Just wanted to know a general view regarding such scenario - where a woman turns out to be the lion. A lot of women I know are just way too harsh towards their husbands. In most cases..it is their nature. A friend of mine told me: a man must be 'man' at home. How does that help remedy the tempest in such a family? Fire vs fire = destruction. Another woman, a preacher, is of the opinion men must must stand stand their ground. (I don't subscribe to the 50/50 stuff. If someone wants to be the lion I will be the mouse...and if someone is such a mouse then I will lion her up in love.).
The 50/50 stuff is an illusion brother. It's not a contract where she gets to have her say and there is nothing you can do to shut her up. That would be 51/49 (nod to woman) and not right. Just like feminism, that too is an illusion. They shout equality, but the goal is superiority. Because it is not a love based movement.
So the man who wants to be the loving leader, must lead her in such a way that she can comprehend 50/50 partnership, and feel good about it, even though it is an illusion. When it comes right down to it, the man is the leader, but it wont make anyone feel good if he rules with an iron scepter. He could not if he is to lead in love and love his wife as Christ loved the church. Who care what restaurant we go to tonight? What movie we watch. If she can pick the restaurant, or choose how she wants to decorate the house, what is that to the man? Nothing. it makes her feel good, and validated, and the house is her domain anyway, where she spends most of her time, so she should be able to fix it up so she likes it. These are minor issues. She will see the compromise and love within his letting her do very much of what she wants, and life will be good.
Many times, men will quote the scripture that the woman is to submit to the man, and leave out the context of as Christ loved the church. Shades of an iron scepter and will not be received well. These may be insecure men and probably will not have a happy marriage. It is only in extreme circumstances that the man would need to make the decision and that's final. Not very often, but the wife will go along at this time if she can comprehend that he does this in love at that time. She will remember all the other non-critical times and know that he loves her...and stand down.
Jesus didn't let the women push Him around. Yet he made sure that they got what they wanted. Jesus mother said...they're out of wine. (perhaps with an air of expectation?) Jesus said, 'What is that to me?' and didn't go down that road. That could have set a bad precedent. Jesus is not a vending machine. She picked up on this, and stood down, submitted to his position of authority, when she turned and said to the men...'Do what he says.'
Then they got their wine. You see the difference?