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Blood moons and 8 super-signs in the heavens

I believe the basic premise for this idea came from John Hagee, a Christian Zionist. They pose a threat to biblical understanding, because we shouldn't be worried about that day. If we are saved, we should be worrying more about the now. Our churches are failing, our children are heading into a ditch, and our national standing is going downhill. All very rapidly from the many blessings God bestowed upon us into all around tough situations. When it comes to anything to do with Zionism, I would take caution around it.
"Some call it Marxism — I call it Judaism."
(The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).

"The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism."
(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).

Unfortunately, many Jews today that are Zionists are actually masquerading communists, hiding behind the facade of an already pagan religion they dragged back into the holy city on their return from Babylon. At least the 40 some odd thousand that returned, while the rest all wandered north and west.

It IS time for us to be watching, as Christ commanded us. But we should be looking at the things we are given to see, and that is prophecy. Modern teachers would have you believe that you shouldn't spend too much time on things like the minor prophets or an in depth study of Daniel and Revelation. But in reality, we are actually commanded to study Revelations, just read the very first verse of Revelation. As Christians, we are to keep watch, even sounding the alarm when trouble comes our way. But instead, we are concerned about 'the times', worrying that the tribulation will start over night. What mainstream Christianity has done is caused people to be filled with fear of 'the end'. Either through their many false doctrines, or infatuation with apocalyptic scenarios, a lot of independent and even larger groups are leaning towards the 'be ready for the judgment'. If you are truly a Christian are your sins not washed clean? Do we not have the faith, knowledge, and understanding to see that the wicked will be judged and His faithful servants will be rewarded?

John Hagee is nothing more than a false prophet, and those who preach solely about the nation of Israel are. God is no respector of persons, and certainly not to anyone who supports the very same Zionists who seek to destroy Christianity from both without and within. If you want to honor something, honor God and not ANY group of people.
The comet amounted to nothing, which was a shame because I bet it would have been stunning. He completely missed the character and results of Israel's 'war' this year. Mentioned absolutely nothing about an 'Islamic State'. Ebola? Russia invading Ukraine? Nothing!
Jeff, once more.....

It was only a matter of time...

Some Christians are now speculating that the Ebola crisis is Gods judgment on America for "dividing up the land of Israel".

First off, exactly what was God ticked off about for the majority of human history, when sicknesses and plagues ran rampant? Before we understood that washing your hands under running water actually...washes them, and before we had vaccines to help us prevent certain types of illnesses, who was God mad at? And did the discovery of these things come about because God's mood suddenly changed?

You know, it's a fairly recent development that we don't die from the flu or the common cold. I'm sure back in the day, when one lost their life as a result of one of these now easily managed illnesses, that the religious speculated the person was under God's judgment. The truth, though, is that the person was a victim of ignorance. Was the development of vaccines, the discovery of medicines and the radical innovation of hand washing a result of God's anger subsiding? Or is man able to "discover" his way out of God's wrath? What happens when a cure is developed for ebola? Will man have defeated God with his brain?

Or could it simply be that these things just happen, and are the results of living in a chaotic universe? Jesus, unlike the superstitious folk of His day, did not interpret diseases and natural disasters as being signs of God's judgment, but as things that simply occur, sometimes without explanation (we could argue over this, but let's not for now). It boggles my mind that we - people living in the 21st century - with our ipads, iphones, laptops and Mars rovers, revert to medieval, superstitious thinking in times of disaster. We cannot imagine that such things just happen, but the truth is that they *HAVE* "just happened", and in much more dramatic ways, for most of our history.

Simply because a disease arises that we've not yet developed a cure for does not mean we're dealing with the wrath of God!

Secondly, the radical Zionist assertion that God will afflict innocent people, who have no say in what government leaders choose to do in regards to Israel, with a horrific and painful disease is just twisted. The "god" of this philosophy is a psychopath, and doesn't deserve an ounce of worship or attention.

God has nothing to do with ebola. It's a disease. They happen. Let's keep our superstitions sheathed, and remember that God is good. Period.
I believe the basic premise for this idea came from John Hagee, a Christian Zionist. They pose a threat to biblical understanding, because we shouldn't be worried about that day. If we are saved, we should be worrying more about the now. Our churches are failing, our children are heading into a ditch, and our national standing is going downhill. All very rapidly from the many blessings God bestowed upon us into all around tough situations. When it comes to anything to do with Zionism, I would take caution around it.
"Some call it Marxism — I call it Judaism."
(The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).

"The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism."
(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).

