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Hidden In Him

Staff member
Greetings, all.

A new member just joined and it dawned on me that having a brief synopsis of the beliefs or denominational affiliations of active members here might help new members with potentially identifying someone they have similar beliefs with, as well as more clearly understand the theological backgrounds behind which many of the regulars post.

My own: I was Baptist for a time, but have been Pentecostal in my theology for the last 30 years, though I currently do not have a church or claim affiliation with any particular denomination. Most of my time is spent writing Bible Studies with a heavy emphasis on the spiritual war, and all things supernatural. As far as involvement, I prefer discussions of a more scholarly sort which involve exacting analysis of the original texts, but I will also participate in pretty much any religious discussion I find interesting or pertinent theologically.

Will tag a few actives that come immediately to mind, and add others later should this thread receive responses.
Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him

stovebolts, for_his_glory, JLB, Tenchi, jasonc, Jethro Bodine, Christ_empowered, Edward, Free, wondering, jaybo, Barbarian, Ben Avraham, D-D-W,
Greetings, all.

A new member just joined and it dawned on me that having a brief synopsis of the beliefs or denominational affiliations of active members here might help new members with potentially identifying someone they have similar beliefs with, as well as more clearly understand the theological backgrounds behind which many of the regulars post.

My own: I was Baptist for a time, but have been Pentecostal in my theology for the last 30 years, though I currently do not have a church or claim affiliation with any particular denomination. Most of my time is spent writing Bible Studies with a heavy emphasis on the spiritual war, and all things supernatural. As far as involvement, I prefer discussions of a more scholarly sort which involve exacting analysis of the original texts, but I will also participate in pretty much any religious discussion I find interesting or pertinent theologically.

Will tag a few actives that come immediately to mind, and add others later should this thread receive responses.
Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him

stovebolts, for_his_glory, JLB, Tenchi, jasonc, Jethro Bodine, Christ_empowered, Edward, Free, wondering, jaybo, Barbarian, Ben Avraham, D-D-W,
Hi H,
Do you mean in this new member forum, or under their avatar? Instead of CHRISTIAN, it would give the denomination?
Hi H,
Do you mean in this new member forum, or under their avatar? Instead of CHRISTIAN, it would give the denomination?

I was just creating a thread so members could give a brief overview of themselves.

"Christian" doesn't exactly go into a great amount of detail, and one is still left without all that much background even if you do find out what denomination a particular member is associated with.
The first church they walked me into was Baptist. I used to attend a SDA church with my Grandma sometimes too. But I hold myself to be pretty much non-denominationel. I hear all the terms being thrown around but I don't make an effort to study that or be that or reject that. I know full well that based on the example in scripture, nowbody gets all the answers, and everyone has some truth. So I take the good and leave bad.

Those on the forum could prolly tell you better than me, which label fits Edward?I read scripture mostly literally but I know that symbolism is used too. I have had the Lord do quite a few supernatural miracles for me before. I have a lot of testimonies. I have even heard the audible voice of the Lord one time. The Lord has always tried to teach me how to stand on my spiritual feet as well as how to love. I can hear the still small voice of the Lord inside of me. I don't know what was so hard to learn that, but now He never goes away or stops talking! Lol. I can not go anywhere without the Lord. When I cave to the flesh and stumble it does make it harder to hear the voice, but then He just switches to talking through me conscience. So I guess all this makes me that christian wacko Edward judging by Traditional Christian peoples responses to some of what I write.

I am all about the supernatural and elevating the spirit to maturity in Christ. But it's always like the Twilight Zone though so it sounds like heresy to Traditionally taught christians and I understand that. But I think I still have to write it. :couch
Boy, I could be thick at times.
And the times are increasing!!

I don't attend any church right now.
Since before covid. Sickness in the family.
I do want to go back eventually.

Raised Catholic.
Met Jesus at about 28 or so.
Left the Catholic church and joined a Nazarene church after a few years. Just too long of a synopsis.

