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We sometimes hear people saying-"but of all the religions in the world, why should Christianity be more important than any other?"
Let me give them their answer-

Islam - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Judaism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Sikhism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Buddhism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Hinduism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Spiritism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Bahai - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Jainism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Shinto - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Taoism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Zoroastanism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Paganism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Rastafarianism - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Scientology - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Chinese traditional - doesn't have the Son of God in it
African tribal - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Cao Dai - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Tenrikyo - doesn't have the Son of God in it
New Age - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Unitarian - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Native American - doesn't have the Son of God in it
Fairy-worshipping cults etc etc - don't have the Son of God in them
What do you hope to promote by this post?? It doesn't show as having anything of value to further anyone's walk or understanding. It does show a lack of understanding of other religions and I would ask you this question, the 'Son of God' didn't separate himself from certain groups so why should we promote putting up that barrier?
Waymarker said:
seekandlisten said:
What do you hope to promote by this post?

I see by your sig that you're a Buddhist.
Please tell us what Buddhism has that Christianity doesn't..;)

I am not a Buddhist but I have studied it and believe a lot could be learned in the 'removing of worldy desires.' The quote I use in my sig is because, what is put forth by it is what is missing in most religions today, 'action' and a looking 'inward' rather than 'outward' in judgement. As far as Jesus goes, he didn't come until about 500 years after Buddha. The Christian could learn from the Buddhist and the Buddhist could learn from the Christian, but such an 'atmosphere' rarely occurs.

seekandlisten said:
The Christian could learn from the Buddhist and the Buddhist could learn from the Christian

Ha ha you're a funny guy and I don't know what you're doing in this Christian forum because no true Christian is the least bit interested in 'learning' from Buddhism or any other micky-mouse religion.
"Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen"(Jer 10:2)

Buddhism has got Satan's fingerprints all over it, just look at your blasphemous sig-line for a start, implying we don't need Jesus- "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path"-Buddha

On yer bike mate
while i dont agree with seekandlistens point of view often, this doesnt allow to respond in that tone, one can rather state why mixing religions with the christian is bad and do so respectfully. Is it christlike to hurl insults and then offer redemption. i dont think so.

one can be bold and truthful and desire that the lost and confused repent, if i told you that had a false relgion and you thought you had the truth. You would immedately get angry and hostile. But if i tell what i believe and why and you ask why you think i'm wrong and do it in truth and in love. That person might recieve them.

i am a mod and only us and the admins get to decide who gets on the bike.
Waymarker said:
We sometimes hear people saying-"but of all the religions in the world, why should Christianity be more important than any other?"
Let me give them their answer-

Hinduism - doesn't have the Son of God in it

Not so. Plenty of Hindu gods had children. For instance, Shiva and Parvati were the parents of Ganesha, and there are plenty of other examples. Which means that if having a son of a god in the religion is the staple of whether it is important or not, then Hinduism has Christianity beat.

Waymarker said:
Shinto - doesn't have the Son of God in it

Not so. According to the Shinto faith the Emperor is the son of Amaterasu, the sun godess. So if having the son of a god is the staple of whether a religion is important or not, then Shinto has Christianity beat by having one currently alive.

Waymarker said:
African tribal - doesn't have the Son of God in it

Not so. Plenty of the Afrian tribal gods (which by the way vary a lot) had children and the Ndebele and Shona ethnic groups of Zimbabwe even have a trinity - a fundamental family group - made up of God the Father, God the Mother, and God the Son. So they too have a larger number of sons of gods than the Christian faith.

Therefore, according to your argument, we should go for either Hinduism, Shinto or one of the African tribal religions.
Waymarker said:
seekandlisten said:
The Christian could learn from the Buddhist and the Buddhist could learn from the Christian

Ha ha you're a funny guy and I don't know what you're doing in this Christian forum because no true Christian is the least bit interested in 'learning' from Buddhism or any other micky-mouse religion.
"Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen"(Jer 10:2)

Buddhism has got Satan's fingerprints all over it, just look at your blasphemous sig-line for a start, implying we don't need Jesus- "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path"-Buddha

On yer bike mate

Like I said, Buddha predates Jesus by about 500 years so the quote would reflect that. I also said this as to the reason I had it:

'...what is put forth by it is what is missing in most religions today, 'action' and a looking 'inward' rather than 'outward' in judgement'

To put it in it's simplest terms, we need to get off our butts and start 'walking the walk'. Like Joan of Arc once said, 'act, and God will act' so we need to do our part. It's more than simply saying Jesus did all the work for us on the cross and all we have to do is say a little prayer and we are 'saved' and free to go off and judge others. 'Faith without works' is dead.

I said;
The Christian could learn from the Buddhist and the Buddhist could learn from the Christian, but such an 'atmosphere' rarely occurs.

Waymarker then responded;
Ha ha you're a funny guy and I don't know what you're doing in this Christian forum because no true Christian is the least bit interested in 'learning' from Buddhism or any other micky-mouse religion.

As you can see the setting in which opposing beliefs can discussed is rare without someone getting all worked up as they don't want to hear the other side. A little bit of looking at the big picture would go along way and respecting the religious rights of another.

A look in your bible says;

'Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.' (Proverbs 13:10)

Waymarker said:
We sometimes hear people saying-"but of all the religions in the world, why should Christianity be more important than any other?"
Let me give them their answer-
Let Jesus give them their answer---
(Jesus said to him, " I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6 NKJV)
jasoncran said:
..i am a mod and only us and the admins get to decide who gets on the bike.