Unfortunately, many Jews today that are Zionists are actually masquerading communists, hiding behind the facade of an already pagan religion they dragged back into the holy city on their return from Babylon. At least the 40 some odd thousand that returned, while the rest all wandered north and west.

It IS time for us to be watching, as Christ commanded us. But we should be looking at the things we are given to see, and that is prophecy. Modern teachers would have you believe that you shouldn't spend too much time on things like the minor prophets or an in depth study of Daniel and Revelation. But in reality, we are actually commanded to study Revelations, just read the very first verse of Revelation. As Christians, we are to keep watch, even sounding the alarm when trouble comes our way. But instead, we are concerned about 'the times', worrying that the tribulation will start over night. What mainstream Christianity has done is caused people to be filled with fear of 'the end'. Either through their many false doctrines, or infatuation with apocalyptic scenarios, a lot of independent and even larger groups are leaning towards the 'be ready for the judgment'. If you are truly a Christian are your sins not washed clean? Do we not have the faith, knowledge, and understanding to see that the wicked will be judged and His faithful servants will be rewarded?

John Hagee is nothing more than a false prophet, and those who preach solely about the nation of Israel are. God is no respector of persons, and certainly not to anyone who supports the very same Zionists who seek to destroy Christianity from both without and within. If you want to honor something, honor God and not ANY group of people.

NOT ALL JEWS are communists.
I AM A jewish saved man. my family doesn't care for communism. some are leftist and are shades of that. if i were to take that position then well people that live in Europe and vote for consertive are Marxists then since there consertives are equal to our democrats. and some of my kin are devout jews and not at all Marxists. i also know a reformed jew that is very much consertive in both economic issues and moral issues.
Nowhere was it said that all Jews are communists. I was pointing out that there are 'false Jews' even according to the mouth of Christ (Rev 2:9 and 3:9) Those who hear his voice are his sheep, are they not? Then of course we must ask the question, are you a Jew by race or a Jew by religion? The reason I ask is because for some reason there is a lot of confusion for a lot of people in that area. To be a Jew by religion, following the Babylonian Talmud as your book of doctrine, then upon conversion to Christianity you would no longer be known as a Jew, right? You would become a Christian. However, if you were a Jew by race, then it wouldn't matter what religion you chose to follow, you would still be a Jew right? Does that mean that you were a resident of Judea, or a son of the house of Judah.

Marxism is a problem in many countries today, and many of the people who push it on the masses hide behind the name of 'Jew' because they know people care for Israel and sacrifice a lot to protect it. These are the enemies of God, not the Jewish people, but the impersonators of that tribe.
And, admin, could you please explain how I was being anti-Semitic or close to it?

To be Semitic, one must be born of Shem, Noah's son who would father Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now, if Abraham was a father of many nations, how is it anti-Semitic to speak about only one of those groups, and then, be speaking to those false Jews who push Satan's work on earth and hiding behind the title of Jew or Israel in order to have protection.

Genetics proves beyond any doubt that the haplogroup which is found to be Semitic, covers Egypt in the west to Afghanistan and India in the East, as far south as Ethiopia in some cases and throughout Europe. So by speaking against any of those groups in a HATEFUL manner I might add would constitute anti-Semitism. It's funny that people are only accused of that when they talk about the very things the Jews wrote about themselves. Don't be a hypocrite, if you can't be anti anything then you may not want to be a Christian, because we are anti-Satan, anti-evil kind of people. Jews aren't evil, but there are people that pretend to be Jews and are really not. Jesus told us about them like I mentioned in my previous post. Muslims are Semitic, did you know that? So are Anglo-Saxons and Celts. So don't be so fast to judge a crime when there is none.

I just don't understand how you could step to the 'defense' of a people who say of themselves the things that I posted. You do realize those were Rabbinical scholars that I quoted right? And they spoke and still speak for a large majority of the already small Jewish population in the world. How is it wrong to point out what they say? Especially when it proves that Scripture is true?
Did Jesus tell us to go inform the people of all the bad things out there? Or did He simply say "Go tell them about me, and the good news that they can have the kingdom."?
As a matter of fact He did, it's right here:

"1The word of the Lord came to me: 2“Son of man, speak to your people and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, 3and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, 4then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head. 5Since they heard the sound of the trumpet but did not heed the warning, their blood will be on their own head. If they had heeded the warning, they would have saved themselves. 6But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood" Ezekiel 33:1-6

Don't forget, 'man does not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.' and also, 'if they believe not the law and the prophets, how will they believe if one is raised from the dead.'
OK, keep on tooting your horn. I spent 12 years in the coC, I learned when to just let someone rant until they hear Jesus' voice.
What's the CoC?

