For a moment there i thought you would reject this mans wise words and shrug it off with ignorance and arrogance but you didnt.......
Thank God! Cause only a fool would denie what he just wrote
Not sure why you'd think that of me, but let me be clear, so there is no misunderstanding; I am not a Dispensationalist. Just to set the record straight.
Never the less, the message is the same.
I want to say one last thing about this topic. Regardless of a "new world order" or not, it has nothing to do with ones salvation, it is not important if it exist or not, and it neither adds nor takes away absolutely any value to ones relationship with Christ or not.
God clearly has the direction for our lives. We do not have it, he does. But we will never find his direction if we are holding on to our own and thinking we are in control.
You can turn to any part of the bible and see this message of God's will vs our will, and we see God's will and control always leading; always winning, always trumping man, and it's for this very reason we don't need to worry about the "New World Order"
Look at Jonah. God wanted Jonah to do a very specific thing, but Jonah's will said NOPE! God I know you have a will here, but it does not sound good to me and so I'm going to interject my will and not do it. Who won that one? ....anybody?
The bottom line is this, we are to surrender and obey to God's will, and to do that we have to trust in God; not ourselves, or other man, or systems of government, excetera excetera excetera.....
If we do this, we've nothing to fear.
The problem is not so much the people who have rejected God, but we have a bunch of people claiming to love and accept Christ who really don't trust him. They continue to hold on to their own will. They are afraid, and so they start constructing their own plans...IN THE NAME OF GOD.... only to find out that it does not work that way.
In man's view, Christian or not, understanding leads naturally to control. Like learning to drive a car. First we develop an understanding of the car, and how it works and then eventually we are in control of a motor vehicle. But, that's not how Christianity works.
In God's kingdom one must first GIVE UP control before one is able to acquire understanding. The more of our will we give up, the more God's will can take over and the more of God's will we are able to understand.