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- #141
ArtGuy said:...
So. Tree rings. Do you know what they are? They demonstrate periods of growth. If a tree grows quickly, then slowly, then quickly again, you will see a ring. Since trees grow more in the warm periods of the year than the cool periods of the year, and because they do this repeatably, it's pretty easy to determine the number of growing seasons that have occured - simply count the rings.
Now, you propose that the trees had to grow really, really fast after the flood. If that had happened, we would've seen one really big ring as the tree grew like gangbusters for a few days.
Same old mistake. You assume a present world as it is back then, and for things to work as they now do. In a world that included the spiritual, and the former light, and all, why would you say tree rings worked as they now do? That is absolutely a shot in the dark! You have no idea how things worked then. Why would a tree ring then represent a year and it's weather conditions when it may have grown in a week?! Maybe whether it was a wet day, or some such, if that even had much bearing then, since, with the former light, we cannot say it was even photosynthesis, can we? You see, forget the Po present, and it's rules, unless they apply, and they did not, unless you can demonstrate that they did! Can you? This is what you are up against, not just reciting fairy tales of a fantasy past and how it golly gee, must've worked like things now do.
[quote:6c025]Basically, what we would see is no ring structure in the middle of the tree.
Only if it was a PO growth, not in reality, this you just try to apply because it now has to work that way. If you could prove the past was PO as well, why, then, (and only then) would you have a point. This won't happen, and you don't have one, save in the present!
As explained, annual had not a thing to do with it then! Even weather has yet to be demonstrated, and wouldn't matter much anyhow, either way, as relates to time.Since we see a ring structure clear through to the center, it's apparent that the growth of the tree coincided with periods of warm and cool - that is, annual growth periods.
In a tree with 4767 rings, that means 4767 growing seasons, which means 4767 years.
No, it means nothing of the kind. How you should phrase your beliefs is something like this. " IF we could prove it was a physical only past, like the present, THEN, and only then would it mean that the rings were annual. As it is, all we can say is that rings were left as the tree grew, which, in the portion growing pre split, may have been very fast."
(There was actually a tree that was in excess of 5000 years, but it died back in the 60's.) Now, nothing you've said - even if one is to swallow your PO business - can account for this. The tree must have existed post-flood,
No, pre split, not flood. In the century, or few weeks therein of it, after the flood in the still merged world, it could have grown. Subtract the know present growth rates down to the time of the split, approx 4400 years ago, and the rest was grown in a merged world, (unless there are normal physical reasons that tree rings would be affected so there is no need to go back that far in real time)
so it can't have somehow existed in your alternate universe where physics doesn't apply.
We are in the temporary 'alternate' universe, the physical only one, then it was simply the original, complete, natural (in the true sense) one.
It would have been "PO". Your hyper-evolution and super-speedy growth rates can't have happened, because the tree cores would've left signs of it by way of super-thick rings in the center.
Again, this assumption applied not to the growth of that time at all. That is simply a mental exercise in what it would have been like if it were PO.
AS just explained, it is nothing even resembling that!What we see here is a very accurate calender that goes back close to 5000 years, and is in explainable in very basic terms that you won't be able to distort.
[/quote:6c025]So, please go on. Tell me how this is all some scientific conspiracy, and how your theory perfectly accounts for it.
Hey, poor PO science does the best it can, but has distinct limitations, and boundaries, beyond which it simply cannot go. Like a box, there are measurable limits. The mistake of many has been to try to assume their way out of the box into the future or past where the PO can't go, and dream up a universe as they think it, therefore must have been!