I'm honestly not ranting. And who are you to know if I've heard Christ's voice or not? I haven't judged you to that extent because I can't actively see what you do.

Friend, if you aren't willing to have a biblical debate, using scripture as your basis for believing the way you do, then why poke around and expect not to have a 'rant'. I thought this was a room for discussing and debating the opening topic?
What's the CoC?

I'm honestly not ranting. And who are you to know if I've heard Christ's voice or not? I haven't judged you to that extent because I can't actively see what you do.

Friend, if you aren't willing to have a biblical debate, using scripture as your basis for believing the way you do, then why poke around and expect not to have a 'rant'. I thought this was a room for discussing and debating the opening topic?
Well, I told you what Jesus said.............. and you came back quoting the statements of Ezekiel, as if that was to be heeded, instead.
No, there must be balance in a Christian's life. If Jesus tells us to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom AND that all of God's word is what we live by, AND God says the 'I cannot change, therefore the sons of Jacob shall not be consumed. (Those weren't the statements of Ezekiel, they were the statements of God through Ezekiel.)
Then we must be diligent to do those things. By warning people, we are spreading the good news of the kingdom and Jesus Christ being risen from the dead. By sitting in silence, the world grows more resentful and full of contempt towards Christians because they see us as loathesome hypocrites what do nothing but judge other people. I believe they are right for the most part.

The fact that you fail to acknowledge that 'I and my Father are one', that OT to NT, Jesus Christ was the word of God. In Genesis during the creation, he was the word spoken to create everything we can see and cannot see. That frightens me, because I have no idea where your understanding of Scriptures lie, and it seems as though you aren't willing to share. What happened to proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom?
You might want to go back up to somewhere around the beginning of Ezekiel.... try around Chapter 2, verses 3 through 8, I believe....... and pick up the context of that entire book you want to follow in straightening out the followers of Christ you are addressing in your evangelism.
Nowhere was it said that all Jews are communists. I was pointing out that there are 'false Jews' even according to the mouth of Christ (Rev 2:9 and 3:9) Those who hear his voice are his sheep, are they not? Then of course we must ask the question, are you a Jew by race or a Jew by religion? The reason I ask is because for some reason there is a lot of confusion for a lot of people in that area. To be a Jew by religion, following the Babylonian Talmud as your book of doctrine, then upon conversion to Christianity you would no longer be known as a Jew, right? You would become a Christian. However, if you were a Jew by race, then it wouldn't matter what religion you chose to follow, you would still be a Jew right? Does that mean that you were a resident of Judea, or a son of the house of Judah.

Marxism is a problem in many countries today, and many of the people who push it on the masses hide behind the name of 'Jew' because they know people care for Israel and sacrifice a lot to protect it. These are the enemies of God, not the Jewish people, but the impersonators of that tribe.
so when im a Christian , im not human. I don't have a race, a gene code. you said and quote rev on that. that is for a local church of that time.
you saying by implication a rabbi, a rabbi implies the faith of jews. not all rabbis teach communism. I listen to judiasm sites and I haven't done it in a while but I don't hear much about being communist. the last time was for channukah. It was about why joseph did what he did and they tied in gay rights to Egypt and said California is a like egpyt in spirit. hardly what any Marxist would say.

oh and the babylonain Talmud isn't used by all jews. the reformed don't use that. they don't do much torah. the Babylonian Talmudic jews also came up with the mss. the massoretic text which is where must bible get the ot from. the lxx isn't quoted much these days. only the rcc and orthodox use the lxx.

so is modern isreal a jewish state and a right to exist?
I'm sure there are radical Rabbi's who distort the message of the Talmud, just as there are radical Christians who distort the message of the Gospel. However, to assign the aberrant beliefs of a few to the rest of the population one wishes to target is self deceptive foolishness.
And, admin, could you please explain how I was being anti-Semitic or close to it?

To be Semitic, one must be born of Shem, Noah's son who would father Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now, if Abraham was a father of many nations, how is it anti-Semitic to speak about only one of those groups, and then, be speaking to those false Jews who push Satan's work on earth and hiding behind the title of Jew or Israel in order to have protection.

Genetics proves beyond any doubt that the haplogroup which is found to be Semitic, covers Egypt in the west to Afghanistan and India in the East, as far south as Ethiopia in some cases and throughout Europe. So by speaking against any of those groups in a HATEFUL manner I might add would constitute anti-Semitism. It's funny that people are only accused of that when they talk about the very things the Jews wrote about themselves. Don't be a hypocrite, if you can't be anti anything then you may not want to be a Christian, because we are anti-Satan, anti-evil kind of people. Jews aren't evil, but there are people that pretend to be Jews and are really not. Jesus told us about them like I mentioned in my previous post. Muslims are Semitic, did you know that? So are Anglo-Saxons and Celts. So don't be so fast to judge a crime when there is none.

