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Being taught evolution


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I recently began college, and all aong I planned on listening to all professors with an open mind, but not a niave mind. Well so far, all my professors and liberals. My biggest problem is my history teacher. Yes, my history teacher teaches us that we evolved from different "hominiods" in Africa. He makes himself sound SO certain the we evolved out of East Africa millions of years ago. Now it bothers me he teaches this and does not explain WHY he believes in it. I don't understand on what basis can he TEACH us that we evolved besides a couple of bones were found in that area?
Evolution is one of the sacraments of his religion of humanism. Just pray for him, and don't believe him unless it aligns with the scripture.
Ok, but he is not a stupid man. He doesn't believe these things for no reason. Nobody believes anything for no reason, so why does he believe these things?
ask him..

he will surely say "science, logic, and reason"

then ask him why he doesn't believe other belief systems

If you have a huge classroom settion, write him a letter or note, Professors usually reply to them,.
Ok, but he is not a stupid man. He doesn't believe these things for no reason. Nobody believes anything for no reason, so why does he believe these things?

I think that I can answer that for you....

It's an old post that I quoted Macarthur in, I think much of it applies...


What was the first cause that caused everything else? Ask a naturalist what started it all, and the only answer that they can come up with is "chance". But chance is not a force, it simply cannot be the cause of anything, much less the cause of everything. The only legitimate sense of the word "chance" has to do with mathematical probability. Chance determines nothing. mathematical probability is merely a way of measuring what actually does happen.

"Yet in the naturalistic and evolutionary parlance, chance becomes something that determines what happens in the absence of any other cause or design...In effect, naturalists have imputed to "chance" the ability to cause and determine what accures. And that is an irrational concept.

The concept is so fraught with problems from a rational and philosophical viewpoint that one hardly knows where to begin. But lets begin at the beginning. Where did matter come from in the first place? The naturalist would have to say that either that all matter is eternal, or that everything appeared by chance out of nothing. The latter option is clearly irrational.

But suppose the naturalist opts to believe that matter is eternal. An obvious question arises: What caused the first event that originally set evolutionary process in motion? The only answer available to the naturalist is that is that chance made it happen. It literally came out of nowhere. No one and nothing made it happen. That, too, is clearly irrational....

Abandon logic and you are left with pure nonsense. In many ways the natualists' deification of 'chance' is worse than all the various myths of other false religions, because it obliterates all meaning and sense from everything. But it is, once again, pure religion of the most pagan variety, requiring a spiritually fatal leap of faith into an abyss of utter irrationality. It is the age- old religion of fools (psalm 14:1)-- but in modern, "scientific" dress...

What would prompt anyone to embrace such a system? Why would someone opt for a worldview that eliminates all that is rational? It boils down to the sheer love of sin....

Evolution was introduced as an atheistic alternative to the biblical view of creation. According to evolution, man created God rather than vice versa. And as we have seen, the evolutionists' ultimate agenda is to eliminate faith in God all together and thereby do away with moral accountability....

To put it simply, evolution was invented in order to eliminate the God of Genesis and thereby oust the Lawgiver and obliterate the inviolability of His law. Evolution is simply the latest means our fallen race has devised in order to supress our innate knowledge and the biblical testimony that there is a God and that we are accountable to Him (Romans 1:28). By embracing evolution, modern society aims to do away with morality, responsibility, and guilt. Society has embraced evolution with such enthusiasm because people imagine that it eliminates the Judge and leaves them free to do whatever they want without guilt and without consequences."

Judge Marvin L. Lubenow writes,

"The real issue in the creation/evolution debate is not the existence of God. The real issue is the nature of God. To think of evolution as basically atheistic is to misunderstand the uniqueness of evolution. Evolution was not designed as a general attack against theism. It was designed as a specific attack against the God of the Bible, and the God of the Bible is clearly revealed through the docrtine of creation. Obviously, if a person is an atheist, it would be normal for him to also be an evolutionist. But evolution is as comfortable with theism as it is with atheism. An evolutionist is perfectly free to choose any god he wishes, as long as it is not the God of the Bible. The gods allowed by evolution are private, subjective, and artificial. They bother no one and make no absolute ethical demands. However, the God of the Bible is the Creator, Sustainer, Saviour, and Judge. all are responsible to him. He has an agenda that conflicts with that of sinful humans. For man to be created in the image of God is very awsome. For God to be created in the image of man is very comfortable."

Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man--and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

"... The notion that natural evolutionary processes can account for the origin of all living species has never been and never will be established as fact. Nor is it "scientific" in any true sense of the word. Science deals with what can be observed and reproduced by experimentation. The origin of life can be neither observed nor reproduces in any laboratory. By definition, then, true science can give us no knowledge whatsoever about about where we came from or how we got here. Belief in evolutionary theory is a matter of sheer faith. And dogmatic belief in any naturalistic theory is no more "scientific" than any other kind of religious faith...

Modern scientific opinion is not a valid hermeneutic for interpreting Genesis (or any other portion of the scripture for that matter). Scripture is God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16)--inspired truth from God. "For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit" ( 2 Peter 1:21). Jesus summed the point up perfectly when He said, "Thy word is truth" (John 17:17 KJV). The Bible is supreme truth, and therefore it is the standard by which scientific theory should be evaluated, not vice versa...

...scripture is God's own eyewitness account of what happened in the beginning. When it deals with the origin of the universe, all science can offer is conjecture. Science has proven nothing that negates the Genesis record. In fact, the Genesis record answers the mysteries of science. (Macarthur from his book "Think Biblically"

These so called scientists don't want to know the truth, nor do they want an honest debate. Here's one example of how the "scientists" protect there lies.

Isn't it odd that the "scientific (herd) community" is so afraid of being tested or testing other ideas that they will even go to the extremes of using baseless personal attacks? I don't think it's too much to ask them to put up or shut up and step aside and let real scientists do their job. Over and over in the news the evolutionists continue to use the same lines, boycott meetings, etc. The herd looks desperate. Sooner or later they will have to answer the critics. The more they run and hide behind the rhetoric, the more people are going to want the truth.

Tentex25, be ready to pay a price for what you believe. Many of those liberal professors will not react kindly or fair minded to any conservative thought or Biblical thought. Quite a few of them will openly admit that they are communist.

This is how they will silence you


What is Accuracy In Academia?

Accuracy in Academia, a non-profit research group based in Washington, D. C., wants schools to return to their traditional mission-the quest for truth. To promote this goal, AIA documents and publicizes political bias in education in Campus Report, its monthly newsletter. CR articles focus on:

• The use of classroom and/or university resources to indoctrinate students;

• Discrimination against students, faculty or administrators based on political or academic beliefs; and

• Campus violations of free speech.

God bless
evolution is very open minded, creationism, as quoted is not open minded at all

"... The notion that natural evolutionary processes can account for the origin of all living species has never been and never will be established as fact.
tentex25 said:
My biggest problem is my history teacher. Yes, my history teacher teaches us that we evolved from different "hominiods" in Africa.

What does the origin of the human race have to do with recorded history?

Every professor there is supported by socialized education. To be a conservative would be a conflict of interest. Besides, if you're going to offend anyone, offend a Christian rather than a liberal. The liberal will raise a big stink but most professed Christians are too wicked to worry much about anti-Christian beliefs in the classroom (e.g. they object more if you point out Bush lied America into war with Iraq than if you promote Pagan doctrine.)
(e.g. they object more if you point out Bush lied America into war with Iraq than if you promote Pagan doctrine.)
No, we will also object to posts like the one above.

Maybe it would be best if you stuck to political Forums instead. Just about every post you make is either politically slanted or prejudiced against Christians.

The liberal will raise a big stink but most professed Christians are too wicked to worry much about anti-Christian beliefs in the classroom
That is a violation of the Site's first and fourth ToS rules:

1 - This is a Christian site, therefore, any attempt to put down Christianity and the basic tenets of our Faith will be considered a hostile act.

4 - No Trolling:

You will not post anything that disrupts the peace and harmony of this forum. Don't make inflammatory remarks just to get a response. This will also include posts that put down Christianity in general or any posts considered as blasphemy by staff (this is a CHRISTIAN FORUMS site).
vic said:
Just about every post you make is either politically slanted or prejudiced against Christians.

I'm not at all biased against my own faith. American Christianity is on the decline because many Christians are fighting the wrong battles, and not fighting for Christ. The last bit of respect the secular world has for Christianity is rapidly evaporating.

America's actions in the middle-east, strongly supported by right-wing Christians, is also obstructing the Kingdom of God in the middle-east. In Iraq, Christians were once safe and treated equally under the law. But, now Christians are being killed and fleeing, now the state religion is Islam and the government is either unwilling or unable to protect Christians. It's getting tougher for Christians all across the Arab world, because of the USA.

