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Anyone here suffer from Anxiety or Depression?

Hello All,

I have anxiety and have been treated with many different kinds of medicine. All of them being terrible and decided to treat it via different ways than medication (which has worked out quite nicely by the way). Anxiety and depression are often treated with the same medications because it involved the same chemicals in the brain being out of balance. I just wondered if there was anyone else on here that sufferes from anxiety or depression, as I would love to just pick your brain about your own experiences to learn a little bit more about it.
While it has not been formally diagnosed, I believe myself to have problems with anxiety. For the past four years, I have been constantly nervous about even the most miniscule of things and have had several panic attacks. It's also has several physical side affects as well. Not fun.
It hasn't been properly diagnosed, but I am almost positive I suffer from some type of chemical imbalance so i am going to head to the doctors pretty soon.

As far as anxiety goes, I also believe I have this! I get nervous and upset over the tiniest things and it gets so bad it literally makes my heart start racing and I begin to hurt in my chest :sad

Who doesn't suffer from anxiety ? Almost everyone does, at one point in our life or another...

Anxiety is a tormentor that can keep you locked in a living hell, immobilizing you so that you cannot cope with life, let alone live as you should for the kingdom of God.

Now the world will tell you that it is natural and normal to be anxious. Anxiety may be natural and normal for the world, but it is not to be part of a believer’s lifestyle, no matter what our circumstances.

Either God’s Word is true, or it is not. Either God is who He says He is, or He’s not. And He is who and what He says He is, and His Word stands as His character stands. Therefore, no matter what our future holds, Gods says,

Philippians 4:6
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God

“Be anxious for nothing†is a command; and yet, in the same breath, God gives us the means of obeying that command.

1. The moment anxious thoughts invade your mind, go to the Lord in prayer.
This is where you begin. The word for prayer is proseuche, and it refers to prayer in a general way rather than to petitioning God for specific needs. “General prayer†causes us to look first at God – who He is and what He has promised – rather than at whatever is making us anxious. Focus on God. Rehearse His character, His promises, His works. Remember His names, His attributes, and how they suit your situation. As you rehearse and remember, you will see the cause of your anxiety in a whole new light.

(Read 2 Chronicles 20 and notice what Jehoshaphat did in a moment of great anxiety)

2. After you focus on God in prayer, remembering and rehearsing His character and His promises, then pour out your supplications before your God whom you have just worshipped and adored. The word for supplication is deesis, which means “a wanting or a needâ€. It is at this point that you get very specific in your petitions to your God, your Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who provides. Tell God EXACTLY what you want or need. (Watch how Jehoshapsat does this in 2 Chronicles 20).

3. Once you have turned your focus on God’s character and His promises, and have laid your specific petitions regarding your anxieties before His Throne, faith is then to take command by giving thanks. Note that Philippians 4:6 says : “By prayer and supplication with thanksgivingâ€. The act of thanksgiving is a demonstration of the fact that you are going to trust, to believe God.

Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is [that’s where your general prayer comes in] , and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him [this is where supplication comes in]

The thanksgiving is where the faith comes in. And what is the end result ? … PEACE, instead of anxiety.

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Much of our anxiety is centered around meeting what we consider the necessities of life. Because of this, many people devote themselves solely – with every ounce of time and energy – to providing these necessities, and luxuries, of life. Then when the economic situations in their lives take a turn for the worse, or when they are threatened by stock market fluctuations or other financial reverses or uncertainties, anxiety begins to eat away like a cancer. When this happens, it is difficult for them to turn to a God they do not know very well. The ordinary anxieties of life have kept them from the One Who promised abundant life!

Besides knowing these three steps to freedom from anxiety today, we also must be spiritually prepared for tomorrow.

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Don’t be anxious in the midst of today; and don’t be anxious thinking about tomorrow.

Know God’s Word – and live accordingly.

Invest your time and energies in getting to know your God by getting to know His Word. The returns on that investment are far greater than anything Wall Street has to offer, for these returns – rewards – are eternal.

In trying times, it is vital that you know how to live. When you do, you won’t be anxious about anything !

Matthew 6:24-25 , 33
No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? ……. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Hello all,

I totally hear you guys. I have had anxiety since... as far as I can remember. It always manifested itself in the form of getting the runs whenever I did anything remotely out of the norm, like a plane ride or even a birthday party. I would always feel ill to my stomach, I have always had sweaty palms, grind my teeth real bad at night, and had night terrors. I too have had panic attacks but only as a terrible side effect to some garbage medication that I was taking. I have been to so many doctors and ended up seeing a psychologist. The list of medications I have been on are:


All of which have caused terrible things to me and I now refuse to take any of them. I actually just got over letting 1 of them get out of my system... I was sick for weeks.

