hello Brandond, dirtfarmer here
Welcome, you will surely find fellowship here. To properly use this site is to express your beliefs that the Holy Spirit has convicted you of by use of scripture, regardless of what other may say. All our beliefs should be based on comparing scripture with scripture and to try the spirits to see if they are of God. Always compare what others tell you with scripture before you accept their teaching. No one here on these forums are correct 100%of the time. We need to be dogmatic but not ridged to the point of not studying what other believe, even if it is contrary to our beliefs.
Proverbs 27:17, "
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friends."[/QUOTE
Yes, that's true but speaking as somebody who's belifes come from the heart and not necessarily from scripture a hundred percent of the time,..don't worry about trying to fit in or disagreements. Trust me when I tell you that they are going to happen. Just be happy to be the man that God made you and stick with those belifes. Don't let anybody try to change the person that you are. The most important thing here is Jesus loves you so you should love yourself just as much.