First, that doesn't solve our immediate problem. Second, it's not my place as an unknowing bystander or Christian to support a statement like this. Besides, Nike isn't in the business of making the needed medical supplies.
During the swine flu epidemic, some companies did try what you describe on a low scale. It nearly put them into bankruptcy. Here's a statement from the article I linked below where it is explained.
Prestige Ameritech, for example, owns a limited number of machines that assemble, sew and shape the masks. A decade ago, it ramped up production in response to the swine flu outbreak by buying more machines and hiring 150 new workers.
"We made a really big mistake," Bowen says of that decision. It took about four months to build the new machines, which are as long as a school bus and cost as much as $1 million.
By the time they were ready, the swine flu crisis had ended, demand vaporized, and Prestige Ameritech almost went bankrupt. "One day — and it is literally almost like one day — it just quits. The demand is over, the phones stop ringing," Bowen says.
To make matters worse, the hospitals and medical supply companies suddenly had a glut of masks; they stopped buying for months.
Here's the link.