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Charismatic Bible Studies - 1 Peter 1:22 - 2:3

Out of all the studies, i feel this one in particular has been a great overview of the forest. The broad picture and goal of your ministry. Very clear and concise. I love it and it seems like a good one to meditate on. The basic steps for calling on the Lord. Fasting, prayer and mourning.

You know, I was working on the outline for next weeks and it's turning into the same thing. I'm not doing it, though, it's just happening, so maybe the Holy Spirit is just guiding me to write this way right now.

Thanks for the compliment. That was very encouraging. :thumbsup2
Judges 2.8 Joshua son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died at the age of a hundred and ten. 9 And they buried him in the land of his inheritance, at Timnath Heres in the hill country of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash.
10 After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel. 11 Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals. 12 They forsook the Lord, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They followed and worshiped various gods of the peoples around them. They aroused the Lord’s anger 13 because they forsook him and served Baal and the Ashtoreths. 14 In his anger against Israel the Lord gave them into the hands of raiders who plundered them. He sold them into the hands of their enemies all around, whom they were no longer able to resist.

Wow could I comment on this. There are prophecies that judgment is coming to the denominational church as well, and they will be given into the hands of the world for a time until they learn to seek Him just like this study is talking about. It's referred to as a coming time of Humiliation, and that's always what ends up happening one way or another when we drift from the Lord.

Strange how God's people keep learning the same lessons time and time again down through history.
Dont let the dreams and visions, miracles, healings, what have you, over shadow the relationship we have with God Himself. The final quote in your study from His Handmaiden was a sober reminder to keep things in perspective, and it rounded off the study beautifully.

Yes it was, and I need to thank her publicly for it. I think it's been somewhat missing from my own prayer life. I pray for greater gifts and I pray for greater anointings and revelation and all that, but how often have I been telling Him that I need HIM and not just what He can give me. It's a different focus, and one I personally think He may be a lot more apt to hear. :thumbsup2
Wow could I comment on this. There are prophecies that judgment is coming to the denominational church as well, and they will be given into the hands of the world for a time until they learn to seek Him just like this study is talking about. It's referred to as a coming time of Humiliation, and that's always what ends up happening one way or another when we drift from the Lord.

Strange how God's people keep learning the same lessons time and time again down through history.
It just shows how valuable it is for God to see people choose Him on their own, without coaching. Sure, we do need assistance from others, but that's a choice to receive it as well.

Some just "endure" preaching from others. Others run to the Lord for any way He wants to speak to them. How valuable it is to God to see true children who love Him regardless....

I'd like to know more about the prophecies you've heard on denominational judgments? I was raised in Lutheranism, and when I extracted myself from my own spiritually-dead church, I read books by Charismatic Lutherans who wrote warnings about even Charismatics who might be tempted to grow slack and weary in well-doing.
Reading these scriptures with that perspective sure do add an elegance to that title :)

It absolutely does. I thought I had played out pretty much everything the scripture had to offer on this subject, and when I saw the Ancient Hebrew Research Center article, I was like "Good heavens look at this..." LoL.

Pretty amazing. Thanks again. I'm not sure where you came across that piece of information on the alternate meaning of the Hebrew "Almighty," but it's fascinating, and it kinda takes you back to what the Israelites must have been feeling when He compared Himself to such things. :thumbsup2
I'd like to know more about the prophecies you've heard on denominational judgments? I was raised in Lutheranism, and when I extracted myself from my own spiritually-dead church, I read books by Charismatic Lutherans who wrote warnings about even Charismatics who might be tempted to grow slack and weary in well-doing.

Wow! I believe my uncle was raised Lutheran, and I care about him very much. That would be fascinating to read.

Trying to think how long it could be before I work that into a study...

Randy, if you can, I would not have brought this up unless you had mentioned it, but please pray I am able to get my old material back. That stuff is written about several times at my old Bible Study forum. But it's currently shut down and I can't get to all my old material because the owner and I ran into a disagreement and he has closed it down and cut off access to it.

Anyway, if I get it back, that stuff would be pretty easy to retrieve, and I don't wanna see 10 years of work go up in smoke, so if you can, say a word in prayer for me that I work things out with him. He wants a bunch of money I don't really have, LoL.
Wow! I believe my uncle was raised Lutheran, and I care about him very much. That would be fascinating to read.

Trying to think how long it could be before I work that into a study...

Randy, if you can, I would not have brought this up unless you had mentioned it, but please pray I am able to get my old material back. That stuff is written about several times at my old Bible Study forum. But it's currently shut down and I can't get to all my old material because the owner and I ran into a disagreement and he has closed it down and cut off access to it.

Anyway, if I get it back, that stuff would be pretty easy to retrieve, and I don't wanna see 10 years of work go up in smoke, so if you can, say a word in prayer for me that I work things out with him. He wants a bunch of money I don't really have, LoL.

I sympathize. So much of our life experience is dependent not just on the Lord but on people, many of whom do not care to cooperate. My prayers are with you.