Consider the Flood and Attributes of God
1. Consider God is love: 1 John 4:8.
2. Consider God does not change: Malachi 3:6.
3. Consider God is the same before the world began, during the Old Testament times, New Testament times and forever: Hebrews 13:8.
4. Consider God does nothing without a purpose, and His purpose will be accomplished: Isaiah 46:10.
5. Consider God purposefully brought the Flood as a judgment upon all mankind: Genesis 6:17.
6. Consider God is omniscient: Isaiah 40:28.
7. Consider every inhabitant on earth perished, with the exception of 8 souls: Genesis 7:21-23. This God foreknew before He sent the Flood because He is omniscient and because He purposed their demise.
8. Now consider the common assumption in exegeting John 3:16 in order to prove that “God so loved the world.” The assumption dictates that this verse must apply to
all mankind, without exception, due to the obvious definition of ‘world.’
9. By applying this assumption, we must consider that God, who is love, and whose love is constant, and is not partial, Acts 10:34, and does not change, so loved
all mankind in both the world of Old and New Testaments, otherwise the assumption would not hold true. And besides, who would dare claim otherwise.... that God hated Old Testament mankind yet loved New Testament mankind.
10. Consider the Conclusion: Despite His deep and constant love for
all mankind, God purposefully and willfully destroyed all mankind living at the time of the Flood, except for 8 souls.
11. Now consider the love of God for those who perished in the Flood:
(a) God
so loved the elderly, the maimed, the mentally incompetent, the crippled, the pregnant, mothers, infants, toddlers, children, etc., etc., that they were all DROWNED ON PURPOSE.
(b) Noah reached a few men with his preaching, though they ignored his warning, 2 Peter 2:5, but the vast majority on earth who lived further away never heard the Gospel. Yet God purposefully destroyed them knowing
faith comes only by hearing the Word of God, Romans 10:17, which they will never hear.
Preaching God’s love for all without exception leads to a very perverted view of God’s love.
1. It preaches a love which fails to save those whom God loves.
2. It preaches a love for those who will never be saved because He has willed they never hear the Gospel.
3. To tell a person, “God loves you,” is of little comfort. For, according to many, God also loves those in Hell. His love has given you the free will to choose Christ or perish. Once God loves you, they teach, He always loves you, for God is love and His love does not change, even for those in Hell, despite the horror of their eternal torments.
4. Thus, according to many, there are two kinds of God’s love: one malevolent, the other benevolent. The malevolent love of God either stands by, doing nothing more to save you, though He has the infinite power and knowledge to reverse your course on the road to perdition. Of course, if He purposed your demise, He would never give a thought of intervening in your destruction.
However, the Bible teaches only one kind of God’s love: benevolent. God’s love never fails, 1 Cor. 13:8; it always accomplishes its purpose. And that purpose is to save His people, whom He has loved and foreknown from eternity, Matthew 1:21, Jeremiah 31:3. It is a love which intervenes and actually rescues those who are incapable of rescuing themselves, for men are naturally dead to spiritual truths, Ephesians 2:1. It is a love which comes first, before we could claim any genuine love for Him, 1 John 4:19. It is a love which loses none, John 6:39.
To teach, preach and believe otherwise is a sign and symptom of the tragic possibility that one may not know the true God.
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.
NEXT: Consider the Garden.