MISFIT said:
I for one am sick and tired of having to chose the lesser of two evils, the two party system & the electoral system are both flawed. In all honesty I'd rather see it be Obama than McCain any day.
I hear you, Misfit. And, I understand totally what you are saying about your vote going to McCain, no matter what. Living in Idaho, I face the same thing, and I'll most likely vote Ron Paul as well.
However, I don't think that it's the two party system or the electoral system that is flawed. Well, other than the fact that any man-made system is bound to be flawed. However, the political system we have in the states runs pretty much to give American's the President they vote for. The electorial college is a great thing and shows the great wisdom of our Founding Father's. If it weren't for the EC, then those of us in states like Idaho and Utah wouldn't have any voice at all, The Eastern Seabord and the West Coast would decide ALL elections.
No, what is flawed is the American people. Us. We. We the People. We are so divided and the divisions are real. This is why the last few elections were so close and this next one is going to be just as close. The real war is between Traditionalist's and Progressives. For the past two decades, Progressives have made large gains in the American population. As the American population becomes more Progressive, then so will our government. It will lead us directly to out-and-out Socialism, if not Communism, but this is what the American people really want.
What would Jesus do is a good question here. The easy answer is that Jesus probably wouldn't vote anyway, rather concentrating on bringing in the harvest. But, as Christians we do have the responsiblity to vote, and to vote in a way that reflects God's principles. So, what is wise this time around?
Again, it's easy for me, because I don't care if Satan decked himself out in red tights, tail and pitchfork, if he ran as a Republican, Idaho would vote for him. So, I can vote Ron Paul, and the electorial votes are going for McCain no matter what. In this case a vote for Ron Paul sends a strong message to the Republican party that they have gone so far off base they are no longer a party for conservatives.
What would I do though if I were in a real battle ground state and my vote would actually be able to tip the balance one way or another? Voting then for Ron Paul would indeed be a vote for Obama. The question is, would this necessarily be a bad thing. For Obama does stand for all that the Progressives want to do with America and then some. Frankly, the man is a Socialist, no bones about that. And, American's are poised to vote him into office, either because they agree that Socialism is what will be best for us, or else they are just too dumb to aquaint themselves with the facts of the man they are voting for. Either way, they get what they deserve.
Wisdom here might be then to go ahead an let Obama win. Then the American people could actually see what Socialism would do for this country, and it wouldn't be all that pretty. Socialism might work for some time in some of the smaller countries, but it will always eventually fall in on itself. Socialism, like Commumism, is basically nothing more than a big Ponzi scheme. Once you have more tax-sucking citizens than tax-paying citizens, it falls apart. Go to France and study what has happened to them in the past decade and you'll see what I mean.
The thing is, a lot of folks who want to give Amercia 'what she deserves' think that this will be a lesson learned then we can all go back to being the America that the Founding Father's founded. However, I disagree. I think that if we vote in Obama, we will go past the point of no return and America will never get back to where we were before.
Will this all fit into end-time senarios that require America to fade so that a One World government can take over? Maybe. Maybe not, but maybe.
At any rate, I'm not worried about it. I've read the end of the story and for every battle we lose, we still win that particular War. Vote, and vote your conscience. However, you might also want to stock up on essentials like food, clothing, blankets, etc. Anyone who thinks that Obama is going to usher in a return to the good old days of Clinton properity truly doesn't understand what it was that made America so properous in the 90's.