Anxiety and depression has a direct relation to an imbalance of serotonin. Although my anxiety is biological and I will probably have it for the rest of my life, I can tell you that I have noticed I feel significantly better when:

I get good exercise and be sure to take your vitamins! I really believe that the American diet does not get enough vitamins.

Josh, I totally know what you mean by the dumbest things causing anxiety and getting your heart racing etc... happends to me too. Best thing that works is just the good old take a deep breath and try to calm down.

Alot of people think... just don't be anxious, unfortunatly it does not work that way. Biological anxiety is uncontrollable.
Hi all--in 2008 I had my first and only--panic attack and quickly went into a 8 month long anxiety state in which dizziness and imbalance were the main symptoms. I dropped 40 lbs. in 30 days and had many other text book physical and emotional symptoms of "'stinkin thinkin"!

I can tell you that anxiety is NOT a chemical imbalance--it is FEAR! Many negative things were going on in my life then and I did not know how to handle them. FEAR AND ANGER and RESENTMENT are at the heart of all depression and anxiety.

Did you know that there is not a scientific basis for the theory of brain chemical imbalance? Did you know this theory was dreamed up by the drug companies to make BIG profits? This is why the many horrible side effects and why those drugs never work!

This web site was a life saver for me! Because I didn't immediately realize what was happening to me, and actually thought something was really physically wrong, I began searching the internet for a disease that matched my symptoms--ALL kept pointing to anxiety! Then I found and my SLOW healing process began. Knowledge IS power against anxiety and this site provides that very true knowledge.

Most of the info is free on the site--but to take part in the message boards, and read the 'book', you must join. I did and I am very glad I did. I do believe that God lead me to these people for help.

It took nearly two years to completely recover from the effects of years of 'nerves' : the body is so very slow to heal from a break down, but with God's help and determination, I am over it.

BTW--I NEVER took a drug in all of this. As a matter of fact--it was the FEAR of taking an anti-biotic that was the last straw, so to speak that finally caused my mind/body to rebel in earnest. So no way I ever going to put poison in my body again.

So take heart dear people--there is light at the end of the tunnel. But you must learn that YOU are the reason for the tunnel and only YOU can get yourself out of it. Pr 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:

PS--I was fortunate enough not to have to have a counselor from the above mentioned web site--but they DO offer them (for a fee). If you cannot seem to able to get through this alone--then by all means--sign up for on phone consultations.

Hope this helps. I know what this condition is and what it can do--it's HORRIBLE! But it is CURABLE without drugs. Thank our Heavenly Father for this.

Pr 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit (wrong thinking) drieth the bones.
I'm really glad that you are looking towards other ways to deal with your anxiety and depression than with the medications. Those medications are bad news and I strongly exhort anyone who is one them to seek out other ways to deal with things and start going off of them. Good for you, Rick! for getting off of them.

I agree that the best way to deal with anxiety attacks are to take it to the Lord. Tina shared some really great texts on the subject. :thumb

And, as for depression, which I deal with from time to time, there really is nothing better than good diet and good exercise to increase and balance your body's serotonin levels. What's hard is that when one is depressed the last thing one wants to do is to go out and get some fresh air and exercise, but that's when it's important to do it! Just get out and go for a walk, or ride a bike. A brisk walk in some fresh air really does raise the level of serotonin in a natural way, in the way God meant your body to work. Set a goal for yourself and work towards it. I'm an old-fart lady, but I just achieved my goal of being able to walk a mile and a half in less than a half hour. I did the 1.5 mile yesterday in 28 minutes.

If one is dealing with a problem that is interfering with your ability to function, then one should see a doctor. But tell your doctor at the outset that you want to deal with the issue via diet, exercise and natural methods rather than with pills. Do have your doctor test you for thyroid issues if you are suffering from depression and weight gain or weight loss. But, do work on the anxiety and depression in as natural a way as possible.

Here is another good text from Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through God who strengthens me."
Rainpebble said:
Did you know that there is not a scientific basis for the theory of brain chemical imbalance? Did you know this theory was dreamed up by the drug companies to make BIG profits? This is why the many horrible side effects and why those drugs never work!

People have to be very careful in playing doctor if they are not a doctor, and even if they are a doctor, they shouldn't play one on the internet. Rainpebble, we've never shared thoughts, so I don't know your background. I've worked in the area of Medical Case Management for 15 years, and I can tell you some people do VERY well on antidepressants and anti-anxieties . I'm not a doctor either, so I can't say my research has led to this conclusion.

I would just say people in general have to practice caution when feeling the urge to throw a blanket over everyone who takes pharmaceutical therapy for whatever the reason. We can end up like Tom Cruise making foolish comments that someone should just "deal with it".

I've read plenty of peer-reviewed research that would suggest the validity of chemical imbalances. I'm confused by your statement.