Left the Nazarene church,,,learned the doctrine of Assembly of God.

Moved to Italy. Got very involved with the CC here. Taught kids catechism for 6 years, I think.
Had to stop due to the sickness.

Tried to do some teaching with their parents but it was tough going. Long story...basically they just aren't used to bible study here but the church is trying. The priests try to stay involved.

Although I can't agree with all Catholic doctrine, I don't mind it ,,, it's their choice what to teach and I find it to be biblical except for a couple of doctrine which could be debated. My priests knew this BTW.

I find that each denomination has it's good and bad and I've learned to just love God.

I even get along with SDA.
But I have big problems with reformed theology.

Enough for ya?
I find that each denomination has it's good and bad and I've learned to just love God.

I realized something else the other day. That in these end times that God has promised us to pour out His Spirit...on all flesh...!!! That means all denominations get it.

I've even heard truth from obvious false prophet, Lol. They use a smidgin of truth and build the lie around it so it sounds good. All the best lies are couched in the truth.

And why not all denominations? All of the disciples had to get together after the Resurrection and compare notes because Jesus was popping in and out to everyone in different ways and no one had the whole story, until they gathered together.

(So don't forsake fellowshipping with other believers and go to church!) I talk to myself too. I have no church here yet. I've been to maybe 5 or 6 of them and it didn't feel right so I stopped. But I know that our primary reason to go to church is to worship the Lord in concert with the congrgation. Corporate worship. The Lord Loves that!
I dunno 🤷‍♂️

I’m sort of a permanent outcast round here. Maybe in society in general? Ugh 😑

The conservative churches either want to pray away the remaining madness or offer a referral to their favorite evangelical shrink. The progressive churches prefer to wring their hands over the plight of the severely mentally ill not so much have a relatively normal but still struggling at times individual with a label actually in their midst. Add in the gay factor and it’s just…

I’ll stay home thank you. My place does have an amazing view…
The first church they walked me into was Baptist. I used to attend a SDA church with my Grandma sometimes too. But I hold myself to be pretty much non-denominationel. I hear all the terms being thrown around but I don't make an effort to study that or be that or reject that. I know full well that based on the example in scripture, nowbody gets all the answers, and everyone has some truth. So I take the good and leave bad.

Those on the forum could prolly tell you better than me, which label fits Edward?I read scripture mostly literally but I know

I realized something else the other day. That in these end times that God has promised us to pour out His Spirit...on all flesh...!!! That means all denominations get it.

I've even heard truth from obvious false prophet, Lol. They use a smidgin of truth and build the lie around it so it sounds good. All the best lies are couched in the truth.

And why not all denominations? All of the disciples had to get together after the Resurrection and compare notes because Jesus was popping in and out to everyone in different ways and no one had the whole story, until they gathered together.

(So don't forsake fellowshipping with other believers and go to church!) I talk to myself too. I have no church here yet. I've been to maybe 5 or 6 of them and it didn't feel right so I stopped. But I know that our primary reason to go to church is to worship the Lord in concert with the congrgation. Corporate worship. The Lord Loves that!
Such an encouraging post!
The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions. She regards with sincere reverence those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and teachings which, though differing in many aspects from the ones she holds and sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men. Indeed, she proclaims, and ever must proclaim Christ "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6), in whom men may find the fullness of religious life, in whom God has reconciled all things to Himself.
ON OCTOBER 28, 1965

Sounds like a reasonable and Christian position.
Greetings, all.

A new member just joined and it dawned on me that having a brief synopsis of the beliefs or denominational affiliations of active members here might help new members with potentially identifying someone they have similar beliefs with, as well as more clearly understand the theological backgrounds behind which many of the regulars post.

My own: I was Baptist for a time, but have been Pentecostal in my theology for the last 30 years, though I currently do not have a church or claim affiliation with any particular denomination. Most of my time is spent writing Bible Studies with a heavy emphasis on the spiritual war, and all things supernatural. As far as involvement, I prefer discussions of a more scholarly sort which involve exacting analysis of the original texts, but I will also participate in pretty much any religious discussion I find interesting or pertinent theologically.

