arabica vs robusta

I think it would be great to be able to taste real Italian cappuccino. Do you think you could send me one?
Not every bar (cafe) makes them good. They turn out different depending on who's making it.

How about you come here??

And start getting used to calling cafe's "bars".
We go to the bar to get coffee and cake....
We don't really go to bars to drink liquor or get drunk.

This is a bar.

The best I had was at the Rome airport\
Who would think?
My daughter and I went to a bar here in town a few days ago because we were enjoying BEING ALONE!!

We had to send the cappuccio back --- it was hot water with milk in it.

Then we found out the bar had been sold and the new owner doesn't pay his staff so there's a constant turnover. Needless to say, we're never going there again.

So, yeah, it's not good just because it's made in Italy....
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not to sound like a coffee snob, but...instant? man oh man, live in Italy...aren't there fabulous blends of coffee, fresh roasted by men named mario or giovanni you could be sipping on?
not to sound like a coffee snob, but...instant? man oh man, live in Italy...aren't there fabulous blends of coffee, fresh roasted by men named mario or giovanni you could be sipping on?
Italy has a current reputation for coffee...but truth be known the reputation for coffee rightfully belongs to Spain.
They were the ones to conquer South America with the abundant supplies of coffee, sugar, cotten, tobacco, chocolate and etc.
Granted the best chefs came from Italy until Caterina De Medicci brought them with her to marry the French King...

But Spain was filthy rich from exploiting South America and building Cathedrals when North America was getting it's first log cabin shacks.

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