- Oct 16, 2016
- 374
- 47
Why can't you give me the scripture that says Satan becomes a person of flesh and blood?
Because your false assumption that the angelic body is one of flesh is not Scriptural.
God uses Satan to punish the wicked and rebellious; that is learned from study in The Old Testament prophets. Why haven't you understood that? (see Isaiah 30:31-33 as God sometimes uses the title of "the Assyrian" put for Satan. That is Satan that is already sentenced to perish in that "Tophet", and is what Jesus referred to in Matt.25:41.)Like I have said, why would God give to Satan to torment those who are already Satan's own. Do you really think that Satan would torment someone so bad in hopes that they would turn back to God.
Apollyon is an angel sent from God just like the angel in Exodus 12:23; Job 33:22; Proverbs 16:14; 2Samuel 24:15-16; 1Chronicles 21:15; 2Kings 19:35 that were all called a destroyer sent by God.
Destroying angel (Bible) - Wikipedia
"Apollyon" is from Greek apollumi which means 'perdition', and often called 'the destroyer'.
Satan is that "destroyer" of Exodus that God sent upon the Egyptians, and God protected His people by the Passover sacrifice of lamb's blood spread upon their door posts.
Christ revealed who that one is simply by showing that he is already judged and sentenced to perdition into the future "lake of fire". Those who do not understand this show they will still "wonder" who that beast is even when they behold him on the earth...
Rev 17:8
8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
As of today, that idea in red about that one going into "perdition" (apollumi), can ONLY apply to Satan and his angels who have already been judged and sentenced to perdition in the "lake of fire". Why is that?
It is because NO FLESH-BORN MAN is judged and sentenced to 'perdition' yet today; only Satan and his angels have. Flesh man is not judged until after... Christ's future "thousand years" reign of Revelation 20, with God's Great White Throne Judgment. And that is Bible 101.