veteran said:The idea of an apostle per God's Word is one who is 'sent'. For someone to be an apostle of Christ today, it would have to mean Christ's direct appearance to that person, and also given authority by Christ that is beyond doubt. Having a vision of Christ must include Him speaking directly to the person being called as an apostle, and what they're directed duty is. Further, what they speak and work must align with God's Word as written. Many are called, but few are chosen. Many peoples have a calling in Christ without having Him appear to them and tell them what their duty is. So it's important not to get being called confused with being a chosen sent one, or apostle.
Talk about confused...this is a pretty good article on why there is confusion about apostles. Where you have an apostle, you will have followers. Therein lies the danger.
The same root word means missionary...which is probably more readily recognized by those in this day and age. The problem, as I see it, is everyone can claim to be an apostle.
Apostles Today
You are driving down the road one Saturday while flipping from one radio station to another. One boisterous voice catches your attention. After a few minutes you discover that you are listening to the Christian radio broadcast of Apostle John, a man who claims to perform miracles, get messages from God, and who wants you to send him an offering.
The next Monday at work you spend some time talking to one of your fellow employees and discover that he is a Mormon. You are curious and ask numerous questions about his beliefs and practices. You make a mental note when he mentions that the Mormon Church presently has twelve apostles.
On Wednesday evening, you attend services at your Baptist church. A missionary has come in to present his field to the church. In the middle of his presentation, he makes a claim that catches your ear. He says that the missionaries of today are basically continuing the work of the apostles.
He continues his argument. They are not the Twelve who followed Christ when He walked the earth, but they are fulfilling the central work of the apostles when they go to new fields and start churches. This is what Paul did and he was an apostle. In fact, there are several men who are called apostles in the New Testament who were not part of the original Twelve. The name means “sent one†and can be used of those who are sent out by the Lord for a specific mission—thus, missionaries.
Now, you are really confused. You thought that the office of apostle had died out about the time the New Testament was completed. But now, in five days time, you have heard from three different claims of apostleship. What are you to believe? Do we still have apostles today? Has the office continued? And, if it has, who has the right to claim apostleship?
The purpose of this article is to give a biblical answer to these and other questions about apostles today and in the Bible. We will begin with a survey of those who were called apostles in the New Testament.