The issue was addressed....
Yes, you were shown to be wrong on your assertion that no new beneficial mutation arise.
I linked you to a paper that explained the research done and its findings on exactly what you asked. If you continue this farse I'll report you.
You brought up. different biological factors.
And gave you a brief explanation on the factors and even invited you to ask more about them. Instead you brushed them off.
I helped you see this complicated things and presented more of a problem for you.
No, you hand waved away my explanations and invitations to inquire more. Saying something isn't right doesn't mean you helped me.
Nw I'm trying to move you from the comic book version of evolutionism and help you see what it really is and just how impossible it is.
All you have done is state that beneficial mutations don't exist, and that the theory of evolution is false because ( actually you have not even explained why its wrong). You haven't produced anything, just stated everyone else is wrong. I don't think you understand what helping is. You have to at least understand the subject matter you want to critique in the first place in order to convince someone that its wrong. You have so far shown that you don't understand it.
So a mutation in the wrong place will or will not effect a trait
Mutations can effect other traits. It depends on the sequence.
not associated with a trait that had a previous morphological change that enhanced the fitness of the organism.
I think you are confused. If an organism gains a mutations that is beneficial, then the next generation has a mutation that effects the other mutation, then yes their will be a difference. I'm not sure where you are going with this though.
Keep in mind many species went extinct during the flood of Noah.
I don't believe in the flood of Noah, and its ok if you do.
Are you saying mutations are directed by an intelligent being...
and don't happen by chance?
They do happen by chance.
And here you went and opened up your post with ...."I'm guessing you really don't know much outside of theology." That statement has been re-directed towards you.
Cygnus, you project on people a lot. You actually were wrong about your statement that beneficial mutations don't happen. I don't know why you won't acknowledge this. I actually know a few things about population mechanics, biology, and the theory of evolution. You have yet to demonstrate this yourself.
You do understand that a trait must be effected by more than one random mutation in a organism progeny for it to be realized?
Would you like to explain your reason for believing this?
How does that happen a second, third, fourth.....tenth.....60th time?
Would you like to explain what you mean? If you are asking how a mutation spreads, that is easy. Sexual selection and lineage. The mutation is passed down and inherited. This is why I brought up population mechanics.
This must be the part where faith enters into your belief in evolutionism. You can't tell me.
What you are asking doesn't make sense because its irreverent to how the theory works. To make it clear, Evolution doesn't care about where the organism came from, it just cares about how its lineage is effected and adapts. Asking what the percent chances of a mutation doesn't matter. what happens when the mutation happens does.
Your last three answers have been complete duds....non answers....
Because your questions have nothing to do with how evolution works, but with random percentages that don't mean anything. Your questions are equivalent to trying to disprove gravity by asking what is the chance of a single person getting hit by a meteor.
You claim you understand evolutionism....
No, I said I accept the Theory of Evoltuion, but I by know means follow any ideaology named Evolutionism.
but your real answer is....I/we don't know.
My actual answer is that I think you want to disprove something you know next to nothing about. You think that your misinformed questions that make no sense to people who know what the theory of evolution disprove it, but all it does for me is solidify that you need to hit the books. Your ignorance isn't a strength.