Free said:
Did no one even read my post?
Support this from Scripture. Support your argument that "Be fruitful and replenish the Earth" means that we are to never use birth control.
I find the idea utterly absurd that every time a man and wife have sex that there should be potential for procreation. I believe that God gives us a brain so that we can make prudent decisions, including whether or not it is time to try and procreate.
For everyone who is against birth control, please provide even one verse from Scripture that condemns it. Not that silence means it's okay, I just want to see if anyone has any scriptural justification for not believing in birth control.
Since you find this idea SO absurd, EXPLAIN to the good people here WHY God did NOT offer some form of birth control for the PREVIOUS ten thousand years?
There IS Biblical reference to a man attempting to use the ONLY physical means of birth control. He DIED for denying his wife the oportunity to conceive.
Free, I have suspected this of you since our FIRST encounters. Have you so completely 'bought into' this world and IT'S thinking? Are you a 'new age' Christian that BELIEVES that if EVERYONE is doing it, it's OK. And what WONDEROUS things will YOU do in the 'name of Christ'?
It's either a matter of God's will or OUR OWN. We have been TOLD to follow God's will and NOT our OWN. For our OWN is carnal in nature and can ONLY lead to DEATH.
How many Christians BELIEVE that they can follow their OWN WILL instead of that of God and STILL consider themselves to BE Christians? Oh how deceptive we can TRULY be; ESPECIALLY to ourselves.
I will leave you with this;
FREE, what if it was God's will that your son were to START and lead a church. Yet YOUR will was NOT to have this son. Now, will you still insist that using birth control to rebel against the will of God is OK? And if you don't understand what has been offered so far, then it would be impossible for you to state, (and have ME believe), that you could POSSIBLY be so IN TOUCH with The Spirit that IT would 'let you know' what God's plan is.
What I hear here is PERSONAL GREED and 'self will' speaking out AGAINST the Spirit. ''What if we are not READY for children?" WHAT? What I hear is 'let's get married so it's OK to have sex'. Boy have some of you folks got it REALLY confused.
It appears you have allowed some 'speaker' convince you that sex IS for fun and bought into it whole heartedly. Sex is NOT for FUN folks. It is a means of procreation that IS able to be enjoyed, but it's PURPOSE was not for US TO HAVE FUN. It's for BONDING between a man and woman IN LOVE. THIS IS how a man and woman BECOME ONE. Anything OTHER than this is fornication. If a man has sex with a wife that he does NOT LOVE, there is NOT difference between this and fornication. For marriage cannot have ANY meaning to God WITHOUT there being love involved.
Once again, we have those that choose to 'pick and choose' what they WANT concerning the Word. At LEAST be honest with yourselves. For there can be NO conformation without TRUTH being present FIRST. There can be NO Christian without 'truth' and 'conformity'. Only 'play christians', (those that like to 'play the game' of being a Christian).