Will tag a few actives that come immediately to mind, and add others later should this thread receive responses.
Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him

stovebolts, for_his_glory, JLB, Tenchi, jasonc, Jethro Bodine, Christ_empowered, Edward, Free, wondering, jaybo, Barbarian, Ben Avraham, D-D-W,

Also being directed to the OP:

eddif, PopaSodinski, Dorothy Mae, tim-from-pa, Robert Pate, Luminous_Rose, Shema, Shadrach, miamited, Consecrated Life, and anyone else I left out.
I was brought up a Catholic, went to Catholic schools, but they did not do much for my faith, and by the time I left school I think that little had dribbled away and you could say I was a practicing agnostic.

Came back into the [Catholic] Church mainly via Catholic Marriage Encounter and Catholic Charismatic Renewal. For about 10 years my wife and I lived in a Charismatic Community but eventually moved out as we needed more space for ourselves.
Ok, I was raised Disciples of Christ, but I was born again in my 40's as a member of a Baptist denomination and have been a part of one pretty much since then.

I believe that the word of God, the Scriptures that we hold contained within a group of writings cobbled together by the new covenant believers, to be full and complete and true in all that they tell us. I believe the same thing of the old covenant. But that canon is about 700 years older than the new covenant and that canon came about through the Jews.

I believe that there is a God and He is the God who describes Himself to us throughout the pages of those self-same Scriptures.

I believe that we live in a created realm of existence that was created approximately 6,000 years ago +/-500 years. This means, for those who may question such a statement, it is my heart's conviction that 7,000 years ago there was nothing in all of what we call the universe that we see with our eyes that holds all of the stars. 7,000 years ago there was not one star in all of the universe. There was not anything created before God spoke, "Let there be light!". The area which comprises our universe was nothing but black, inky nothingness forever and ever and ever.

I believe that every single one of the miracles described in the Scriptures did happen and did happen exactly as God has portrayed it to us.

I believe that Jesus is the Son of the living God. That he is the servant that Isaiah writes about and that this entire realm of existence which God has made, was made through Jesus. Yes, that means that he was with the beginning.

I believe that all men are sinners in need of a Savior and that Jesus is that Savior.

I believe that everything found in the Scriptures about things that have not come to be...will come to be just exactly as God's word has told us that it will.

I think that about covers all the broader bases.

God bless,
I was baptized and confirmed in the Catholic church. I was quite active in the church in my youth. Attended Catholic school, served as altar boy for quite a few years, served on our church choir, participated in weekly Friday fasting during Lent, and attended Mass daily during annual seasons of Lent which included the Rosary, which was a rare thing based on the attendance.

I left the church in my early 20's and went through a period of not necessarily atheist but more agnostic I suppose. In my mid to late 30's I was reintroduced to the Lord by a neighbor and eventually I became a member of our rather conservative Lutheran congregation, which is where I am today.
Been to many different denominational and non-denominational church's in my 68 years and I label as a Christian, but would rather be known as a Spirit filled child of God. I do not attend any church right now and not sure if I ever will unless the Holy Spirit leads me to one, which has not happened yet in my area. I get plenty fellowship in here and also a few Christian friends my husband and I have made since we moved to SC a couple years ago.

I love studying and teaching the word of God and have written many articles and two books that the Lord has brought me to write and share with others. I was never led to have them published so I use them to help teach others. I was also a licensed Evangelist for a couple years while preaching the word of God in the prison ministry which was one of the best two years of my life and miss it very much as my time was cut short when our Pastor who was the prison Chaplin stepped down and another church took over which pushed me out.

God has and continues to do a work in me and through me as I am not perfect, but being perfected daily until this corruptible puts on incorruption, and this mortal puts on immortality when death is swallowed up in victory when Christ returns.

Well, that's about who I am in a nutshell. God bless.