I had the distinct displeasure this afternoon to have the world's angriest Pre-K'er in my office for a half hour. This child has a birth defect which not only affects his motor skills, but also his brain- hence, he is unable to happy at all. Basically the child is "wired wrong". And that led me to the thought- is it possible that there are people who are born to damnation? My faith in Christ has always led me to believe in free will- that people can CHOOSE to accept God and an eternity with Him in Heaven, or reject God and face an eternity in the only place He will be absent- Hell. But what of those who are "wired wrong"? To add, I am not asking about those who are mentally delayed- I know God has made provision for those who do not know the difference between right and wrong, and who are incapable of choosing. What I am asking about is those who are intelligent enough to know right from wrong, who CAN make good choices, but because of a physical defect in the brain, are incapable of FEELING happy for making the right choice.