Overall, it is always a better idea to manage any conditions through prayer first, than lifestyle or behavior management. If someone can avoid taking pharmaceuticals, they should do that first. Doctors who are quick to write a prescription for something are being lazy, IMO. But not everyone benefits from these modifications. Some truly do need medicine. It can create strife and guilt by discounting the very real medical condition that someone has, whether it's psychological or physical.

If someone doesn't agree with these therapies, they can choose not to take them. But I would say, be careful that you don't put someone's condition in your hands be imposing your beliefs on them.
Anxiety is related to a chemical imbalance. I believe that fear, anger, negative thoughts and emotions can be contributing factors in throwing off that chemcial imbalance, but non the less, it is chemically related. Those medications that I was taking actually caused my anxiety to become worse. The Wellbutrin was the WORST. I was sick for 6 weeks with uncontrollable anxiety.

I have had best results from being sure to take plenty of vitamins (as low vitamin intake can result in anxiety like symptoms), exercise, diet, and lifestyle. I am trying my hardest to reduce stress, exercise more, take more vitamins, and eat healthy. I really can't tell you the difference I feel. I would really recommend that anyone who sufferes from anxiety or depression to be sure to take a multivitamin, and possibly a folic acid supplement as well. I take folic acid every other day now.

Omega 3 has also proven to help, so eating fish or flax seed is very very important in dealing with anxiety or depression in a natural way. I take a salmon oil pill every other day or so and try to mix ground flax seed in with my oatmeal when I have it. Very healthy stuff.

I am not anti-medication, as I feel that some people really do need to take it. I know I have needed to for other things, but I really recommend that anyone considering or taking to psychiatric medication to re-evaluate what they are putting in their body, as there really is no long term studies and the side effects can be crazy.
It is VERY important to speak with a doctor before quiting or discontinuing any medications though. I stopped taking Wellbutrin and had HORRIBLE discontinuation syndrom for many weeks.

Anxiety and depression are terrible things to deal with. I have been reading many books lately that deal with these topics and it really sounds like it can be overcome. Unfortuanly my anxiety has caused me some physical damage. I have stomach troubles from an over production of stomach acid.
I was originally diagnosed with anxiety and depression, I was prescribed risperidone and doxepin. Recently I have been re-diagnosed with Bipolar (which everyone has to differing extents - some are not critical). The symptoms are similar but the treatments are radically different. I'm now on olanzapin and lithium, they are great medications for my condition - don't feel low or high, but still feel happy (that's the joy of Christ). Make sure you see a specialist for your diagnosis, GP's generally don't have a great deal of expertise in this field..
Tell me about it. GP usually don't know know much about anxiety and often don't know how to help. My mother in law is on lithium. She has anxiety and lupus.

Glad to her that you have a good balance of medication that works for you. I just can't get that balance so I am going to give up on the med side and go natural.
I was diagoned with "very significant depression" when I was 16 or 17 and I was put on the anit-depressant lexipro. While it did make the depression better, I also became dependant on it. You should be really careful with anti-depressants. As for anxiety, I have had that too. I got it around the same time as the depression. It kept me out of school for the majority of the second semester of my junior year. I was afraid to go out in public. On the occasion that I would go to school, I would either skip class and hide in the bathroom, I'd end up leaving early, or, and I do this to this day, I HAVE to sit close to the door. I feel like I have to have an easy way to escape if necessary.
Rick-O-Shay said:
Tell me about it. GP usually don't know know much about anxiety and often don't know how to help. My mother in law is on lithium. She has anxiety and lupus.

Glad to her that you have a good balance of medication that works for you. I just can't get that balance so I am going to give up on the med side and go natural.
I have recently become perceptive to the spiritual realm whereby we identify the origin of thoughts as personalities in the spiritual realm. Some of the demons really make a mess of their host and end up in frustration. I've chosen to exorcise my demons and only know Jesus and The Father.

Sometimes a spiritual possession can be confused for medical condition and in this case, we can use medication to dampen the fire, but real cure will not come until the demon is displaced with Christ in the person's life. I have seen how this happens in suicidal people and its a real joy to deliver God's people to salvation when they share with you their plans to commit suicide that week.

So my point is that medication doesn't cure all our problems, some of it is a psychological problem stemming from having an impure mind - believing unholy thoughts. As for anxiety I definitely think that if it is racing thoughts then its likely to be a medical issue. If racing thoughts is an issue, perhaps ask if you can try clonezepan which slows the mind, but it can be addictive if you choose to depend on it, and it is not safe to drive under the influence. Nevertheless, I used it for a few days and gave me time to learn about how anxiety was affecting me.
I get good exercise and be sure to take your vitamins! I really believe that the American diet does not get enough vitamins.

I second that--- and by vitamins, I do not mean something establishment like Centrum Silver over age 50 or some do-nothing vitamin like that. Medical people love to seemingly side with natural cures but give meager doses for their experiments so that they say "vitamins don't do anything".