It might not do much good for me to tell Christians this, but it won't do any good if no one tells them.

It's very true what I said. If a professor works to undermine Christianity, he won't face anything more than someone calling him a liberal professor behind his back. If he faulted liberalism, the school newspaper would be sifting through piles of strongly-worded letters trying to decide which ones to publish. The school's bias board would be pushed to investigate. The liberal professors would give him the cold shoulder. And, if he were scoring real points against liberals, he'd be pressured to resign.

You will see from liberals something like: "My history professor said God created the universe. I pay lots of money to go here and I shouldn't have to be subjected to such intolerance. Not everyone believes in God and I'm afraid that he will give me lower grades because I don't agree with him. Blah, blah, blah."

The only way you can get that much determination out of many Christians is if the professor criticizes Bush's foreign policy: "My history professor said Bush lied about WMDs. Bush is a man of God and intelligence failures are not his fault. Oh wait, there were no intelligence failures, the WMDs have been taken to Syria. I can't make up my mind, but I do know my professor is a liberal. PS: Wouldn't you torture someone if it could save your mother's life?"

These two quotes are loosely based on actual letters published in my college's newspaper.
tentex25 said:
I recently began college, and all aong I planned on listening to all professors with an open mind, but not a niave mind. Well so far, all my professors and liberals. My biggest problem is my history teacher. Yes, my history teacher teaches us that we evolved from different "hominiods" in Africa. He makes himself sound SO certain the we evolved out of East Africa millions of years ago. Now it bothers me he teaches this and does not explain WHY he believes in it. I don't understand on what basis can he TEACH us that we evolved besides a couple of bones were found in that area?
I listened to some lectures on pre-history (before written accounts). There are lots of fossils and they can date them pretty much to the time they were alive. The original ancestors came out of Africa and spread around Europe and Asia. Neanderthals were part of this. It is better to look at these ancient ancestors as being cousins rather than a linear descendent. At some point homo sapiens evolved and was better adapted and replaced his ancestors. Homo sapiens did not replace the chimp line because their hunting grounds were different.

There is controversy where homo sapiens evolved. However, Africa seems to be the leading guess. A good timeline of this can be seen here.
vic said:
(e.g. they object more if you point out Bush lied America into war with Iraq than if you promote Pagan doctrine.)
No, we will also object to posts like the one above.

Maybe it would be best if you stuck to political Forums instead. Just about every post you make is either politically slanted or prejudiced against Christians.

[quote:3e173] The liberal will raise a big stink but most professed Christians are too wicked to worry much about anti-Christian beliefs in the classroom
That is a violation of the Site's first and fourth ToS rules:

1 - This is a Christian site, therefore, any attempt to put down Christianity and the basic tenets of our Faith will be considered a hostile act.

4 - No Trolling:

You will not post anything that disrupts the peace and harmony of this forum. Don't make inflammatory remarks just to get a response. This will also include posts that put down Christianity in general or any posts considered as blasphemy by staff (this is a CHRISTIAN FORUMS site).[/quote:3e173]

With all due respect, Vic, there are plenty of members on this forum who regularly troll and bait other members, such as Poke, who do not share in their particular version of Christianity.

Secondly, evolution and intelligent design have been turned into political issues by the religious right. So, to say that Poke is unable to engage his politics in a debate that is clearly political, is unfair. The substance of this discussion is based on a national debate that is highly politicized: it is impossible to avoid.

And, thirdly, blasphemy is a relative term.
It is simple.

Goto and view The video, or visit for some strong creation and evolution debates. People, the world is tilted toward sin (selfishnes, lust, power)

Yeh, it is overwhelming. Why would God put us in such a position.. Ask yourself the question.

Seattle Seahawks 2005 MVP Shawn Alexander finds his strength from God, and has no shame. He has a beautiful wife and kid, but most importantly, a strong relationship with God. Without God in our life, it is impossible for our lives to be full of happiness. It is just the way it was designed. Don't listen to me, listen to God.

I honestly thought for the longest time it was a complete joke, made by some atheist trying to get a kick out of people.

then i found it was real! :oops:

I remember the first time I listened to one of his messages, I wondered if it was phony aswell just by the way he talked and his manerisms. I was also blown away by his words though. We can't judge something simply by the way it is presented. That is acually something that really gets to me. People are so quick to judge. They stick their nose in the air before they even get a good glance. I can only slightly understand.


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