And don't forget that people can decide for themselves whether to leave this website if they don't think it shapes up..;)
I'm a Mod/Admin at the Few Good Men military club, i like your German machine-gun avatar, but be careful not to be too soft on Jesus-rejecters or you might just as well be firing blanks..;)
Brokendoll said:
Plenty of Hindu gods had children... According to the Shinto faith the Emperor is the son of Amaterasu, the sun godess..Plenty of the Afrian tribal gods (which by the way vary a lot) had children..Therefore, according to your argument, we should go for either Hinduism, Shinto or one of the African tribal religions.

Sorry, i should have said "All nonchristian religions don't have Jesus the Son of God in them"
As for all the other so-called "sons of god" in other religions, they can't have been very good to let themselves be completely upstaged by a young carpenter from Nazareth..:)
seekandlisten said:
...what is put forth by it is what is missing in most religions today, 'action' and a looking 'inward' rather than 'outward' in judgement'..

We KNOW we're all imperfect sinners, so looking for any 'truths' within ourselves is pointless; far better to look to Jesus the Son of God..:)
seekandlisten said:
..A little bit of looking at the big picture would go along way and respecting the religious rights of another. A look in your bible says;
'Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.' (Proverbs 13:10)

What wisdom can Buddhism or any other nonchristian religion give us that Jesus can't?
Waymarker said:
Brokendoll said:
Plenty of Hindu gods had children... According to the Shinto faith the Emperor is the son of Amaterasu, the sun godess..Plenty of the Afrian tribal gods (which by the way vary a lot) had children..Therefore, according to your argument, we should go for either Hinduism, Shinto or one of the African tribal religions.

Sorry, i should have said "All nonchristian religions don't have Jesus the Son of God in them"
As for all the other so-called "sons of god" in other religions, they can't have been very good to let themselves be completely upstaged by a young carpenter from Nazareth..:)

Ah... So he HAS to be called Jesus! That clears things up.

But wait, does that mean that if Joseph and Mary had had a change of heart and called their little bundle of joy something else, like Andrew instead, then the whole thing falls down?!?

This is all very confusing.... :o
Brokendoll said:
Ah... So he HAS to be called Jesus! That clears things up.
But wait, does that mean that if Joseph and Mary had had a change of heart and called their little bundle of joy something else, like Andrew instead, then the whole thing falls down?!?
This is all very confusing.... :o

Jesus is still Jesus no matter what name he's called, for example, Yeshua or Isa..;)
Likewise you'd still be who you are no matter whether your name is Brokendoll, Harry, Charlie etc..
Names are just convenient labels for our human ears.-
The angel replied-"Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding" (Judges 13:17/18)
Waymarker said:
Brokendoll said:
Ah... So he HAS to be called Jesus! That clears things up.
But wait, does that mean that if Joseph and Mary had had a change of heart and called their little bundle of joy something else, like Andrew instead, then the whole thing falls down?!?
This is all very confusing.... :o

Jesus is still Jesus no matter what name he's called, for example, Yeshua or Isa..;)
Likewise you'd still be who you are no matter whether your name is Brokendoll, Harry, Charlie etc..
Names are just convenient labels for our human ears.-
The angel replied-"Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding" (Judges 13:17/18)

So, let me see if I can get my head around this...
You're going back on the argument that the religion has to have a son of a god...That's not enough. Then you said he had to be called Jesus, which you now go back on...

So if having the son of a god is not the thing that makes a religion important, and the name of that son is not important, then what -is- it that makes a religion important?
Brokendoll said:
..So if having the son of a god is not the thing that makes a religion important, and the name of that son is not important, then what -is- it that makes a religion important?..

I see you're from Norway mate, sorry i don't speak Norwegian, but let me try to explain it in simple english-
Jesus was the Son of God.
He's only in the Christian religion.
That means all other religions haven't got him, so they're meaningless.

It's like if you bought a CD called 'The History of Rock and Roll", but found Elvis wasn't in there. The CD would be meaningless.
Right Elv?

Waymarker said:
I see you're from Norway mate, sorry i don't speak Norwegian, but let me try to explain it in simple english-

Oh, don't worry about the English. I'll manage. ;)
The English is not the problem here... The problem is that your argument is a non-argument. It has no inherent foundation and it has no substance. Let me show you what I mean.

Here is your argument:

Jesus was the Son of God.
He's only in the Christian religion.
That means all other religions haven't got him, so they're meaningless.

Which is equal to the argument that a Hindu might make:

Ganesha was the Son of Shiva.
He's only in the Hindu religion.
That means all other religions haven't got him, so they're meaningless.

Basically your "argument" amounts to saying "I like vanilla ice-cream better than chocolate because I just do." Which is fine, but it doesn't amount to an argument that other people should like vanilla. It's just stating your opinion, which you of course are fully entitled to do. But don't pretent that it is an independent argument.

I'll be happy to pick your allegory apart as well:

It's like if you bought a CD called 'The History of Rock and Roll", but found Elvis wasn't in there. The CD would be meaningless.


It's like if you bought a book called "Indian Cooking", but found that it had no mention of curry. The book would be meaningless.

Now, since I've shown that your argument really isn't an argument at all, what else do you have?
Waymarker said:
seekandlisten said:
...what is put forth by it is what is missing in most religions today, 'action' and a looking 'inward' rather than 'outward' in judgement'..

We KNOW we're all imperfect sinners, so looking for any 'truths' within ourselves is pointless; far better to look to Jesus the Son of God..:)

I never said anything about looking inward for 'truths'. It's the same 'idea' as 'removing the plank from one's own eye' before attempting to remove the 'sliver' from anothers.


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