Hey aqua,
Im glad to hear that youre wanting to get baptized,and also displaying some thought in the process.Many blindly rush into it at the recommendation of friends and family and never even stop to consider why theyre doing it.
I agree with your preacher on the fact that prior to fully knowing and understanding the decision to follow Christ that baptism doesnt make much sense.Its almost like buying a car to put in the driveway,and not even knowing what its for much less how to operate it.
As a child,none of us are aware of the meaning or purpose.Likewise,its useful to note that in no instance was this performed on a child or infant in the bible.All the baptisms that I recall involved people who had heard the gospel and followed the immediate call afterwards to be baptized.
Some even suggest that baptism itself is not necessary,that its purely symbolic.I strongly disagree with that considering what is stated in Romans 6.Clearly the bible states that we are buried with Christ through baptism unto death;that like as Christ was raised up from the dead,even so we should walk in newness of life.
On a side note,its curious that a church would only offer baptism on a monthly basis.As youll note in the bible,baptism was always regarded with urgency..repent and be baptized,etc.I would suggest being baptized as soon as possible.I try not to be the doom-and-gloom guy,but you never know what today or the next holds in store for us.The sooner the better.
Welcome to
We usually conduct a Baptisimal Class (BP) for people who wish to be baptised. The puorpose of the BP is to prepare the individuals once more, teaching and reminding them what they are really entering into. Some are advised not to worry about it - when they are convinced within themselves that they are not yet ready for it. When they are ready for it and are convinced they trully are, then
And for this kid:dunno
If he knows what he's doing then...he is fit to...
This looks suicidal