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Ask a Laveyan Satanist

Like it says in the title. Ask me a relevant question concerning our two religions. Chances are, what you think you know about satanism is prejudice at best, plain untruth at least.

I've heard it said that Satanism is nothing more than living life the way you want to, or something to that affect. If that's the case, why is it called Satanism?
I've also been told that there are different schools of thought on that point within your religion?
I have ALWAYS wanted to ask this: Why do you call yourself "Satanists" when you don't believe in Satan?
¿What happened to Nikolas Schreck's right ear?????

Alright, here goes.

Westtexas, the only way I'm sure I'll live on is in the memories of others. Every day, I do my best to be remembered as the person I am, not as someone they think me to be.

Questdriven, Pizzaguy the reason it's called satanism is quite a simple one. Satanism advocates violating the seven deadly sins because they lead to physical, emotional and psychological gratification. Violating those "sins", as christianity calls them, is a vital part of human nature. A satanist worships himself and these primal urges since they are part of him.

Of course, you could call these urges by the hormones (dopamine, for starters) that are involved. You'd end up with a detailed, scientific essay. Very impractical.

Christianity blamed Satan for tempting mankind to sin. Christianity saw Satan as the source of sin, the thing causing you to sin.

A satanist worships himself, the source of sin. Christianity called the source of sin "Satan", so a satanist worships "satan". Satan is no being, he's just a part of our nature.

There are traditional satanist who do believe in Satan as an existent being. However, they base their beliefs on books written by christians (maleus maleficarum, for one), while modern, Laveyan satanism discards these writings as malevolent propaganda.

Tri Unity, I wasn't implying I'm an authority on your religion. I simply meant that if you have questions about satanism, you could ask. I know the differences between christianity and satanism, I don't know christianity.

Kumi Ori, Satan is a hebrew term, meaning "the accuser" or "the adversary". Christianity requires an opponent to God, someone who desires to destroy His creation. The whole point of being a christian, if I'm not mistaken, is to escape the clutches of Satan and adhere to God's commands in order to be saved.

Take Satan out of the mix, and you'd have to blame the humans themselves for the evil they do. God created humans in his image, so God would be evil too. Suddenly, God would be nothing more than a cruel dictator telling you not to be greedy while simultaneously making you greedy, then killing you because he felt like it. Only with Satan as the wrongdoer can God be forgiving and kind. God cannot be good without another being taking on the role of evil.

So, Satan was a neccesary concept for christianity to exist. And humans always come up with words for concepts they need to be able to talk about.

Joethemechanic, it appears he lost it in a fight with either a gay man, a black man, or a gay black man. It might have been multiple gay/black men. From what I've read, it appears Nikolas was a bit of a nazi, and he had it coming.

Though, nazism that has nothing to do with satanism. The satanist only believes that there are proveable differences between different races.
Genes don't matter that much, how you live your life does. People with obvious genetic defuncts are discouraged but not forbidden to have children. If someone with down syndrome absolutely wants to have children, it would be very unsatanic to deny him his rights.

Classik, I'm a satanist.

That's all! Don't hesitate to ask more questions, people.
Pizzaguy the reason it's called satanism is quite a simple one.

I think the question of Pizzaguy went over your head. The implication is that Satan derives his legend from the Bible alone, and no other source. All other sources are derivative. You cannot believe in Satan without believing in God. Your whole ideology doesn't have a source to stand on (scuse the pun). Without the bible there is no Satan. You believe in the bible after all!
I think the question of Pizzaguy went over your head. The implication is that Satan derives his legend from the Bible alone, and no other source. All other sources are derivative. You cannot believe in Satan without believing in God. Your whole ideology doesn't have a source to stand on (scuse the pun). Without the bible there is no Satan. You believe in the bible after all!

I did in fact answer him, as both he and Questdriven asked why it's called satanism when it's not about believing in Satan.

"Satan" is a term the Christian church came up with to describe the "evil" forces that cause mankind to sin. the Christian Church made fornication the “Original Sin.†Your very state of being is as a result of sin!