I just don't understand how you could step to the 'defense' of a people who say of themselves the things that I posted. You do realize those were Rabbinical scholars that I quoted right? And they spoke and still speak for a large majority of the already small Jewish population in the world. How is it wrong to point out what they say? Especially when it proves that Scripture is true?
Some times the common use of words are in use... instead of playing word games abide by the rules of this site...

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Last friendly reminder.. Admin
so is modern isreal a jewish state and a right to exist?

That is only a valid question if the same ideology stands for all people of the world. Are places like Sweden, Denmark, France, and Belgium considered to have a right to exist as a European state? We already see the effects of immigration on America, the UK, Australia, and South Africa as their economies, educational systems, healthcare, and government systems collapse slowly under the weight of sin. Did these nations, and now the ones which are suffering an immense increase in rape, theft, and murder... do they have a right to exist independent for their own people?

Have you ever considered the hypocrisy of that statement? Why is it that the Israeli lobby in the many nations of the world speak against other racial groups from having their own domain. Instead, they accuse any group of racism by even speaking of it. Whether it be the black nation of Islam, the hispanic La Raza, or the now defunct Aryan Nations, they are all deemed 'unacceptable' and that their ideologies only serve the detriment of the human race. Yet, when African refugee's seek asylum in Israel, they are met with brute force and a response that would be found hateful in any other country.

So yes, I do believe they have a right to exist, as long as you believe that everyone else has they right as well. Otherwise, Israel needs to open its gates to foreign immigration in the same way organizations like the SPLC and the ADL have pushed for in white nations, and now from what I hear in Russia and China even.

I don't believe that modern Israeli represents the twelve tribes which were 'scattered abroad' according to James. From bible history we can see pretty clearly that only a remnant of around 40,000 Judahites returned to Jerusalem. The other several million were gone from the scene, but never disappeared. You'll most certainly disagree on this with me. But modern genetics proves this. Ashkenazi Jews are actually Khazarian, meaning that they carry no Hebrew blood whatsoever. That leaves a whole host of people that are unaccounted for.
Genetics don't mean anything in a Christian world view beyond the fact that Jesus was a physical descendent of Abraham through Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and David etc.:twocents
That is only a valid question if the same ideology stands for all people of the world. Are places like Sweden, Denmark, France, and Belgium considered to have a right to exist as a European state? We already see the effects of immigration on America, the UK, Australia, and South Africa as their economies, educational systems, healthcare, and government systems collapse slowly under the weight of sin. Did these nations, and now the ones which are suffering an immense increase in rape, theft, and murder... do they have a right to exist independent for their own people?

Have you ever considered the hypocrisy of that statement? Why is it that the Israeli lobby in the many nations of the world speak against other racial groups from having their own domain. Instead, they accuse any group of racism by even speaking of it. Whether it be the black nation of Islam, the hispanic La Raza, or the now defunct Aryan Nations, they are all deemed 'unacceptable' and that their ideologies only serve the detriment of the human race. Yet, when African refugee's seek asylum in Israel, they are met with brute force and a response that would be found hateful in any other country.

So yes, I do believe they have a right to exist, as long as you believe that everyone else has they right as well. Otherwise, Israel needs to open its gates to foreign immigration in the same way organizations like the SPLC and the ADL have pushed for in white nations, and now from what I hear in Russia and China even.

I don't believe that modern Israeli represents the twelve tribes which were 'scattered abroad' according to James. From bible history we can see pretty clearly that only a remnant of around 40,000 Judahites returned to Jerusalem. The other several million were gone from the scene, but never disappeared. You'll most certainly disagree on this with me. But modern genetics proves this. Ashkenazi Jews are actually Khazarian, meaning that they carry no Hebrew blood whatsoever. That leaves a whole host of people that are unaccounted for.
well there your problem. the khazari jew theory. the Ashkenazi that left, DIDNT MAKE THE CLAIM those that were still there.
so you are against lawful immigration? im not.

post evidence that the nation of isreal turns African's away. im sure they cant take them all in. neither can and even under the older days of ellis island we refused many people.
if the nation had no claim and aren't really jews then have no right. duh. I cant claim to be Cherokee without proof.

I don't support isreal because im a Christian, I support it because well I would be dead if the America didn't enter ww2 or even born. no nation has really been that good to jews. so when they decided to form their nation after they tried to ask for it. it was their right. frankly I support that right.