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Animal Rights


What's your view? Do animals deserve rights? Do people who abuse them deserve to be arrested and sometimes be sent to jail? Should we all be vegetarians or should we find more humane and painless ways of killing animals for meat?

This is one of my favorite topics so please discuss.
The only rights that animals deserve is to not be tortured or killed excessively just for ''sport''. They were created with minimal intelligence for a reason. They're under us and available for survival at our disposal as long as it is within reasonable limits.
Animals have no rights. No one should do or not do something to an animal because they have rights.

One should only do or not do to an animal because of personal morals or values that regard it. Like don't needless kill them or torture them or anything. And don't do it because it is a moral issue, not because they have some concept of rights.

On the same note, God's creations should be hunted and killed and used for our amusement, but not to the point of extinction. We ought to treasure and enjoy what we are given by God.

Animal abusers should go to jail, animal abuse is more than just a thing against animals it's a deep rooted psych issue and I don't want them on the streets!

Eat any and all animals. I love trying new meats. Vegetarian diets... that's just disgusting! We are not meant to eat only plants, maybe at one point, but not anymore. I know vegetarians and many of them have some serious health issues because of their lifestyle.

Sure, kill animals humanely, but its out of respect for God's creations, not because of some rights they have. I think you will find that the most humane people are hunters. A hunter respects God's creation and knows not to make an animal suffer any more than need be. I have often not taken a shot on a deer because I didn't want to shoot the thing twice.
What's your view? Do animals deserve rights? Do people who abuse them deserve to be arrested and sometimes be sent to jail? Should we all be vegetarians or should we find more humane and painless ways of killing animals for meat?

This is one of my favorite topics so please discuss.

Animals are really cool. I don't particularly like the term rights, too legalistic. My cause is to see men's hearts changed so that they do what is right regarding all creatures even as we are created. I confess I do eat meat, and I don't need another thought of condemnation over my head when I am giving thanks for my food. But perhaps it wouldn't hurt to remember that what gives sustanence to me also once had life, making my thanks more deeper felt. Otherwise maybe I could just hope to be eaten by some animals and return the gesture.
It annoys me to no end when I hear of the constant PETA protests where they try to demonize people for not subjecting animals to the same kind of ethical treatment as humans. Claiming animals have souls is an absurdity.
Yes animals SHOULD have rights, just ask my Yellow Lab, her name is Shasta. Should people be punished for abusing animals? Man, don't get me started. You ever watch that show on animal planet where the cops find the starving and abused animals and pets? I could not do that job as I would simply go ballistic on the owners. I also am not a vegetarian, so the humane killing for meat is a tough question that I need to think some more on. Even the idea of "rights" can get real compicated real fast.
Pard said:
On the same note, God's creations should be hunted and killed and used for our amusement, but not to the point of extinction. We ought to treasure and enjoy what we are given by God.

WHOA! Now hold on there, Pard!

God did not create the animals to be hunted for pleasure. God didn't even create them for food, He "gave" them for food after the flood.

I don't have a problem with hunting animals for food....what's the old joke...
"Vegetarian is an old Indian word for bad hunter" but no where do I see in the Scriptures that God is OK with us going out and blowing away His creation for our personal pleasure.

Animals do not have "rights" therefore it is even more imperative that we humans see to it that they are treated humanely and not with cruelty.

Cruelty to animals is wickedness:
Proverbs 12:10 "A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel."
I never meant "amusement" as meaning killing an animal for fun.

I was referring to zoos and circuses and safaris and all those fun things that involve animals.

Jeez, handy. Always gotta assume the worst huh? :D

But yes, one should also enjoy hunting. It is a thing derived from necessity, but so are many other things we enjoy.
Should people be punished for abusing animals? Man, don't get me started.

Sure, but not because they've violated the animal's rights. Animal abusers are sick people. They're dangerous. They have a lack of empathy toward other sentient creatures and this often carries over into their interaction with human beings.
Pard, there's no shame in having fun while hunting. I mean, I can't see the fun in sitting in a freezing cold duck blind, but antelope hunting is one of the more enjoyable activities I've ever experienced. Hunting is fun. Deal with it tree huggers.
I never meant "amusement" as meaning killing an animal for fun.

