I grew up without ac but as we age, I know from my asthma issues and its medically documented that ac is needed. I can work without it but the fact that ac systems help to breathe easier. the flilters remove the pollen etc.
Yeah, breathing issues, as I see it anyway are due to the humidity taking up space in the air, it displaces the oxygen to less per sq ". I would imagine asthma would be harder to live with down here.
We managed to survive it, but I recall my Mom checking up on us in those nights that never dropped below 90 and humidity so bad the bed was wet, to see if we were still alive. I've worked in it and one does get used to it but now, I'm a real lightweight when it comes to dealing with it.
I'm so out of shape and unacclimated now, I've had severe to mild heatstroke a few times over the past few years whereas I never in my life had it before that. The heat without the humidity is nothing to me, a walk in the park. It really is the humidity that's the problem here, and it can be deadly. I can do without electricity, no problem for quite awhile and even like it a little but, I had to buy a generator just to insure I had AC should a hurricane take out the power.