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Christian Militancy

That is an irrational question.
Not if one keeps up with what Islam teaches and with what the Army of Islam (ISIS) is doing. I have been screaming about the merchandising of women for sex slaves and of children by Islam since the nineties when I first discovered what Islam was doing in the Sudan. Ask Dr. Graham, Billie's son, he has been in that battle for years now.
That video is just someone else's interpretation of the scriptures.

Are there verses that advocate violence under the New Covenant? If so, please post them so I can read them and come to my own conclusion.

I did, they are in the New Testament and they are in the video and the kissue is that like me, this young man allows the scriptures to be the Living Word of God, not dead ink on a piece of paper. Lewis and I will be tickled to death if you will remove you foot from your mouth and act, just act and listen. You have no idea of what you speak against except you examine the ev9idence presented.

Were I a lawyer, selecting a jury I would scream at the Judge to remove you now for being narrow minded and unable to decide objectively. Please don't do the same thing the KKK and the American Neo Nazis did, exam the evidence Lewis presented.
Yes, I watched the whole video.
I was not impressed.
He stumbled over what he was reading from quite a bit.
He seemed himself to have difficulty following what he was saying.
He emphasized over and over that Jesus did not turn the other cheek, as if saying it 50-100 (or more) times will convince his audience to believe it.
Not a very good video.

Using the Crusades as an example of how good Christians should be will never be convincing to me.
If one does a historical study on the Crusades, I'd be very surprised to find someone convinced it is of God and pleasing to Jesus.

History tells us of many great Christians.
How many of them were militants?
I did, they are in the New Testament and they are in the video and the kissue is that like me, this young man allows the scriptures to be the Living Word of God, not dead ink on a piece of paper. Lewis and I will be tickled to death if you will remove you foot from your mouth and act, just act and listen. You have no idea of what you speak against except you examine the ev9idence presented.

Were I a lawyer, selecting a jury I would scream at the Judge to remove you now for being narrow minded and unable to decide objectively. Please don't do the same thing the KKK and the American Neo Nazis did, exam the evidence Lewis presented.

Thank you. Your words are duly noted.
Yes, I watched the whole video.
I was not impressed.
He stumbled over what he was reading from quite a bit.
He seemed himself to have difficulty following what he was saying.
He emphasized over and over that Jesus did not turn the other cheek, as if saying it 50-100 (or more) times will convince his audience to believe it.
Not a very good video.

Using the Crusades as an example of how good Christians should be will never be convincing to me.
If one does a historical study on the Crusades, I'd be very surprised to find someone convinced it is of God and pleasing to Jesus.

History tells us of many great Christians.
How many of them were militants?

Excellent post. :thumbsup
Yes, I watched the whole video.
I was not impressed.
He stumbled over what he was reading from quite a bit.
He seemed himself to have difficulty following what he was saying.
He emphasized over and over that Jesus did not turn the other cheek, as if saying it 50-100 (or more) times will convince his audience to believe it.
Not a very good video.

Using the Crusades as an example of how good Christians should be will never be convincing to me.
If one does a historical study on the Crusades, I'd be very surprised to find someone convinced it is of God and pleasing to Jesus.

History tells us of many great Christians.
How many of them were militants?
All I can say about that is why do you think the Christian Crusades happened? And do you believe God was surprised?
All I can say about that is why do you think the Christian Crusades happened? And do you believe God was surprised?
Hi Bill, the Crusades should be another thread.
I'm sure a lot of people will have a lot to say about it, if we can keep Roman Catholicism out of it.
he spoke against violence before that action or when? the time frame of the day isn't given or how far apart. it could have been months. I would call that I am thing he did a violent action. he merely said I AM He and men feel back. he didn't kill them but legally pushing a person is considered to be an act of violence. I have seen charges pressed for that and a person go to jail for th
Luke 22....(NKJV)
37 For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.”

Although Jesus Himself did not wield a sword, He was numbered with those who did.

He was fulfilling prophecy.

Isaiah 53....(NKJV)
12 Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great,
And He shall divide the spoil with the strong,
Because He poured out His soul unto death,
And He was numbered with the transgressors,
And He bore the sin of many,
And made intercession for the transgressors.

uhm so he told them to buy food and script as well so that HE would be considered a theif?
That video is just someone else's interpretation of the scriptures.

Are there verses that advocate violence under the New Covenant? If so, please post them so I can read them and come to my own conclusion.

you quoted something about defending your family against isis. provide for ones own. im not suggesting we use violence to do evil. but yeah , uhm if we are to be that paficistic then we shouldn't be owning guns. we shouldn't call a cop when we see violence done to us or an another. its not a sin to defend yourself via a cop. how does that not violate the love them that hate you?
the crusades. ov vey, im not a pacifist but uhm they had nothing to do with righthly defending a nation. it was over greed and lust by both sides. in the crusades, jews who wanted to live in the city of Jerusalem were killed and they weren't a threat! the crusades had Christians fighting Christians!
John 18:36-37Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place." "You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
uhm so he told them to buy food and script as well so that HE would be considered a theif?

Would you mind pointing out the error in my answer to your question?

why would he command peter to buy a sword then tell him not to use it?

Luke 22....(NKJV)
37 For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.”

Although Jesus Himself did not wield a sword, He was numbered with those who did.

He was fulfilling prophecy.

Isaiah 53....(NKJV)
12 Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great,
And He shall divide the spoil with the strong,
Because He poured out His soul unto death,
And He was numbered with the transgressors,
And He bore the sin of many,
And made intercession for the transgressors.
Would you mind pointing out the error in my answer to your question?

Luke 22....(NKJV)
37 For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.”

Although Jesus Himself did not wield a sword, He was numbered with those who did.

those? only peter had the sword. he commanded then in context to buy food and script and a sword. so how is buying food a sin when he says something the he provided for them. if owning a sword is too make them be a theif then so is owning all the other stuff.

When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing. purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

so owning a purse food and so forth is also a sin?
Who said owning a sword makes one a thief?
implication of the interpretation. besides a sword that size wouldn't be easily hidden. if one is going to get a sword for stealing a dagger which also can be translated as such would do the job.
implication of the interpretation. besides a sword that size wouldn't be easily hidden. if one is going to get a sword for stealing a dagger which also can be translated as such would do the job.

Your interpretation, not mine. :nono I don't see the scriptures saying that.
Your interpretation, not mine. :nono I don't see the scriptures saying that.
uhm you don't see that carrying a sword and just said that Jesus tells them to buy a sword so that he was numbered amongst the transgressors? uhm where was jesus hung on the cross with? thieves , and what did he say?

though comest with me with staves and swords , am I a thief?

Be ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and staves? your hour, and the power of darkness.
luke 22: 52,53.