I thought it was interesting the two links I put up to see what others are thinking about the times we live in

I think it's interesting too, interesting times we are alive in. I still think that we are close, that the April 8 eclipse is a sign, in a long line of signs. I think it means we're so close we don't even have to talk about it.
Be silent before the Lord, all flesh.
Silence in Heaven for about the space of half an hour. Half a "hora". Half a Heptad. While the Two Witnesses lay dead in the streets of the "Great City". Go to the "Great City" and tell Nineveh they have 40 days to repent.
I still think we are much closer to the actual second coming than is being widely recognized. I'm on pins and needles.
I think we're right up against the 7th seal, the 7th trumpet, and the 7th vial. The frog like demons have already been sent out to gather the kings of the earth for that great battle.
I think we're at this verse:
(“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”)
It's happening virtually undetected. Right before our eyes. A thief comes silently, invisible, not observed, not noticed, or detected.. Like in the days of Noah, the people are not going to realize it until the flood comes and takes them all away.
I could even make a case that the 7th seal is already opened half way through 2021.
"And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour."
There reads a mystery in the chronology of Revelation at times, but when the 7th seal is opened, "there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. That half an hour is probably not a literal 30 minutes as we know it. It could be, but it might not be. I can make a case for it to be 3.5 days, 3 and a half years, or half of a heptad, half of the "seven" that we are in right now.
The word "hour" comes from the Greek word "hora." The "Horae" were the three mythological goddesses of the seasons— spring, summer and winter. This was before autumn was recognized as a season. Their names were Eunomia, Dike and Eirene, mean- ing Good Order, Justice and Peace, guardians of the orderly suc- cession of the processes of nature.
"Hora" therefore meant "season" in a very general sense, almost synonymous with "a time." It was simply a measurable lapse of time with a beginning and an end, but with no uniform length of duration. That ancient Greek meaning of the word persisted into New Testament times even after "hora" came to be used also to mean a division of the day. Consequently, when the translators came across the word "hora," they found it very difficult to deter- mine what English word to use.
Several times they translated "hora" as "day" ; several other times they rendered it "season," and they were correct in so doing. But in some verses where "hora" should have been translated "moment" or "instant," they rendered it "hour."
Even in the many places in the New Testament where the word "hora" is used to indicate a period of time somewhat corresponding to our modern hour, it should be understood by the Bible reader that the New Testament hour varied greatly in length.
There were astronomers then, to be sure, who had carefully worked out the exact length of the day from their observation of the stars and the equinoxes, and had divided the day into 24 equal parts or hours, like the ones we use today. These they measured by a clever mechanical device which they called the clepsydra, literally the water-stealer, a primitive forerunner of the clock.
But the common people of New Testament times, in their homes and in business, knew nothing of the day of 24 equal hours. To them the day was the period between sunrise and sunset, and that was divided into 12 equal parts called hours. Of course, the hours were therefore much longer in summer than in winter. In mid- winter their hour was equal to only three-fourths of one of our hours and in midsummer was as long as our hour and a quarter. But in their leisurely method of living, they did not worry about such small matters. - Time in Bible Times, Potter, C. F.
Interesting little link. You can probably be better to start at page 163.
So the half an hour might be half a season, half of a "seven", or half of a designated period of time based on the context.
But what ever the: "about the space of half an hour" is, it does sort of sound like the prophetic voice goes silent, a type of freeze frame pause where the Two Witnesses slumber in a deep sleep, dead in the streets of the Great City, only to be awakened by a loud voice from heaven calling "Come up here".
Peaceful Sabbath.