I was referring to zoos and circuses and safaris and all those fun things that involve animals.

Jeez, handy. Always gotta assume the worst huh? :D

But yes, one should also enjoy hunting. It is a thing derived from necessity, but so are many other things we enjoy.



OK then...:oops


Seriously, I was thinking the other day about trophy hunting. Living here in Idaho, our state gains a certain amount of financial income from trophy hunters. Now, y'all know me, I'm for liberty so I wouldn't want to couch the discussion as to whether or not it is "sin" to hunt solely for the trophy...but should we?

As for circuses, rodeos, safaris (not big game hunting), I don't see a problem with them if the animals are treated with care. I know a lot of folks think that rodeos are cruel, but honestly the animals are for the most part taken care of very well. A good bronco or bull is worth a lot of money, and the belt they put on them to cause them to buck really isn't painful as just irritating.

Zoos, well run ones, tend to do a lot of good for animals, both those in captivity as well as raising awareness of the needs of those in the wilds.

So, no, I'm not a PETA person, but I get really upset about animal cruelty.
Pard, there's no shame in having fun while hunting. I mean, I can't see the fun in sitting in a freezing cold duck blind, but antelope hunting is one of the more enjoyable activities I've ever experienced. Hunting is fun. Deal with it tree huggers.

Didn't read the last line of my post. I don't think I'd even hunt if it wasn't enjoyable...

No wait I still would, it's illegal to buy game meats in CT. Only way to eat well is to kill it yourself.

And handy, from my understanding the rodeo animals are trained to buck,no saddle needed. Or at least the horses are.

The starving animal thing can be easily countered with the fact that one ought to show responsibility for all things they do and by owning an animal they assume responsibility for its well being.
You ever watch that show on animal planet where the cops find the starving and abused animals and pets? I could not do that job as I would simply go ballistic on the owners.

Oh, me too! I'd freak out and probably wind up committing a crime in the process. How people can be that heartless is just... I don't even know!!

Perhaps the word "rights" wasn't best but I do think animals should have rights. Not the same ones we do, of course. But the right not to be treated with no regard to their safety? The right not to be abused? Yes, animals have those and I don't think they have many more.

Mammals have the ability to love. It's scientifically proven. In fact, if you have two dogs and one dies, the living dog will grieve for his friend. He won't eat, won't want to do things he usually enjoys, and he will mope. They go through deep pain when they lose someone they love. Have you ever heard the sound a dog or cat or other mammal makes when she finds her beloved companion dead? I've heard it's absolutely heart wrenching and I'm thankful I haven't heard it but I know people who have said it haunted them. So animals are capable of love because I've seen firsthand an animal genuinely forgiving his owner for some of the pain she put him through (at the vet, accidentally stepping on his tail, etc). I knew of one dog whose owner beat her and she still came back to him and lovingly forgave him. It was three years of painful abuse before she had enough and ran away. Also, God has used animals in countless ways to save human lives. Cats have alerted their owners to a fire in their house and then successfully led them out of it. I even heard of one cat who led one person out of the burning house and went back for another one. A pit bull recently took 2 bullets for his owner. And one remarkable Golden Retriever actually helped someone come out of a coma and assisted her in recovery.

So I believe that hunting animals for fun is wrong. Not to mention, killing for sport? God created those animals for us... but does that mean we can derive pleasure from stuffing them and putting them on our wall to prove we can use a gun?

I am not a vegetarian but I buy Kosher food as often as possible because it's more humane. I also am careful to buy cosmetics and related products that are not tested on animals. I am 100% against animal testing because science has actually come up with ways to avoid it and cut the cost in half. Only time we should ever test a product on an animal is if it's one made to be used by an animal (i.e. testing dog shampoo on a dog).

God put us in charge of the animals. When you're in charge of a group of children, you're expected to be responsible. Well God expects us to be responsible in ruling over the animals. And that means that abusing them is sinful.

And I only scratched the surface of my beliefs here! :)
God&DogGirl said:
God put us in charge of the animals. When you're in charge of a group of children, you're expected to be responsible. Well God expects us to be responsible in ruling over the animals. And that means that abusing them is sinful.

That my dear, is one of the best definitions of "stewardship" that I can think of. :nod