The word for the person who says he is a Christian but does not submit to Jesus' Lordship or obey His commands is: "poser."
There will be no posers in the kingdom of heaven; only authentic, bond servant, adopted brothers and sisters of Christ.
You are correct.
The only "posers" are the devout legalist's who generally show up on (live on) Christian Forums, trying to convince weak believers that their works are necessary to get them into heaven, or their lack of them, get them into hell.
The Bible refers to your type of core theology as Galatians 1:8.
I dont share it.
I never will.
See, , I can't possibly share in what you unfortunately believe about Salvation, as what you believe, on one hand..... will mention the atonement, but in your other pocket you are always trying to add works to God's Grace and Deeds to the finished work of Jesus's shed blood.
However, Salvation, as created by the one who Died to offer it for Free, is :
Romans 3:21-28.
Here tho, for you, is the Good news... = "Christ died to get us into Heaven" (not our works and not our willingness to obey God later on down the line).
You go to heaven because your SINS are gone, or you GO TO HELL because they are not gone.
You go to heaven to STAY, because you will meet God as your FATHER, (born again) or you will go to hell then the lake of fire, because you met God as your JUDGE.
Bottom line, is that you dont have any part in getting rid of your Sin, as it takes a different kind of BLOOD then you possess to PAY for all your SIN.
It take GOD's BLOOD.
So, where exactly are all your works and obedience that you are concerned about in that?
NOWHERE. Not before being born again or after, as God will never accept any man's works or lifestyle (obedience) as acceptable regarding saving them and keeping them saved.
And if you are trusting in your obedience or your works or your enduring to the end, then you are NOT trusting in Christ alone to save you or keep you saved.
Thats a fact.
So, in this case, we do not meet theologically as "brethren", but we do agree that you are all about the works and im all about the Blood Atonement.
Read anything I write on this Site regarding Salvation, (as I post here exactly like I post on other Christian forums for years and years)... and compare it to anything you have written regarding the same topic, and its clear that im not trusting in anything I can do, and you are always writing about what ELSE is required other then the Blood Atonement, to get you into Heaven.
You just did it again, and I just wrote this post to you because you just did it again.
Works/Obedience.... are subsequent to eternal life being given by God through Christ as a "free gift" along with "Righteousness', and without this, (not works, not obeying",) but without RIGHTEOUSNESS being imputed based on FAITH ALONE, no-one will be going to Heaven other then to hit the Great White Throne Judgment.
And.....Presenting your Body a living obedient sacrifice, (works works works works works) without the Blood Atonement redeeming you FROM YOUR SIN, will land you into hell just as quickly as any other religious false idea you can come up with that does not give all the credit due the ONE who died to prove He is THE WAY ,= ALONE
No works need apply.
No obedience is worthy to be compared.
God does not require or NEED your deeds or your obedience or your lifestyle to save you or keep you saved, ... He only needs your Faith to thereby apply His Eternal Atonement and Constant Grace which ALONE are the only reason anyone will ever be able to call Hm FATHER, and it be TRUE now or in their hereafter.
So, Works and Obedience, are what should follow Salvation along with water baptism and public confession and tithing and witnessing, (discipleship) but never ever ever do any of these discipleship efforts substitute or underpin God's Grace as a sort of a Part 11 + the Cross, as YOU and others like you would continue to try to imply, teach, and stress as NEEDED to be the (other part) of God's Redemption.
Sorry, no.
God needs Jesus's BLOOD to redeem a person and NOTHING ELSE.
I truly look forward to the day when you give Christ Alone all the Credit for saving you and keeping you saved and actually share this for the good of other's to hear, as this is the "Good News" of the Gospel that God wants believers to be sharing.
Who knows, maybe that day will come regarding you, before Jesus comes back.
I hope so.