It is a humans nature to be sinful - would you not agree that resisting sinful behavior is sometimes difficult?

A satanist does not deny that his nature is sinful. A satanist worships himself, everything that makes him himself. Including the urge to sin. Because a satanist worships his own nature, which the Christian Church calls Satan. Because it's a simple word, and since it fits the description, we use it to name our religion.

You believe in satan as an evil force trying to convince to to sin. We believe we are this force ourselves. No hell, no heaven, no God. No christian values, not christian beliefs.

Personally, I have a second reason. I also call myself a satanist because it keeps close-minded people away. People who walk away the moment they hear "Satan" are people I have no intent to talk with in the first place, for they are prejudiced and close-minded. And believe it or not, explaining that satanists don't sacrifice unbaptized children (shameless propaganda of the Church) can take quite some time and it's quite a bother.
An interesting thread!

Captain Z.

1.Do you see self worship as selfishness?

2.What do you have against love? Deep love is in fact selfless...I'm not referring to lust and desire but say the willingness of someone to lay their life down for another.

3. Are you a physical coward?
I found post 9 and 11 quite informative and, in fact, this is the first time I've received an answer to my question that seems honest and quite open.

If fact, the answers make sense, for the first time ever, I think I 'get it'.
1.Do you see self worship as selfishness?

Self worship, the worshipping of everything that makes you you, as it were, is a practice that only benefits you, and nobody else. In a way, that's selfish. But that does not make it bad. After all, if I did not worship myself, nobody would benefit from it either. You can choose between making yourself happy, or makin g nobody happy. For me, that choice is quickly made. Selfish? Yes. Bad? No.

2.What do you have against love? Deep love is in fact selfless...I'm not referring to lust and desire but say the willingness of someone to lay their life down for another.

I have no problem with deep love. In this world, there is more than enough room for both deep love and carnal desires. Yes, there are people I'd lay my life down for. People who are kind to me will be treated with kindness too. I have a couple of friends whom I love dearly. I'd gladly pay for their drinks and help them move to their new appartment, knowing that they would do the same for me. These people genuinely care about me, and I care about them.

3. Are you a physical coward?

No. While I'm not a big fan of violence, I will (and did) use it in certain occasions. Being a satanist, I follow a few rules (the 11 satanic rules of the earth), including this one:
"11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."

Simply put, I always try to talk things out. When it's clear that the other person is actively trying to hurt me, I will make it very clear that they'd better stop. If they still continue, I will stop them.

Some guy standing next to me was pointing a laser pointer at my eyes, I politely asked him to stop. He didn't, so I make it very clear that I'd get rid of that pointer if he didn't stop. he kept pestering me, so I forcibly took that pointer from him and threw it out of the window. That guy could have just stopped when I asked him, but he didn't. He intentionally did that to annoy me. And now he lost his 20$ pointer.

A couple of years ago, another guy kept trying to trip me in a hallway. After asking him to stop twice, I calmly landed three fists on the top of his skull, leaving him with a hell of a headache and walking away with one hell of a smirk on my face.
I'm happy to see that the people on this forum are decent, open-minded blokes. To be honest, I did not expect things to go this well. All the better, of course.

Anyways, ask away if you have any other questions. I'd be glad to answer them.
1.Do you see self worship as selfishness?

Self worship, the worshipping of everything that makes you you, as it were, is a practice that only benefits you, and nobody else. In a way, that's selfish. But that does not make it bad. After all, if I did not worship myself, nobody would benefit from it either. You can choose between making yourself happy, or makin g nobody happy. For me, that choice is quickly made. Selfish? Yes. Bad? No.

2.What do you have against love? Deep love is in fact selfless...I'm not referring to lust and desire but say the willingness of someone to lay their life down for another.

