Barbarian observes:
You've already seen a transitional that is a mix of dinosauran and avian characteristics. Why aren't there any mammal/bird transitionals? Creationists are completely befuddled by that fact.
Unred reply: That’s easy to explain. As I attempted to tell you before, as God created the various kinds, his creative style evolved...
First, nothing about God evolves. He is perfect and eternal.
and he used some features over and over.
So why don't we find transitionals between any groups except those predicted by evolutionary theory? That was the question. Creationists are completely unable to explain that.
For instance, he gave some wings. Pterodactyls are identified by science as a flying dinosaur
No they are not. The only flying dinosaurs are birds.
but it may just be the same kind of animal as a bat.
Nope. Multiple bones in lower jaw, one bone in middle ear, one condyle on the atlas vertebrae, ... very long list. It's a reptile, not a mammal. Also the wing is very much different from that of bats.
Bats are mammals and they have wings and the ability to fly. Several kinds of insects have wings and can fly. They are not related but they have similar features.
No. Insect wings aren't remotely like bat wings, we are talking about transitional features. Why don't we see transitionals between any groups that aren't linked by evolutionary theory?
You choose a few features to focus on and use them to determine if animals are transitionals.
So explain why we see dinosaurs with feathers and birds with dinosaur characteristics? But nothing to connect birds and mammals? In order to decide whether organisms are transitional, you focus on the apomorphies, the things that make each of the two groups distinct from other animals.
So, you can't use "wings" since they exist in many different forms. But you can use the number and arrangement of bones in wings. You can't use eggs, since many organisms have eggs. But you can use reptillian or avian eggs. This is why platypuses are transitional between reptiles but not birds: they lay eggs, but they are reptillian eggs.
That doesn’t prove any ancestral connection. It only shows that they share like features and were created by the same artist.
Barbarian observes:
I think, that you, like all other creationists, know why it's true, and like them, you will not even venture an explanation.
I have given this explanation more than once on this forum...
You're avoiding the question that was asked, and answering one you made up yourself. The question is not why analogus structures exist in animals; it's why transitional structures exist only between organisms predicted to be related by evolutionary theory.
Why do we see dinosauran ribs, hips, vertebrae, etc. in a primitive bird, but not in mammals? Why do we see threrapisd traits in primitive mammals, but not in birds?
Why do you see transitional wings in insects that are still used as gills? (the evidence indicates insect wings evolved from biramous appendages use for gills in more primitive organisms, and they are still used as gills in some insects), but not birds?
Creationists find a lot of ways to avoid answering the question. You chose one of the more popular ones.
Barbarian observes:
You've seen that Archie is a mix of bird and dinosaur. Show me a mix of bird and mammal, or any other not predicted by evolutionary theory.
Unred reply: I’m not playing that game any more. I gave you a perfectly reasonable explanation and you deny that I even had an answer.
You didn't answer my question. Instead, you asked another one, and answered that. That similar solution evolve in similar circumstances is not the issue. What is the issue is why we only see transtional birds with dinosaur characteristics, but neve mammal charactieristics. Why we see primitive insects with annelid characteristics, but not echinoderm characteristics. Remember we are speaking of apomorphies, those things characteristic of each group.
It’s not even an interesting question
For creationists, it's apparently terrifying. They go to extraordinary efforts to avoid answering it.
Barbarian suggests:
So, just so we know that your "I knew that" response is right, how about telling us what you think it actually says?
Unred reply:
Sure, when you correct my carbon dating analogy instead of giving it a cursory dismissal...
In other words, you can do it, but the evil Barbarian won't let you. That dodge won't help you. Besides, you got an extended discussion of C14. What more do you want to know?
I didn’t see you making a better one to replace my 'faulty' version.
In other words, you have no idea what evolutionary theory is about. Good enough.
I’m not going to waste my time writing a careful treatise so you can just say, ‘no, that’s wrong.’
If you know what it is, that won't happen, will it?
Barbarian observes:
Again, what stumps creationists is why very similar organisms, with very similar lifestyles, when they appear to have evolved from two unrelated lines of organisms, have quite different details of structure, and have quite different genomes.
Why would thylacines, which look and act very much like wolves, have physiologies and genes more like a koala than a wolf? Why would they be marsupials?
