We attend a small assembly right now, about 15 families who are steady, and another 10 or so who visit when they can, and while we do not have a lot of church sponsored programs we consider ministry to be the daily life of the believer. Fathers, mothers, children all being servant lights in their homes and communities. I think we need to define 'ministry'. While I would encourage people to do volunteer work in sponsored church ministries as they are able, what about those things that aren't church sponosred like time spent working hard together with others, and for others, studying the word as families, discipling young adults and children who are believers, sharing the Gospel with friends, family, and neighbors as led by the Spirit, practicing hospitality with our neighbors and the body, caring for the sick with meals and childcare, spending time with widows and helping them with repairs, and helping orphans with money, time, or adoption? A program sponsored by the church is not bad, but is it the only ministry opportunity? Many ministry opportunities can be family sponsored, friend sponsored, etc. I wonder if the study took these things into consideration?
In the past month these are some things our family has been involved in, because God gave us the opportunity and the ability. Some families were called to do more this past month, and some were called to do less, because God is the One who is in charge of it all and gives us the grace...we can not boast.
1. Welcomed lost family members in our home for a month, fed them, and gave them money to get back on their feet.
2. Spent three days last week watching a brother and sister's younger children, preparing them three meals daily, while our children worked with them to fix up a house that needs to sell...we also made signs and other such tasks to help out.
3. The older boys volunteered to help younger homeschooled children to learn to play the game of soccer for several hours Friday along with setting up, and tearing down, fields....they will do this for another eight weeks.
4. Michael conducts a family Bible study nightly in our home, has an e-ministry, and gives the word in our assembly. He also works full time and we run a small farm to raise grass-fed beef, organic veggies, free-range eggs, etc.
5. I have a ministry in my home serving Michael's ministries, taking the primary role in educating the children (we just started two weeks ago), taking on the responsibilities of hospitality, and so on.
I guess I am saying that the church sometimes places special prority on their programs/ministries while overlooking some of the primary ministries in the life of a believer...even pulling believers away from these other Spirit-led ministries in some instances. We will be volunteering once a week again this year too in an outside ministry sponsored by our church beginning in October, because God has led us to it and we have the ability, but not all families will, not all families are called to it by our Lord, because they are busy being about their Father's business in other ways.
I am convinced that we are the body, and one church, and so I couldn't endorse a single method over just the leading of the Spirit in all parts of the body. Big churches and small churches all make up the Church, and while one may have more programs it doesn't mean that they are 'better' in ministry. While the other may have more opportunity to disciple, it doesn't mean that they are. Churches, assemblies, etc. should be evalutated individually and not lumped.
The Lord bless.