Take vitamin D for example. Look at what is on your bottle. 400 IU? Maybe 800IU with a big 200% RDA behind it? If you want it to do any good, take at least 5000 IU daily and get plenty of sunlight.

Eat fruits, vegetables, a good salad at least once a day and less processed foods. But also don't be afraid to eat meat and get proteins and saturated fats as well--- as long as it's in nature and not man-altered (a lot of meats, however are processed).

As a matter of fact, ignore the Lipid and "exercisoholic" philosophies going around these days--- whatever the medical world tells you, reverse it 180º and you'll be fine--- they want you sick and on those drugs to support the rich pharmaceuticals with big wigs who have 8, 9, or 10 digit salaries a years leeching off us little guys. I'm dead serious.
I am actaully reading a book that was talking about how corrupt the drug companies are. That is why they are so easily endorsed and prescribed. There is BIG money in the prescribing of these drugs. I really feel that Satan has a lot of room to sneak in to peoples lives though these kinds of issues.

And oi_antz, I agree that drugs usually treat a symptom of the real problem. There are chemical imbalances that can take place within us, but spiritually there is a LOT of room for spiritual problems to affect us.

For our battle is not agains flesh and blood, but against evil powers and spirits...

I think that my anxiety has both physical and spiritual aspects to it.
While it's true that pharmaceutical companies are making a lot of money by "creating the need", promoting reasons for the needs of their medications, there is a wealth of peer-reviewed data with double blind, placebo controlled studies demonstrating the efficacy of certain drugs. Due to a back lash directed at the FDA when they approved certain drugs that ended up being harmful, the FDA has made it much more difficult to get new medications approved. And good that they did.

There is abuse by some patients and doctors who turn to pharmacotherapy for answers when they don't need to be, but the fact is some people truly need certain drugs. Some are synthetic, but some are naturally based, taking from natural derivatives found naturally in the body.

I also agree that patients seeking psychotherapeutic drugs shouldn't rely on a primary care physician who has general knowledge of all types of ailments, disorders and injuries. If someone is seeking psychiatric treatment, they should turn to those who specialize in that area.

I do think it's a bit irresponsible (I'm not calling anyone out here personally) to make a blanket statement that no one should seek pharmaceutical answers for depression or anxiety. Our first response should be to "get our house in order" by seeking the Lord and finding comfort in Him, then nonpharmaceutical lifestyle changes. But there can come a time when medicinal intervention is needed, just as with any physical complication. By saying that everyone should dismiss this option, we are ignoring the real need that may be there. There is plenty of evidence that shows cases of neurotransmitters unable to bind with stimuli. By providing the necessary chemicals to promote healthy neuro-transmission, stimulation of certain receptors can function as they were Created to function.

I don't have that need, but I've come across people in my life personally and professionally who do.

Be careful in making blanket statements. That's all I'm saying.

Here's a thought I had after posting my last thought.

Several years ago, I was in a very bad, deteriorating way. At about 38 years old, I started losing feeling in my hands and feet. This progressed to the point that I found it hard to walk up stairs, let alone play with my children. My doctor ruled out all kinds of diagnoses. This went on for about a year! I had CAT scans done and it looked like I had Multiple Sclerosis and my life would never be the same.

One day my doctor was studying my file for the 50th time when he saw something easily overlooked, because it seemed so basic. It turned out that I had the hereditary condition of "pernicious enemia" which only means that my body stopped having the ability to absorb B-12. I can take a bottle of B-12 pills, but they won't be absorbed. My body had barely a trace of it when he made the discovery. I started getting injections of B-12 and within days of my first shot, I was all but back to normal!! PRAISE GOD!!! For the rest of my life, I will need regular shots. My wife at times takes great joy in "sticking it to me". 18 months after I was diagnosed (when I couldn't walk up the stairs), I ran and completed my first 26 mile marathon!

I share this because my body, on a cellular level can't absorb a chemical just as some can't absorb chemicals within the brain. Their receptors are lacking the chemicals to do their job. Just because we can't see it, doesn't mean an illness isn't present and treatable. Sometimes people have a built in bias toward mental health, because they can't observe the injury or condition. Real people are hurting, and in judging medicinal therapies, we may be putting up barriers between them and healthy living.

Rick-O-Shay said:
I think that my anxiety has both physical and spiritual aspects to it.
Christians are allowed to experience evil spirits in order to gain strength by overcoming it. I've become quite perceptive to spirituality and I feel good for having dedicated my mind to holiness. If you're having unhealthy thoughts that you think are from evil spirits, you'll do well for yourself to confront them and tell them to flee in Jesus' name. We aren't meant to endure tribulation, we are meant to overcome it and Jesus has given us that power by stating our place according to His forgiveness.. I'm just throwing it out there, no idea if it is relevant to you, but certainly this advice applies to some people who struggle with their spiritual condition..