Why do we see vertebrate ears made of bones that are gill supports in fish? Why do we see that bears and giraffes and fish and octopi all have complex eyes with a lens, retina and the rest, but only the mammals have the retina in backwards?
There are many, many such questions that leave creationists scratching their heads.
Dear Barbarian, there is no mystery about it.
Note above. You went to an elaborate rationalization why you won't answer it.
If you see any creationist baffled by those scenarios, they have just been ‘not seeing the forest for the trees.’ As I said, the entire living creation was all made of the same elements with the same basic features that would help them to survive on the same planet which necessitates some degree of similarities in their DNA and structure. They also have a wide variety of traits that just show the style and imagination of the creative genius who made them. I believe there are features that have been built in expressly to allow the creature to adapt to a world that has been marred with the death and destruction that sin brings with it. Even if creatures do evolve, which remains debatable, that doesn’t mean they were not created in “kinds†that were intended to reproduce after their “kindsâ€Â.
If the tapdance is over, how about explaining why mammals, which evolutionary theory says evolved from reptiles, have transitionals that lay reptillian eggs, but not avian ones? How about explaining why such organisms have the reptillian shoulder structure, but not the dinosaurian one?
This is a complete mystery to creationists, but science has a very simple explanation that is consistent with the evidence. Mammals evolved from therapsids, so the transitionals have characters of both classes. Birds evolved from primitive dinosaurs, so they have the characters of those organisms.
Barbarian observes:
I read the denial, but the emotional escalation is more eloquent.
If your emotion meter is going off, you’re just picking up a reading of yourself. I’m quite immune to this kind of technique. If you enjoy thinking this bothers me, please feel free to fantasize to your heart’s content.
And few of us are affected by denial.
Barbarian observes:
I'm hard to offend. I'm actually sympathetic. I can see how hard this is for you.
Barbarian suggests:
Never hate your opponent. Causes you to make mistakes.
Indeed. Love your enemies and those that despitefully use you. Love ya, man. *grin*
Good to see that you can keep Christian in the ways that count.
Barbarian observes:
Yep. But the real enemy is within. Beat that one, and you have it made.
Yup, that’s where Satan strikes… the tender underbelly; heart, mind and soul.
Rather, Conquer the beast within, and the beast without will have no purchase on your soul.
Barbarian observes:
I first read Genesis 1 in 1954. And I've paid a lot of attention to it since then.
That’s fine. Too bad you got sucked into the whole ‘millions of years’ scam.
It's what the evidence shows. Christians have had various views of how long the universe was here before man, from "always here, created eternally" to "created in an instant." There is no Christian position on how old the universe is.
That really puts Genesis into the toilet, not to mention Jesus being ‘truth.’
Since a logical reading of Genesis, as St. Augustine pointed out over 1500 years ago, makes six literal days absurd, it's clear that can't be so. He was speaking of the fact that it is absurd to speak of literal mornings and evenings with no sun to have them. There are certainly creationist interpretations that can be logically mapped on Genesis, but YE creationism is directly refuted in that, and in God's Word that He did not create life "ex nihilo."
Atheists realize this but you apparently haven’t caught on.
Atheist and YE creationist are united in their understanding of Genesis, because they both have the same objective; to make science and faith incompatible.
Barbarian observes:
Me too. And it rules out YE creationism, since it expressly denies "ex nihilo" creation of life.
Excuse my ignorance but exactly how are you using Genesis to rule out YE creationism?
Two ways. First, see above for St. Augustine's observation on the absurdity of literal days. Second, God says that He created life naturally, not ex nihilo.
Barbarian wrote
other verses saying the earth and waters brought forth life)
Yeah, those, too.
Unred reply: You missed the day one through seven blow by blow.
See above. It's logically insupportable to read them as literal days.
You just slide by all that and add millions and millions of years ago?
No. If I only knew the Bible, I would have no idea how old it was. Some things, God let's us find out for ourselves.
I thought you didn’t add to scripture?
I don't. I accept the existence of electrons, too. But they still aren't part of scripture.
Barbarian wrote:
I don't remember saying "serious offense", but it is definitely forbidden.
And a few million/billion years doesn’t count?
See above. There are many things that are true, that are not in Scripture.