back to insulting. you said we are... my ancenstry isnt one of being a briton( i am from russian jewish ancestry) that surname didnt speak english but Russian and Belorussian. similiar tounges. Russian is very different and it is even harder to learn then German. my mothers side is Irish and the Irish dont call themselves under the crown and they speak Gealic.
celtic is related to english in origin(saxony) is saxon is a german area near where celtic and its cousin gaelic came from bavaria.
there are signs in two places in gealic that arent quite the same words as english and one is the irish club and the other is a irish pub. they say food for the soul, beer for the spirit and one other saying that i cant remember. the only word that is similiar was the words for heart, and soul and the word heart is a bit diferent in spelling. if you want to argue that English is an easy language to learn then tell that to the others who speak several languages that you cant and struggle with english. im talking about pashto, arabic, farsi and dari and in other case the romantic languages , or Russian and German.