The literature is filled with them, And those are only the ones we've found so far. In a few weeks, Hall's bacteria had about a dozen. But remember, "favorable" only counts in terms of environment. The mutations that made Tibetans resistant to low oxygen pressure would not have added up in most places, because those changes would not have been beneficial. Hall's bacteria would not have had a sequence of mutations that produced the new enzyme system in the absence of a substrate that could be utilized by it. The gene that provides resistance to bubonic plague and HIV would not have evolved if the plague had not been common in Europe for several generations.
Does that mean that we would rarely see favorable mutation in a well-adapted population in a relatively unchanging environment? Yes, that's what Darwin predicted and his prediction was confirmed. Does that mean that we'd see a lot favorable mutations when things change? Yes, that's true.
One way to determine, in any particular situation, what the favorable mutation rate is the Hardy-Weinberg equation. It is a way to show, in the absence of selective pressure, what the distribution of alleles in the next generation will be, given the present distribution.
The Hardy–Weinberg principle, also known as the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, model, theorem, or law, states that allele and genotype frequencies in a population will remain constant from generation to generation in the absence of other evolutionary influences.–Weinberg_principle
The distribution of two alleles a and b in generation n+1 will be:
A2 + 2
a2 = 1 Where
a is the frequency of allle a and
A is the frequency of allele A.
Suppose that a is a new mutation and the next generation, absent any other significant factors, it is significantly more frequent than predicted by Hardy-Weinbert. We then know that it is a favorable mutation for that environment.
Where populations are very well-fitted, the rate of favorable mutations (changes that enhance survival long enough to reproduce) will be relatively low. Where populations are not well-fitted, the rate will be relatively high.
If you think about use of milk, dairy in itself is culturally transmitted. But there’s a gene called the lactase persistence gene, which allows some people to digest milk. Suppose that people who drink milk get enough extra protein that they can survive better. If those same people are learning from somebody to use cows for the purpose of getting milk, any gene which allows you to drink more milk without getting sick is going to have an advantage in the situation where cows are used for milking.
If the cows weren’t there, that gene wouldn’t have any advantage at all. Using the cows for milk production is not part of your genetics; it’s part of your culture. The spread of that culture had the effect of spreading the lactase persistence gene.
By now, you're probably thinking that it's pretty complicated. And it is. A lot of really great mathematicians have turned to evolution, because many problems in evolution are mathematical. G.H. Hardy, as you might know, was a world-class mathematician, not a biologist. Wilhelm Weinberg was a biologist and a physician.
So, your question is like "how will the speed of an airplane change if you pull back on the stick?" The only possible answer, absent specific information as to what the airplane is doing at the time is "it depends." However, Hardy, Reginald Punnett, and a larger number of other mathematically-inclined biologists and biologically-inclined mathematicians have applied mathematics to accurately predict the way allele frequencies change in different conditions.
If you could be a bit more specific, I could give you a better answer.