I have no problem with deep love. In this world, there is more than enough room for both deep love and carnal desires. Yes, there are people I'd lay my life down for. People who are kind to me will be treated with kindness too. I have a couple of friends whom I love dearly. I'd gladly pay for their drinks and help them move to their new appartment, knowing that they would do the same for me. These people genuinely care about me, and I care about them.

3. Are you a physical coward?

No. While I'm not a big fan of violence, I will (and did) use it in certain occasions. Being a satanist, I follow a few rules (the 11 satanic rules of the earth), including this one:
"11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."

Simply put, I always try to talk things out. When it's clear that the other person is actively trying to hurt me, I will make it very clear that they'd better stop. If they still continue, I will stop them.

Some guy standing next to me was pointing a laser pointer at my eyes, I politely asked him to stop. He didn't, so I make it very clear that I'd get rid of that pointer if he didn't stop. he kept pestering me, so I forcibly took that pointer from him and threw it out of the window. That guy could have just stopped when I asked him, but he didn't. He intentionally did that to annoy me. And now he lost his 20$ pointer.

A couple of years ago, another guy kept trying to trip me in a hallway. After asking him to stop twice, I calmly landed three fists on the top of his skull, leaving him with a hell of a headache and walking away with one hell of a smirk on my face.

I would say that you behave no differently from most modern Christians.

Thanks for the answers...very interesting!!!
And now for a more in depth appraisal...

1.Do you see self worship as selfishness?

Self worship, the worshipping of everything that makes you you, as it were, is a practice that only benefits you, and nobody else. In a way, that's selfish. But that does not make it bad. After all, if I did not worship myself, nobody would benefit from it either. You can choose between making yourself happy, or makin g nobody happy. For me, that choice is quickly made. Selfish? Yes. Bad? No.

A Christian is supposed to be selfless seeking obscurity and doing what is right before God. Unfortunately this is very rarely the case as most Christians today are very selfish claiming lofty things for being saved, sanctified and glorified for attributing the nice sounding biblical verses for themselves...and then looking down from that lofty perch on others.

We learn selflessness by dying in Christ so that we become dead to the worldly lusts and passions.

It is a little like being a Jedi as opposed to a Sith.

2.What do you have against love? Deep love is in fact selfless...I'm not referring to lust and desire but say the willingness of someone to lay their life down for another.

I have no problem with deep love. In this world, there is more than enough room for both deep love and carnal desires. Yes, there are people I'd lay my life down for. People who are kind to me will be treated with kindness too. I have a couple of friends whom I love dearly. I'd gladly pay for their drinks and help them move to their new appartment, knowing that they would do the same for me. These people genuinely care about me, and I care about them.

This is understandable.

We are called to love even our enemies and bless those who curse us. By doing so we are learning to take on the character of our Creator who puts up with endless nonsense from His rebellious creation of men.
Luk_6:32 For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.
Luk_6:33 And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye?
for sinners also do even the same.
Luk_6:34 And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye?
for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

3. Are you a physical coward?

No. While I'm not a big fan of violence, I will (and did) use it in certain occasions. Being a satanist, I follow a few rules (the 11 satanic rules of the earth), including this one:
"11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."

Simply put, I always try to talk things out. When it's clear that the other person is actively trying to hurt me, I will make it very clear that they'd better stop. If they still continue, I will stop them.

Some guy standing next to me was pointing a laser pointer at my eyes, I politely asked him to stop. He didn't, so I make it very clear that I'd get rid of that pointer if he didn't stop. he kept pestering me, so I forcibly took that pointer from him and threw it out of the window. That guy could have just stopped when I asked him, but he didn't. He intentionally did that to annoy me. And now he lost his 20$ pointer.

A couple of years ago, another guy kept trying to trip me in a hallway. After asking him to stop twice, I calmly landed three fists on the top of his skull, leaving him with a hell of a headache and walking away with one hell of a smirk on my face.

I hear you!

We are to turn the other cheek and inasmuch as it is possible to be at peace with all men. Neither do we resist evil, but seek to overcome evil by doing good.