I find the greatly disliked Barna Foundation, Survey of the American Church to hold true to the point that the numbers are, very possibly, worse than the survey found them to be. This survey, from the mid-eighties, taken by only the faithful (the ten to fifteen percent that is there 3 or more services a week and do all the admin. work) demonstrated that that less than 10% of them believe the basic belief structure required to be a Christian.
These folks were all, well instructed and studied but they denied the essentials of the faith. As close as I can recall today (rough estimates) less than 20% believed in the virgin Birth, without which Jesus could not have been sinless. Less than 15% believed in the death of Jesus as payment for their sins. Less than 10% believe that Jesus is returning t take them to Heaven and it went down hill from there I recall.
These stiff necked people are guilty of failure to surrender and Jesus was quite clear when He said, paraphrase, if you love me you will keep my commandments. If we look at John 1:1-3 we learn there is nothing in this world that He did not create and then when we look to Mal, 3:6a we see that not only is Jesus the God of the Old Testament, He never changes, period, a the great Pretender in the Oval Office is famous for remarking.
Because a bloke's name name appears on the Church Directory and because he has been dunked by the Pastor, doesn't make them saved with their names recorded in the Book of Life. Over the past 24+ years of Prison Ministry, Computer Ministry and Children's Ministry I have helped better than 600, reported, to make professions of faith. I'm certain one or two of them were true!
May God bless and I pray you see why you are seated in a mission field, white for the harvest this Sunday.