me, we would've never met. I felt the Holy Spirit present when the kite jerk, and I think it probably the angel too, and the most funniest thing in this event is that God was using my husband--an atheist to help his plan---and my husband didn't even know it. Isn't that amazing?
God and his angels and the Holy Spirit work in our life all the time, I think angels have more duty then just sending messages to human, they do live with us, guard us and guide us.