I did it!
Tactical Nuke babye! :D
It was amazing how I got it too :D
Lol well first of all I was on a map that was an airport. Now this map had big windows on top of its roofs, which is perfect for my weopon, the javilin. The javilin is without a doubt the hardest weopon to get a kill with, watch the way it
shoots. What you have to do is get a lock on a certain location or vehical, pull the trigger, then a missle pops out and jets up into the sky, once up there, it plumits down on the target you locked on. Now the map I was on is especially hard for teh javilin, because there isnt that many windows I could launch it up into, or make it come through and explode. I did find this one good spot though, I got the missle up in the air, and started raining down hell! The first missle launched got a triple kill! The second, a double kill! Then I got two more kills with my
RPD, which unlocked my
HARRIER strike! And it obliterated, and got me another seven kills which unlocked my
CHOPPER GUNNER! Once I got that I just kept on working up to my 25th killstreak, but fell short 2 kills. So I got up, seconds left in the game, got a double kill with my RPD, and ended the game with a bang!