- Dec 4, 2010
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- 2,789
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These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33, ASV)
There are three major theories of the Great Tribulation and a case for all three has been made from the scriptures. Personally I hold fast to the Pretribulation position. However I am prepared to be wrong also. The world we live in is changing daily right now and if a man converts to Christianity in the Middle East there is a great chance he will be executed for for his faith. He will be disowned by his family, fired from his job and beaten for daring to follow the One True God and for dumping his idols.
Why should we be concerned, it has been the last days for the past, almost 2,000 years, hasn't it? The answer is yes and no. It is well understood by all believers that to the LORD, our God, a thousand years is as a day to the LORD. What in the world does that mean? I read the book “Heaven Is For Real” a couple of years back where a four year old boy was dead for, something like 3 minutes. The meeting with the sister that he had never heard about because of the pain of a Still Birth, the horses and other animals he saw and interacted with there, sitting with God the Father, Jesus and others would take hours to days for him to have done but he did it all in three minutes, earth time.
Further proof of the truth he was teaching his Pastor father and mom, he told them he had met his dad's father there. His dad showed him a photo of his dad in his later years but the youngster told him that was not his dad. Then dad remembered the scriptures and asked his mother for a mid-life picture of his dad and on receiving it, he placed it for display in the Dinning Room. When the little man passed it he pointed and proclaimed there is the man he met that was the grandpa he had never seen until he died on the Operating Table.
But let's not chase this rabbit to far. Israel, the Fig Tree, bloomed or was born in a day in May of 1948, marking the season for the return of our LORD. (Matt. 24:3-33) Remember that a thousand years is as a day unto our LORD and that all through scripture we see, from the very beginning, God views completion to be filled in sevens. (Be careful not to fall into the trap of numerology here,) The Earth is either entering into it's seventh millennium or has just entered it and the Fig Tree has bloomed, we are entering into a time of world wide tribulation for the Christians. Are you ready?
These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33, ASV)
There are three major theories of the Great Tribulation and a case for all three has been made from the scriptures. Personally I hold fast to the Pretribulation position. However I am prepared to be wrong also. The world we live in is changing daily right now and if a man converts to Christianity in the Middle East there is a great chance he will be executed for for his faith. He will be disowned by his family, fired from his job and beaten for daring to follow the One True God and for dumping his idols.
Why should we be concerned, it has been the last days for the past, almost 2,000 years, hasn't it? The answer is yes and no. It is well understood by all believers that to the LORD, our God, a thousand years is as a day to the LORD. What in the world does that mean? I read the book “Heaven Is For Real” a couple of years back where a four year old boy was dead for, something like 3 minutes. The meeting with the sister that he had never heard about because of the pain of a Still Birth, the horses and other animals he saw and interacted with there, sitting with God the Father, Jesus and others would take hours to days for him to have done but he did it all in three minutes, earth time.
Further proof of the truth he was teaching his Pastor father and mom, he told them he had met his dad's father there. His dad showed him a photo of his dad in his later years but the youngster told him that was not his dad. Then dad remembered the scriptures and asked his mother for a mid-life picture of his dad and on receiving it, he placed it for display in the Dinning Room. When the little man passed it he pointed and proclaimed there is the man he met that was the grandpa he had never seen until he died on the Operating Table.
But let's not chase this rabbit to far. Israel, the Fig Tree, bloomed or was born in a day in May of 1948, marking the season for the return of our LORD. (Matt. 24:3-33) Remember that a thousand years is as a day unto our LORD and that all through scripture we see, from the very beginning, God views completion to be filled in sevens. (Be careful not to fall into the trap of numerology here,) The Earth is either entering into it's seventh millennium or has just entered it and the Fig Tree has bloomed, we are entering into a time of world wide tribulation for the Christians. Are you ready?